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Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Germany. Bangkok, 26 TH of March, 2012 Renate Wielpütz. Content of the presentation. Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union (EU) Women and men on the EU labour market Women and men on the German labour market
Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Germany Bangkok, 26TH of March, 2012 Renate Wielpütz
Content of the presentation • Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union (EU) • Women and men on the EU labour market • Women and men on the German labour market • Gender Equality Strategy of the EU • EU: History, structures and objectives • The European Union- political power and institutions • EU Strategies: Legal provisions and funding programmes • EU Strategies: The Structural Funds • EU Strategies: The European Social Fund • Gender Equality in the ESF in Germany • Gender Equality in the ESF – a support structure: The Agency for Gender Equality in the ESF • Example: Consultation process • Example: Gender training close to the needs of actors
Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in the EU • “Gender mainstreaming is the integration of the gender perspective into every stage of policy processes – design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation – with a view to promoting equality between women and men. It means assessing how policies impact on the life and position of both women and men – and taking responsibility to re-address them if necessary.” http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/tools/index_en.htm • Gender Equality -> Objective! • EU Gender Equality Strategy -> a dual approach • Gender Mainstreaming -> addressing structures and systems • Specific actions -> addressing groups of women or men in order to tackle discrimination from the past
Women and Men on the EU Labour Market Women and Men on the EU Labour Market • Employment rate: women 62.1 %, men 75,1% in 2010, EU target: 60 %, varies from 40 to 70 % in the Member States; average gap between men and women 13% (target for 2020: raise to 75% for women and men) • Women: high rate of precarious contracts, involuntary part-time • Pay gap: 17,6 % (EU average), 23% in Germany • At-risk-of-poverty rate higher for women (17%) than men (15 %) • Women in decision making: In the economic sector women represent only one out of 10 board members in EU blue-chip companies and 3% among leaders of the boards http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=de&catId=89&newsId=660
Gender Equality Strategy of the European Union • Equal economic indeptendence • Equal pay for equal work and of equal value • Equality in decision making • End to gender-based violence • Gender equality in external actions http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender- equality/files/strategy_equality_women_men_en.pdf
Gender Equality – needs and requirements What is needed to reach gender equality? • Political will • Legislation and funding • Gender equality strategy • Dual gender equality approach • Gender Budgeting • Gender differenciated data (men and women in their diversity) • Gender competences and capacity building on all levels of all organization: Knowledge: …. the causes of gender based inequalities and discrimination, impact of gender stereotypes and the gender gaps within thematic issues Implementing competences: …. the use of approaches, methods, instruments of gender mainstreaming/dual approach, to tacklehurdles and design promoting framework conditionsWill: …. ready and able to act from a gender perspective, openess for change processes
EU: History, structures and objectives From Paris to Lisbon – Treaties and strategies of the EU • 1957 – Treaty of Rome • 1986 – Single European Act • 1992 – Maastricht Treaty • 1997 – Treaty of Amsterdam • 2001 – Treaty of Nice • 2007 – Treaty of Lisbon • 2010 – EU-Strategy 2020 http://europa.eu/abc/history/index_de.htm http://europa.eu/institutions/index_de.htmhttp://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/president/news/documents/pdf/20100303_1_de.pdf
EU: History, structures and objectives Guiding principles: • Harmonisation of prosperity and living conditions in the EU • Structural and regional development • Gender Equality and anti discrimination
The European Union – political power and institutions • The European Parliamenthttp://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/european-parliament/index_en.htm • The European Council http://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/european-council/index_en.htm • The European Commissionhttp://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/european-commission/index_en.htm • The Court of Justice of the European Union http://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/court-justice/index_en.htm • The Committee of the regionshttp://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/cor/index_en.htm more EU institutions: http://europa.eu/about-eu/institutions-bodies/index_en.htm
EU Strategies: Legal provisions and funding programs • Legislative provisions- EU Regulations- EU Directives- EU Recommendations • EU Struktural Funds/Agricultural Fund:- ESF - European Social Fund http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/esf/index_en.htm - ERDF - European Regional Development Fundhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/country/prordn/details_new.cfm?gv_PAY=DE&gv_reg=1065&gv_PGM=1099&LAN=4&gv_PER=2&gv_defL=4 - EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/agriculture/general_framework/l60032_en.htm • More than 700 funding programs like „Life Long Learning Program“
EU Strategies: The Structural Funds Funding period 2007 – 2013: Support of Lisbon targets (e.g. 60% participation of women in the labour market until 2010) http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/1374&format=HTML&aged=0&language=DE&guiLanguage=en • Definition of targets: „convergence“ and „regional competitiveness and employment“http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/1374&format=HTML&aged=0&language=DE&guiLanguage=en • Rural development: EAFRD Funding period 2014 + following: Support of EU Strategy 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docoffic/working/regions2020/index_en.htmhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/policy/future/index_en.htm
