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QuEChERS Theory – Part 2. Michelangelo Anastassiades. Michelangelo Anastassiades. QuEChERS with Citrate Buffer. Shake. Shake & Centrifuge. Shake & Centrifuge. Official Method in Germany (§64 LFGB) + in Europe (EN 15662). Weigh 10 g of Frozen Sample. Add 10 mL Acetonitrile.
QuEChERS Theory – Part 2 Michelangelo Anastassiades Michelangelo Anastassiades
QuEChERS with Citrate Buffer Shake Shake & Centrifuge Shake & Centrifuge Official Methodin Germany (§64 LFGB) + in Europe (EN 15662) Weigh 10 g of Frozen Sample Add 10 mL Acetonitrile Add ISTD-Solution Add 4 g MgSO4 / 1 g NaCl / Citrate Buffer (pH 5-5.5) Optionally: Acidic Pest. by LC-MS/MS Mix an Aliquot w. MgSO4 & Sorbents, freeze-out Optionally: SUs by LC-MS/MS Acidify extract to pH ~5 to protect base-sensitive pesticides Multiresidue Analysis by GC-MS, LC-MS ... Optionally: Add other “Analyte Protectants”
Improving Selectivity • At Extraction/partitioning Step • pH • Salts • At Cleanup Step • Lipids, Sugars • Chlorophyll, Carotenoids Sigma / Aldrich / Supelco Seminar 17. November 2006, Fellbach
Role of pH in the Selectivity of Extraction/Partitioning The higher the pH the less co-extractives… Sigma / Aldrich / Supelco Seminar 17. November 2006, Fellbach
Role of pH in the Selectivity of the Extraction/Partitioning Step, red currant Red Currant (a different one) - Buffering to pH ~5 reduces acidic components in the extract - Acetate buffer negatively affects PSA cleanup efficiency - Citrate buffer does not show this effect, however, pH rises very high after PSA-cleanup and needs to be lowered
Selectivity of Cleanup More than 50 SPE Sorbents and freezing-out tested! The sorbents mainly removed the following: • Amino-Sorbents, Alumina: • Acids (including fatty acids) • Sugars • Pigments (Anthocyanes, some Chlorophyll) Risk: Losses of acidic pesticides • Carbon-based Sorbents: • Carotinoids, Chlorophyll, Sterols Risk: Losses of planar pesticides • Reversed-Phase Sorbents: • Lipids and Waxes No losses observed • Freeze-out: • Lipids and Waxes • Sugars No losses observed Sigma / Aldrich / Supelco Seminar 17. November 2006, Fellbach
Use of Carbon Sorbents PSA PSA not satisfying when high contents ofcarotinoidsorchlorophyll • Carbon Sorbents more Effective Many tested, GCB (Graphitized Carbon Black)was best in handling - Used in combination with PSA at small amounts • - Cleanup time (shaking) extended from 30 s to 2 min Small GCB amounts are difficult to handle … SOLUTION: Pre-mixtures of GCB/MgSO4 (powder) facilitate weighing 7
Handling of GCB: Planar pesticides have a high affinity towards GCB e.g. hexachlorobenzene, chlorothalonil, thiabendazole But chlorophyll has higher affinity than all pesticides • Final extract should remain slightly coloured!! Anthracene may be used as surrogate QC standard. Recoveries > 70% will indicate that no unacceptable losses of pesticides have occurred. 8
Removal of co-extracted lipids by C18 and freezing out 5 OIL EXTRACTS 4,20 4,03 4 3 Extractives [mg/ml] 2 1,48 1,33 1,25 1,23 1,15 1,10 1 0 C18 PSA PSA/C18 Raw extract Freezing out C18/freezing out PSA/freezing out PSA/C18/freezing out Sigma / Aldrich / Supelco Seminar 17. November 2006, Fellbach
Removal of co-extractives with D-SPE and Freeze-out D-SPE/freeze-out combination gives best results but more work intensive …
Comparisson Freeze-out vs. GPC 1) QuEChERS method with Freezing-Out step - 2 g oil extracted with 10 mL ACN (0.2 g sample / mL extract) - cleanup by freeze out step:Impact: - From 4.6 mg lipids/mL raw extract to 0.9 mg/mL after cleanup - 99.55 % of the original 2 g oil was removed (0.45 % left) 2) CH:EA extracts by GPC- 0.5 g oil dissolved in 4 mL EtAC/CH 1:1 - Passed through Bio-beads SX3 column in two GPC runs - fractionation-settings were as typically used for pesticides Impact: - 0.5 g oil resulted in 5.5 mg oil residue in total - 98.89 % of the original 0.5 g oil was removed in 2 GPC runs (1.1 % left) Besides the less efficient lipid removal other GPC-problems include:- adsorptive losses of certain basic pesticides- cut-off of pyrethroids that coelute with the TG-tailing- High solvent and Time consumption
