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Understanding the Blood Clotting Cascade and Fibrin Formation

Dive into the intricate details of the blood clotting cascade, from thrombin activation to fibrin polymer network formation. Learn about the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, surface interactions, and key factors involved.

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Understanding the Blood Clotting Cascade and Fibrin Formation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Blood Clotting Cascade Manfred MaitzFZ-Rossendorf www.manfred.maitz-online.de

  2. Thrombin Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen The Clotting Cascade

  3. Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ F Va F V Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork The Clotting Cascade

  4. RN RN Ser O- Ser C :O O O C H HN H HN Tetraedric Transition State RC RC Break of the Peptide Bonding HN H RC RN RN H2O C Ser :OH Ser O C O OH O Release of the N-terminal peptide Enzyme-acetyl-transition-state Serine Proteases

  5. The Fibrinolytic System Clotting Cascade Fibrin degradation products Fibrinogen Fibrin-clot Plasminogen Plasmin T-PAF XIIaHMWKKallikreinUrokinaseStreptokinase

  6. F Va F V Effect of Antithrombin III/Heparin Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork

  7. F Va F V Thrombin Time (TT) Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork

  8. The Quick (PT)-Test Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ F Va F V Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork

  9. Partial Thromboplastin Time [(a)PTT] Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ F Va F V Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork

  10. F Va F V Surface Sensitive Steps Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Surface Contact Collagen FXII activator Tissue/Cell Defect F XII F XIIa F VIIa F VII Ca2+ F XI F XIa Ca2+ F IX F IXa F III (Tissue Thromboplastin) Ca2+ F VIII F VIIIa Platelet Factor 3 Factor F X Factor F Xa Factor F X Ca2+ Ca2+ Prothrombin I Thrombin Ca2+ F XIIIa F XIII Fibrinpolymers Fibrinmonomers Fibrinogen CrosslinkedFibrin Meshwork

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