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What does ‘poverty’ mean for them?

Learn how poverty impacts Ethiopian communities and how initiatives by the Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union are improving living conditions, access to services, and economic opportunities.

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What does ‘poverty’ mean for them?

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  1. What does ‘poverty’ mean for them? Lack of 3. KNOWLEDGE of and / or ACCESS to 1. DECENT LIVING CONDITIONS in terms of Modern farming methods Housing, water, food and sanitation Agricultural extension Diversification Credit 2. ACCESS TO SOCIAL SERVICES in terms of Subsidies Telephones Community facilities: schools, clinics, etc Market information The wider ‘coffee world’ Health education and family planning 4.TRANSPORT in terms of Vehicles: pick ups and lorries Adequate roads and road networks OCFCU

  2. ‘Measuring’ Ethiopia Workforce in farming: 88% People having water as goodas this: 22% Making Ethiopia one of the world’s least developed countries Nearly 90% live on less than $2.00/day Adults who can read and write: 41.5% How long people can expect to live: 47.6 years Average yearly income per person: $97.00 30 doctors for every 1,000,000 people Mothers who die while giving birth: 850 out of 100,000 births Children dying before their first birthday: 112 out of every 1000 People who don’t get enough food to eat: 46% OCFCU

  3. No of primary cooperatives: 19,147 Members: 4,323,048 Capital : 1,475,256,047

  4. Employment Condition Number of Employee Primary coops. 57,441 Unions 2955

  5. Date of Establishment: 01 June, 1999 • Date of Registration: 28 June, 1999 • Initial Members: 22503 coffee growers organized in 34 Coops • Initial capital: 825,000 birr

  6. Organizational Structure of Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union/OCFCU/ General Assembly Supervisory Committee Board Of Directors General Manager Executive Secretary Legal service Inspection & Audit Services Deputy General Manager Project Planning, Programming & Capacity Building Quality control services Secretary Commercial Department Finance & Accounting Department Human resources & general service Coffee warehouse & Processing Factory Administrative Division

  7. The Coffee Trade Chain Free Market Cooperative Farmer Farmer Collector Cooperative Profit Supplier Union Profit Exporter Buyer Buyer Fair Trade Premium Roaster Roaster Retailer Retailer consumer consumer

  8. Membership Of the Union in Year

  9. Volume And Value Of Out Put Sold By The Union In Years 11 birr = 1 USD

  10. Volume And Value Of Out Put Sold By The Union In Years

  11. Net income of the Union in years

  12. Net income of the Union in years 44,968,796.05 23,423,228.08 13,933,097.29 7,020,447.00 5,468,002.66 5,819,096.00 6,865,844.00 2,181,624.92 289,184.86

  13. Status of Dividend Payment to member cooperatives in year

  14. Members Received Dividend 120 110 101 85 78 30 22 20 8

  15. Dividend paid in 9 years 31,478,157 11,716,614 6,966,548 3,208,053 2,270,598 3,580,761 2,485,947 1,527,137 262,855

  16. Premium from Fair Trade Sales

  17. projects undertaken by the fund from Fair trade premium and roasters

  18. School built from the fair trade premium

  19. Health post built from the fair trade premium

  20. Children in school

  21. Clean water supply to coffee farmers by OCFCU from support of fair trade roaster

  22. warehouse

  23. Coffee cleaning machine

  24. OCFCU office under construction

  25. Financial Position Of the Union In 9 Years

  26. Growth of fixed asset in 9 years 24,186,730 6,796,246 2,633,218 2,442,578 3,711,333 1,747,430 876,643 60,865 100,224

  27. Growth in Capital in 9 years 78,411,575 44,712,604 22,929,366 9,306,448 14,514,832 11,812,582 3,490,358 1,631,646 857,360

  28. Support And Projects Make Trade Fair Campaign/OXFAM/ Progresso Café Black Gold Cashew Gongogo Bee Keeping Forest Coffee Coffee Tourism Other Projects on pipe line OCFCU

  29. Genuine Cooperatives • For sustainable development • To make Poverty History

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