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Europe. Question 1 - 10. The _________________separate Spain and France, thus Southern Europe from Western Europe. Answer 1 – 10 . Pyrenees . Question 1 - 20. A popular skiing destination, the ______________are found in parts of France, Italy, and Switzerland . Answer 1 – 20 . The Alps.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Europe

  2. Question 1 - 10 • The _________________separate Spain and France, thus Southern Europe from Western Europe

  3. Answer 1 – 10 • Pyrenees

  4. Question 1 - 20 • A popular skiing destination, the ______________are found in parts of France, Italy, and Switzerland

  5. Answer 1 – 20 • The Alps

  6. Question 1 - 30 • Do not be confused by the title the ______________________ stretches from across Western Europe to Eastern Europe including France, Germany, Poland, and into Russia.

  7. Answer 1 – 30 • Northern European Plain

  8. Question 1 - 40 • A ____________________would be a narrow body of water on an important transportation route.

  9. Answer 1 – 40 • Strategic waterway

  10. Question 1 - 50 • The group of Islands Great Britain and Ireland (including Northern Ireland) are known as the ________________.

  11. Answer 1 – 50 • British Isles

  12. Question 2 - 10

  13. Answer 2 – 10 • Democracy

  14. Question 2 - 20 • “Oligos” means

  15. Answer 2 – 20 • few

  16. Question 2 - 30 • True or false: In Ancient Greece all citizens could vote?

  17. Answer 2 – 30 • False. Only Male Landowners

  18. Question 2 - 40 What form of government is this passage talking about?

  19. Answer 2 – 40

  20. Question 2 - 50 • What word would fill in the blank

  21. Answer 2 – 50

  22. Question 3 - 10 • More powerful than water is

  23. Answer 3 – 10 • Coal

  24. Question 3 - 20 • What is one possible reason it did not start in France

  25. Answer 3 – 20 • Years of war • Supported the AmericanRevolution. • French Revolution. • Early 19c  Napoleonic Wars • Heavy debts. • High unemployment  soldiersreturning from the battlefronts. • French businessmen were afraid to take risks.

  26. Question 3 - 30 • What is one reason France seemed to be the first to industrialize

  27. Answer 3 – 30 • Napoleonic Code. • French communal law. • Free contracts • Open markets • Uniform & clear commercial regulations • Standards weights & measures. • Established technical schools. • The government encouraged & honored inventors & inventions. • Bank of France  European modelproviding a reliable currency.

  28. Question 3 - 40 • Factory production required a lot of ______________ [factory, machines, etc.] more than skilled labor.

  29. Answer 3 – 40 • Capital investment

  30. Question 3 - 50 • According to what theory is: “When wages are high, workers have more children.” and “More children create alarge labor surplus thatdepresses wages”

  31. Answer 3 – 50 • “Iron Law of Wages.”

  32. Question 4 - 10 • the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation.

  33. Answer 4 – 10 • multiculturalism

  34. Question 4 - 20 • What country is part of Asia Minor

  35. Answer 4 – 20 • Turkey

  36. Question 4 - 30 • What person described living conditions as • “These little houses of three or four rooms and a kitchen are called cottages, and throughout England, except for some parts of London, are where the working classes normally live. The streets themselves are usually unpaved and full of holes. They are filthy and strewn with animal and vegetable refuse”

  37. Answer 4 – 30 • Friedrich Engels

  38. Question 4 - 40 • What were most industrial areas in England located near

  39. Answer 4 – 40 • Fuel Source

  40. Question 4 - 50 • What was the exhibition in 1851

  41. Answer 4 – 50 • Crystal Palace Exhibition: 1851

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