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Acts 13

Acts 13. Click for Question. According to Acts 13:1 in what church were there certain prophets and teachers?. The church in Antioch. Click for: Answer and next Question. According to Acts 13:1, who were the prophets and teachers at the church in Antioch?. Barnabas, Simeon (Niger)

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Acts 13

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  1. Acts 13 Click for Question

  2. According to Acts 13:1 in what church were there certain prophets and teachers? The church in Antioch Click for: Answer and next Question

  3. According to Acts 13:1, who were the prophets and teachers at the church in Antioch? Barnabas, Simeon (Niger) Lucius of Cyrene Manaen & Saul Click for: Answer and next Question

  4. According to Acts 13:2, as the prophets and teachers ministered and fasted, who did the Holy Spirit want separated out for the work? Barnabas and Saul Click for: Answer and next Question

  5. According to Acts 13:3, what did the church do before sending Barnabas and Saul on their way? Fasted, prayed Laid hands on them Click for: Answer and next Question

  6. According to Acts 13:4, from Seleucia where did Barnabas and Saul sail to? Cyprus Click for: Answer and next Question

  7. According to Acts 13:5 When Paul and Barnabas arrived in Salamis, what did they do? Preach the word of God in the synagogues Click for: Answer and next Question

  8. According to Acts 13:5, who was Barnabas and Saul’s assistant? John Click for: Answer and next Question

  9. According to Acts 13:6, what was the name of the osrcere and false prophet Barnabas and Saul found on the island of Paphos? Bar-Jesus Click for: Answer and next Question

  10. According to Acts 13:7, what is the name of the proconsul who wanted to hear the word of God from Barnabas and Saul? Sergius Paulus Click for: Answer and next Question

  11. According to Acts 13:8, who tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith? Elymas the sorcerer Click for: Answer and next Question

  12. According to Acts 13:9, Saul is also called by what other name? Paul Click for: Answer and next Question

  13. According to Acts 13:9 – 11, what did Paul say would happen to Elymas after rebuking him? He would be blind Click for: Answer and next Question

  14. According to Acts 13:11-12, what did the proconsul do after he saw that Elymas was made blind? He believed Click for: Answer and next Question

  15. According to Acts 13:13, where did Paul and Barnabas go after they sailed from Paphos? Perga in Pamphylia Click for: Answer and next Question

  16. According to Acts 13:13, who left Paul and Barnabas in Pamphylia and went back to Jerusalem? John Click for: Answer and next Question

  17. According to Acts 13:14, where did Paul and Barnabas go after they left Perga? Antioch of Pisidia Click for: Answer and next Question

  18. According to Acts 13:14, when Paul and Barnabas got to Antioch, where did they go on the Sabbath day? Into the synagogue Click for: Answer and next Question

  19. According to Acts 13:15, the rulers of the synagogue asked Paul and Barnabas to speak after what was read? The Law and the Prophets Click for: Answer and next Question

  20. According to Acts 13:16, who stood up to speak? Paul Click for: Answer and next Question

  21. According to Acts 13:17, Paul says God exalted the people of Israel when they dwelt as strangers in which land? Egypt Click for: Answer and next Question

  22. According to Acts 13:18, how long did Paul say that God put up with Israel’s ways? Forty years 40 Click for: Answer and next Question

  23. According to Acts 13:17, in Paul’s speech how did God bring Israel out of Egypt? With an uplifted arm Click for: Answer and next Question

  24. According to Acts 13:19, how many nations did Paul say God destroyed in the land of Canaan? Seven nations 7 Click for: Answer and next Question

  25. According to Acts 13:20, Paul says God gave Israel judges for how many years? Four hundred and fifty 450 Click for: Answer and next Question

  26. According to Acts 13:20, Israel had judges until what prophet? Samuel Click for: Answer and next Question

  27. According to Acts 13:21, when Israel asked for a king, who did God give them? Saul son of Kish Click for: Answer and next Question

  28. According to Acts 13:21, how many years was Saul son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamin king of Israel? Forty years 40 years Click for: Answer and next Question

  29. According to Acts 13:22, After God removed Saul who did He raise up as king? David Click for: Answer and next Question

  30. According to Acts 13:22, David is the son of who? Jesse Click for: Answer and next Question

  31. According to Acts 13:22, God calls David son of Jesse what type of man? A man after My own heart Click for: Answer and next Question

  32. According to Acts 13:22, God testifies that David son of Jesse will do what? All My (God’s) will Click for: Answer and next Question

  33. According to Acts 13:22-23, who was raised up as a Savior for Israel from the seed (descendant) of David? Jesus Click for: Answer and next Question

  34. According to Acts 13:23-24 who preached the baptism of repentance to all Israel before Jesus came? John Click for: Answer and next Question

  35. According to Acts 13:25, what did John say about the ONE who comes after him? He (John) was not worthy to loose His sandals Click for: Answer and next Question

  36. According to Acts 13:26, what was sent to the sons of the family of Abraham and those among them who feared God? The word of salvation Click for: Answer and next Question

  37. According to Acts 13:28, though the people found no cause for death in Jesus (Him) what did they ask Pilate? That He (Jesus) should be put to death Click for: Answer and next Question

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