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Description of Administration Services

Description of Administration Services. Topics Covered. Shepherd’s Staff Missionary Tax Status Overview of Administration Process Donations: Received, Recorded & Receipted Communications with Home (sending) Church Group Health Plan Administration Fee.

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Description of Administration Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Description of Administration Services

  2. Topics Covered • Shepherd’s Staff Missionary Tax Status • Overview of Administration Process • Donations: Received, Recorded & Receipted • Communications with Home (sending) Church • Group Health Plan • Administration Fee

  3. Shepherd’s Staff Missionaries are W-2 Employees • Eliminates requirement for missionary to pay in quarterly taxes • Applicable taxes are automatically withheld by Shepherd’s Staff • At the end of the tax year missionaries are issued W-2s • “Employee” status reduces likelihood of an IRS audit

  4. Administration Process Overview • Upon joining Shepherd’s Staff, the missionary will be assigned an account number • Account number will be indicated on all donations to Shepherd’s Staff to ensure funds are correctly allocated to the missionary’s account • Missionary will be paid a salary amount once per month from the available funds in their account • The missionary will specify the salary amount based on his/her on-field budget • Salary will be directly deposited into missionary’s U.S. bank account • Applicable taxes will be withheld from missionary’s salary – usually only FICA tax • Ministry expenses will be advanced or reimbursed from available funds in the account • Shepherd’s Staff will email an account status report and donor list to the missionary monthly

  5. Donations • Donations may be made by any of the following methods: • Checks (mailed) • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from checking, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express (scheduled) • Online (instant) • Donations are recorded according to the designated missionary account number. • Tax deductible receipts are provided within 7-10 days of receiving the donation. • Includes a self addressed envelope and coupon for the next donation • Includes year to date giving total

  6. Communication with Home Church • A Regional Missions Pastor will contact the sending church during the interview process. • A Regional Missions Pastor will be available to assist the sending church in providing care for their missionaries once they have been accepted as a Shepherd’s Staff missionary. • Missionary’s account status will be emailed monthly to sending church • Ensures church is aware of missionary’s support status

  7. Group Health Plan • A group health plan is available for Shepherd’s Staff missionaries to join. The plan includes: • Low deductible ($200) • Wellness coverage • Emergency Evacuation • Monthly premium is deducted from the missionary’s account • Current monthly premiums: • Family - $430; Couple - $278; Single - $140 • A 403b retirement plan is also available through GuideStone Financial Services

  8. Administration Fee • A 10% administration fee is deducted from funds received to cover administrative costs • Maximum administrative fee is $450 per month per missionary • Examples: • Missionary A receives $1,000 for the month: admin fee is $100 • Missionary B receives $3,000 for the month: admin fee is $300 • Missionary C receives $7,000 for the month: admin fee is $450

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