EU Strategies: The European Social Fund • ESF contributing to prosperity and harmonisation of living conditions in the EU • ESF supporting promotion of employment • ESF funding used by Member States and regions, especially by less wealthy regions • Between 2007 and 2013 approx. 75 Billion € ESF across the EU; for Germany: 9,38 Billion € (approx. 3% of German Labour Market Budget)
Gender Equality in the ESF in Germany • Implementation of Gender Equality in the German national Operational Programme (OP) covering 65 thematic programmes (due to labour market, vocational training or educational training problems identified by analysis) http://www.esf.de/portal/generator/1410/programmuebersicht.html • Program examples – gender equality oriented programmes - „Gleichstellen“ – gender equality - „Wiedereinstieg“ – return to work- „Neue Wege für Jungs“ – new pathways for boysExamples for „mainstream“ programmes- entrepreneurship - early school leaving- in company training - Integration through exchange (IdA)- XENOS – fighting xenofobia on the labour market • Agency for Gender Equality within the ESF – support structure for a coherent integration of GE and GM/dual approach http://www.esf-gleichstellung.de/
ESF Programmes Managing Authority Providing data and statistics Providing Expertise Boards CoP on GM Website Fed. States Newsletter Conferences NGO/GE Networks/Experts Activities of the Agency for Gender Equality in the ESF
Actors Evaluation Federal Ministry of Labour and Social AffairsESF/MA EU COM Monitoring CoP on GM Monitoring Committee Working Group Equal Opportunities (NSRF) Fed. State X Fed. State X Fed. State X Agency for Gender Equality in the ESF BMBF BMFSFJ BMAS BMWi BMVBS Intermediary bodies Implementing Bodies DLR BiBB SPI BVA BA KfW BVA BBR ISG BBSR Lawaetz Evaluation (Examples)
Findings of needs analysis • Dual approach based in OP and supplementary documents • Dual approach backed by Gender Budgeting • Need for capacity building and systemic integration of GM/dual approach into ESF cycles (coherence)
Counselling and Training Programme level • Objective: to strengthen gender competence of actors involved and to create or improve instruments and documents on programme level that will incorporate gender aspects into the strategic gender planning and implementation processes • 16 selected programmes receive intensive support • Counselling methods dedicated to the needs of the programmes and persons involved • Methods include counselling processes, individual coaching, workshops and training
Counselling and Training Cross department/programme counselling and training • Cross department/programme workshops for ESF actors of different ministries addressing thematic or systemic questions of Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming like setting gender objectives and indicators, Gender Budgeting, evaluation • Basic and special trainings on GM implementation for programme managers and staff of intermediary bodies
Gender Budgeting • OP: Gender Budgeting as a guiding approach for achieving gender equality in the ESF • Quantitative Gender Budgeting- projects with participants as well as - projects explicitly addressing gender equality Objectives: 50 Percent of this budget to be allocated to women • Qualitative Gender Budgeting - projects without participants, assessment of possible gender equality impact • Yearly reports on Gender Budgeting performance by analysing monitoring data http://www.esf-gleichstellung.de/102.html
Networking • Permanent member of the NSRF working group on Gender Equality • Monitoring Committee • Member of the EU Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming – www.gendercop.eu • GM input into programme specific networks for promoters
Public Relations • web site: www.esf-gleichstellung.de • conferences • newsletter
Information Management • Compilation and dissemination of expert and target group specific information • Short studies on key ESF topics highlighting the gender aspects of fields like entrepreneurship, social inclusion or the transition from school into first initial training • Gender segregated preparation of labour market data containing relevant employment characteristics and status on the labour market • Service for programme managers and promoters: gender segregated data on ESF target groups
Example: Consultation process • Needs analysis with ESF actors responsible for an ESF programnme • Consultation „road map“ containing objectives, consultation approaches, milestones regarding the coherent integration of Gender Equality and the dual Gender Equality aproach into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a programme (agreement between head of department/Agency) • Starting workshop for all actors (head of department and Agency) on the basics of structural and thematic integration of Gender Equaity into the programme • Training, consulting, coaching sessions on thematic or procedural programme issues – closely related to the tasks of the ESFactors • Feedback and evaluation
Example: Gender training close to the needs of ESF implementinc actors Example for an agenda – three days introduction workshop: • Warming up: gender quizz • Discussion round with participants: potential gender aspects in their work/tasks • Introduction: Definition and background: Gender Eqality, Gnder Mainstreaming, dual gender equality approach • Gender analysis, gender impact assessment (different approaches and methods) • Exercise: evaluation of project applications along gender analysis criteria in small groups • Gender aspects on organizational level • Gender aspects on personnell level • Gender aspects in thematic issues • Gender aspects in structures and procedures • Gender aspects in monitoring and evaluation • Gender aspects in project selection
Thanks for your attention! Questions?