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V isual A nalytics for C ommand, C ontrol, and IN teroperability E nvironments

V isual A nalytics for C ommand, C ontrol, and IN teroperability E nvironments. David S. Ebert, Director. John Stasko, Education Director November 9, 2009. Education Program Overview. Key Components. Enhancing global visualization and analytics (VA) curriculum development

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V isual A nalytics for C ommand, C ontrol, and IN teroperability E nvironments

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  1. Visual Analytics for Command, Control, and INteroperability Environments David S. Ebert, Director

  2. John Stasko, Education DirectorNovember 9, 2009 Education Program Overview

  3. Key Components Enhancing global visualization and analytics (VA) curriculum development Increasing VA education and career opportunities at minority serving institutions Active engagement of middle and high school teachers as well as college and univ. faculty Distributing VA educational material through the Visual Analytics Digital Library Engaging local and regional HS professionals in innovative & practical professional training

  4. Objectives Our Educational Innovations will: Expand upon existing programs Be multidisciplinary Use unique skill sets from team universities to enhance curriculum development Be designed for wide distribution and use by interested teachers and schools Focus on STEM

  5. Management Structure EducationDirector John StaskoGeorgia Tech Asst. DirectorMSI Programs Richard AlóUniv. Houston-Downtown CoordinatorHBCU Programs Maureen BiggersIndiana Asst. DirectorEducation & Outreach Marti BurnsPurdue

  6. PK-12 Programs Worked with middle school teachers to create a variety of HS and VA modules Initial partners: Granger, IN middle Houston Prep Incorporate VA into emergency mgmt and homeland security elective courses for HS juniors and seniors Goal: Develop one term HS elective focusing on visual analytics Develop summer teacher workshops to introduce VA topics

  7. Undergraduate Programs Develop Visual Analytic Summer Program (VASP) Modeled after Purdue’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program Discovery-based learning program Hands-on intensive research experience for 11 weeks during the summer

  8. SURF Program Highlights Research under the guidance of a faculty member and a graduate student Learn research methodology, develop research skills, and apply academic knowledge to research problems Receive pay for research activities Attend sessions on graduate school, and professional development Present research at the SURF Research Symposium

  9. MSI Programs Affinity Education & Research Program Innovative educational partnership between Research 1 Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Collaboration beyond traditional, similar programs Based on a recognized program initiative (NSF)

  10. Affinity Education & Research Program Goals: Increase the number of African-American students and faculty in visual and data analytics and DHS-related careers Strengthen undergraduate programs in computing at a variety of MSI schools Emphasize high performing teamwork Establish & maintain on-going collaborative research teams Promote student research papers and presentations at professional conferences

  11. Program Model

  12. Graduate Programs Courses Core curriculum for data & visual analytics Areas of specialization & certificates For students seeking more background Degree programs Explore the creation of Master’s degree programs Doctoral work Continued training of the next generation of research “thought” leaders

  13. Professional Training Develop training strategy for local emergency responders up to state & federal officials On-line training Short courses Summer seminars & camps Muscatatuck UrbanTraining Center

  14. RECONNECT Program Partnership between CCICADA & VACCINE August at Rutgers Georges Grinstein & John led week-long symposium for faculty seeking to learn about visual analytics We’re exploring future opportunities

  15. Educational Products Visual Analytics Digital Library (VADL) Repository of visual analytics-related material:Lectures, classic papers, course syllabi, lecture slides, videos, lecture recordings, reference material, etc. http://vadl.cc.gatech.edu

  16. VADL Usage ~4,500 visits and 12,000 pageviews/year ~60% from U.S./Canada 15% Western Europe, 10% Asia ~45% traffic organic via Google (vs. direct or links from RVAC page)

  17. Conclusion Leverage existing programs and strengths Develop innovative new initiatives Strong focus on MSI programs and schools Education is a significant aspect of VACCINE

  18. For Further Information www.VisualAnalytics-CCI.org vaccine@purdue.edu ebertd@purdue.edu

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