Pesticides and Co-extractives... Fatty Acids 6-8.5 D-SPE (PSA) D-SPE (PSA) LLP/ D-SPE Amino acids -5 - -1(pH dependent) Flavonoids/Anthocyanes 0 - 6 Polarity range covered by trad. MRMs Phytosterols 8.5-11.5 Sugars -5 - -2 Monoterpenes 2.5-5.5 Vit. E 11.5 LLP/ D-SPE (PSA)(Freeze-out) Pyrethroids (~45) 3.8 - 8.3 Acidic Pesticides (~40) pH dependent Carotenoids 11-18 D-SPE (GCB) OCs (~20) 3.5 - 7.0 Strepto-mycin -7.5 Ureas (~ 30) 1.6 - 5.9 D-SPE (GCB) Chlorophyll 17.2 OPs (~95) -0.9 - 5.7 Glyphosate -4 TGs 20-24 Carbamates (~30) -0.4 - 5.5 LLP/ D- SPE (C18, freezing) PBDEs 6.2 - 9.5 PAHs 3.3 – 6.8 Basic Pesticides pH dependent Quats -4.5 - -2.8 PCBs 5 – 8.5 Phthalates 2.5 - 6 LogKow 11 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Broadening of commodity scope Dry commodities (cereals, dried fruits) Fatty Commodities
Broadening of Commodity Spectrum – Dry Commodities E.g. cereals, dried fruits • Water-Addition prior to extraction • to weaken interactions of pesticides with matrix and to ensure adequate partitioning. Sample amount is reduced and water is brought to 10 mL Co-extracted fat removed by freezing out or C18, if necessary....
Removal of co-extractives from honey extracts (0.5 g/mL) Raw-extract
Broadening of Commodity Spectrum – Fatty commodities Commodities with a high lipid load, such as avocados or plant oils can be employed.
QuEChERS- Method for oil Shake & Centrifuge Note: non-polar pesticides , e.g. HCB, DDT, DDEgive recoveries <70% Recovery correction is possible since partitioning is highly defined Weigh 2 g of Sample Add 10 mLAcetonitrile Shake & Centrifuge Take aliquot Add ISTD-Solution Perform cleanup Freeze-out followed by D-SPE with PSA or D-SPE with PSA/ODS Shake & Centrifuge Multiresidue Analysis by GC-MS, LC-MS ...
Recoveries of pesticides in high fat samples Recoveries % 2g g Oil / 10 mL ACN Values in absense of water PCB 138 or 153 may be used as surrogate QC standards Rec. > 70% will indicate that no unacceptable pesticide losses occurred • The tolerable lipid-amount depends on the selection of pesticides to be covered • e.g. for HCB 0.4 g lipids are still OK (>70% rec.), for DDE 1 g, for Endosulfane 5 g • (NOTE: In presence of water (ternary system) values are different, less lipid is tolerable) • Compromise for Oil samples: 2 g oil + 10 mL ACN • HCB and DDE give recoveries <70%… • but equilibrium is defined and recovery-correction is justified
Impact of lipid amount on pesticide recoveries in presence and absence of water
Removal of co-extractives from Olives extracts (0.5 g/mL) Raw-extract
Cleanup of Tea extracts - use of CaCl2 in d-SPE CaCl2removes more water from the extract than MgSO4. Thus interctions with the sorbent (H-binding, ionic) become stronger Better Cleanup results Methamidophos recov. normalized Recoveries of Methamidophos drop when more CaCl2 is used If polar pesticides are not within the scope CaCl2 offers a good possibility to remove the majority of the co-extractives Compromize 50 mg CaCl2 and 50 mg PSA per mL tea-extract Methamidophos recovery still at 80% (not shown here)
MODIFICATION OF SAMPLE PREPARARTIONPROCEDURERelease of covalently-bound acidic pesticidesby alkaline hydrolysis
Acidic Pesticides - Bound Residues
Citrate-Buffered Sample pH 5.1 12 9 pH=8.3 pH pH=7.8 mg/mL 8 10 7 8 6 5 6 4 pH=3.5 4 3 2,4 2 2 1,0 1 0,5 0 0 Raw Extract PSA 25 PSA 50 mg/mL mg/mL mg co-extractives/mL Extract pH Acidic pesticides – cleanup issue Example: Extract of red currant • Losses of acidic components after cleanup • Acidic compounds interact with PSA. Thus skip PSA cleanup
QuEChERS – alkaline hydrolysis Example 2,4-D • Selective systemic herbicide • Control of broad leaved weed • Plant growth regulator used to prevent premature fruit drop • Formulations include freeacid, salts, esters • May form conjugates • Method designed to convert all possible residues to free acid • Acids are often covalently bound to matrix components and thus their concentration underestimated!
