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Modules Aligned with the Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies

Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Module One: California’s Accountability System. Modules Aligned with the Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies. Handbook Contents.

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Modules Aligned with the Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies

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  1. Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Module One: California’s Accountability System Modules Aligned with the Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies

  2. Handbook Contents Includes resources and guidance for leadership teams supporting charter school staff to: Understand the California School Dashboard Use Dashboard data to make improvements to programs and services for students with disabilities Developed by El Dorado County Office of Education and Sacramento County Office of Education for publication by California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook

  3. Handbook Contents Four handbook sections: Section One: California’s Accountability System Section Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook Section Three: Improvement Section Four: Toolkit

  4. Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles derived from: Effective program elements necessary for students with disabilities, and Recommendations from the 2015 Statewide Task Force Report on Special Education “One System: Reforming Education to Serve ALL Students.” Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles

  5. Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • General Education and Special Education work together seamlessly as one coherent system. • Educational programs are organized within the context of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to ensure academic and behavioral supports are provided for all students.

  6. Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • Instructional programs incorporate high quality, standards aligned, evidence-based practices and use of principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). • Data systems are integrated to combine relevant information from state and local assessments including: formative and summative data, universal screening measures, and anecdotal observations from parents & teachers.

  7. Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • Site based teams monitor progress, identify interventions, and adapt instructional practices and behavioral supports to promote success for all students using evidence-based systems of inquiry. • Programs are culturally and linguistically responsive.

  8. Handbook Contents Four modules for charter schools: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust

  9. Handbook Contents Four modules for charter schools: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust

  10. This module will include the following topics: ro An overview of the California School Dashboard California’s Accountability System Review of the state and local indicators of school success Getting to know the reports in the Dashboard Statewide assessment accessibility supports Participation of students with disabilities in CA’s assessment system Disaggregated data: A closer look at students with disabilities

  11. S California’s Accountability System A single, coherent system that includes multiple measures of success Tied to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Focused on: Transparency Equity Continuous improvement

  12. S California’s Accountability System School Districts and County Offices of Education Schools, including Charter Schools Student Groups Ethnic/racial groups, English learners, low income, students with disabilities, homeless, and foster youth

  13. A key component of California’s accountability system with a focus on continuous improvement for all student groups. California School Dashboard California School Dashboard The Dashboard assists in identifying strengths and areas of improvement for districts, schools, and student groups.

  14. California School Dashboard Includes a series of reports that display performance on multiple measures of school success, referred to as indicators. Indicators include: Local Indicators: As measured by the school (five) State Indicators: As measured by the State of California (six) California School Dashboard

  15. California School Dashboard Chronic Absenteeism California School Dashboard: State Indicators Suspension Rate English Learner Progress High School Graduation Rate College/Career Readiness Academic Performance (English-Language Arts and Mathematics)

  16. California School Dashboard Basic Conditions (Teacher Qualifications, Safe and Clean Buildings, Textbooks for All Students ) California School Dashboard: Local Indicators Implementation of Academic Standards School Climate Survey (Safety, Connection to School) Parent Engagement Access to Courses

  17. California School Dashboard Local Indicator State Indicator

  18. Five Colored-Coded Performance Levels of State Indicators

  19. Status: Most recentperformance Change: Difference from prior year to current year Performance on State Indicators Combines “Status” and ”Change”

  20. Performance on State Indicators Combines “Status” and ”Change”

  21. Who Receives a Dashboard County Offices of Education School Districts Charter Schools

  22. Accessing the Dashboard Accessing the Dashboard https://www.caschooldashboard.org/

  23. Navigating the Dashboard At-a-glance: State & Local Indicators Navigating the Dashboard

  24. Navigating the Dashboard Student Population

  25. Navigating the Dashboard Navigating the Dashboard

  26. Student Group Report Student Group Report

  27. Inclusion of SWDs in the Dashboard Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the Dashboard

  28. Accessing the Detailed Student Report To access the detailed student report: • From the landing page, scroll down to the academic performance indicator cards • Select the academic performance you would like to view • Select “view more details” • Explore student groups performance levels • To view student groups without a performance color, select “No performance color”

  29. Chronic Absenteeism Participation of Students with Disabilities in California's Assessment System Suspension Rate English Learner Progress High School Graduation Rate College/Career Readiness Academic Performance (English-Language Arts and Mathematics)

  30. Three types: Accessibility Resources Universal Tools are available to all students and do not require any specific settings to be applied in the testing interface. Accommodations are only available for students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. Designated Supports are available to any student who could benefit from its use as determined by a team of educators familiar with the student.

  31. Accessibility Resources Identifying which students would benefit from using one or more accessibility resources Allowing students practice time with the accessibility resources prior to the summative assessment each spring Evaluating available accessibility resources for appropriateness

  32. All students with disabilities participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System. Some, with the most significant cognitive disabilities, participate in the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) in English-language arts/literacy (ELA), mathematics, and science. The Fall 2018 Dashboard includes results from the CAA in participation rates. Participation of Students with Disabilities in California's Assessment System

  33. Use of Accessibility Resources: Questions to Consider Who in your charter school is responsible for implementing a systematic process for the effective and equitable use of accessibility resources? Who is responsible for training teachers and others on the available accessibility resources? Use of Accessibility Resources: Questions to Consider NOTE: Accessibility resources are for all students, not just students with an IEP or Section 504 Plan.

  34. Questions to Ask About SWD Step 1: Learn more about the students who are part of the SWD group What is the racial/ethnic breakdown? Students with Disabilities: Questions to Consider What is the socioeconomic breakdown? What are the English proficiency levels? What kind of disabilities exist?

  35. Questions to Ask About SWD Step 2: Examine performance to identify trends/anomalies Does performance differ by identified disability? Students with Disabilities: Questions to Consider Does performance differ by grade? Does performance differ for elementary schools compared to middle or high? Are there performance differences for SWD who are also English learners and/or low income?

  36. Fall 2018 Dashboard Results Fall 2018 Dashboard Results 244 of the LEAs identified for differentiated assistance were eligible based on the performance of students with disabilities.

  37. Handbook Contents Four web modules: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust

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