Acidic pesticides pH-issue: Ionization of pesticides at low or high pH-values • Acids: HX H+ + X- • Bases: B+H+ BH+ • Ionic form prefers to stay in the water phase pH-range of agricultural samples: ~2.5 – 7
LC-MS/MS, ESI (-), No PSA Cleanup 120 100 Recovery % 80 60 40 20 4-CPA Imazapyr Picloram Clopyralid 2,4-D MCPA Benazolin Dicamba 0 2,4,5-T Imazethapyr Imazaquin Fluoxypyr Triclopyr 2,4-DP Mecoprop 2,4,5-TP Ioxynil Bentazon Propyzamid 2,4-DB Fluazifop pH 3 pH 4 Bromoxynil Naphthylacetic acid MCPB pH 5 Bromacil pH 6 Acidic pesticides – influence of pH on recovery max. pH 5.5 lower pKa general trend higher pKa
Shake Shake and Centrifuge QuEChERS – schematic description with AH Citrate-Buffered QuEChERS Weigh 10 g of Frozen Sample alkaline hydrolysis: Add NaOH and store for 30 min at RT, then neutralize w. H2SO4 Shake Add 10 mLAcetonitrile Add ISTD-Solution Add 4 g MgSO4 / 1 g NaCl/ Citrate Buffer (pH 5-5.5) optionally: Freeze-out of extracted fat over night Analysis of acidic pesticides by LC-MS/MS
Alkaline cleavage or the release of phenoxy-acids Wheat flour with incurred residues
Alkaline Hydrolysis – Level of 2,4-D in different citrus samples x 2.5 x 2.2 factor: 1.8 – 5.8 x 1.8 x 3.4 x 3.3 x 2.6 x 5.0 x 1.8 x 3.0 x 5.8
Example MCPA in Cereals (from EUPT in 2007) Median MCPA (with AH) Mean Factor x 7.1 Median MCPA
Nicotine in Mushrooms - Background Information: • In 2008 high levels of Nicotine detected in mushrooms at CVUA Sigmaringen • CVUA Stuttgart consulted for confirmation (LC-TOF, -MS/MS GC-MS ) • Since then many findings by various labs in mushrooms mainly from China • Most affected dried Porcini (Boletus edulis) but also Truffles and Chanterelles • Porcini are reported to be not cultivable • China (Yunnan Region) largest producer (80% of EU-imports from CH) • Chinese authorities say : tobacco is also widely cultivated in Yunnan region • Nicotine is a naturally occurring alkaloid in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) where it occurs at concentrations ranging from 2% to 8% • Cross-contamination in drying/packing sites may be an issue • Intentional use of nicotine as pesticides is also speculated
Nicotine in Mushrooms - Risk assessment • EFSAARfD : 0.0008 mg/kg body weight; ADI: 0.0008 mg/kg bw per day • 99% of samples contained Nicotine (conc. often above 1 ppm) • Safe concentration in fresh mushrooms 0.036 mg/kg (=highest level not exceeding ARfD for Italian consumer) • Proposal: Dried ceps with a nicotine level higher than 2,3 mg/kg should be withdrawn from the market and safely disposed of. • Monitoring program for European wild mushrooms initiated
NICOTINE PROPERTIES: • Basic: pKa1 = 3.1; pKa2 = 8.2 (i.e. predominantly protonated at pH<8.2 and double protonated at pH<3.1) • Polar:logP = 0.93 (25 °C/unionised) , the lower the pH the lower the logP • Volatile:Pvap = 5.6 Pa (25 °C). Evaporation losses reduced at low pH (ionized) (K. Chamberlain et al., Pestic. Sci., 47, 265 (1996)
Nicotine by QuEChERS – Optimisation of pH at extraction/partitioning Recovery of Nicotine from fresh mushrooms at different pH(spiked residues) Natural pH LC-QToF, ISTD TPP Using Nicotine D3 as ISTD losses were compensated (rec. 93 - 120 %)
QuEChERS, variation of pH Extraction of incurred residues from Dried Porcini
Extraction of incurred residues from Dried Porcini QuEChERS pH 10, Variation of Temperature and Time
QuEChERS modification for Nicotine 10 g Fresh mushrooms or 2 g dried sample + 10 mL water Bring pH to 10-11 by addition of NaOH 5N Add 4 g MgSO4+ 1g NaCl Shake 1 min by hand Centrifugue 5 min. at 3500 r.p.m. Take alicuot Add 150 mg MgSO4 anh. + 50 mg PSA per mL extract Shake for 30s Validation (n=5) using Champignon 10 g Mean Recovery:106% RSD: 4,1% Centrifugue 5 min. at 3500 r.p.m. Take aliquot and acidify w. 5% Formic Acid to pH~5 Analysis via GC or LC