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This document presents a proposal for the IEEE 802.19.1 draft standard, including system description, reference model, and a draft outline.
Proposal on system description, reference model and draft outline Authors: Date: 2010-09-13 Notice:This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Abstract This is a presentation of the System Description and Reference Model proposal for IEEE 802.19.1 draft standard provided in document 19-10/0110r0. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Acronyms • CDIS – Coexistence Discovery and Information Server • CE – Coexistence Enabler • CM – Coexistence Manager • CSV – channel state vector • CV – coexistence value • SAP – service access point • TVBD – TV band device Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Outline • System description • Entities and interfaces • Coexistence services • Terminology • Reference model • Model and SAPs • CE-TVBD interaction • Draft outline • Clauses and clause order proposal Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
802.19.1 Logical Architecture • 3 system entities • Coexistence Enabler (CE) • Coexistence Manager (CM) • Coexistence Discovery and Information Server (CDIS) • 2 external elements • TV band device (TVBD) • TV white space database (TVWS database) Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Interface B2 TVWS database Coexistence Manager Coexistence Manager Interface C Interface B3 Interface B1 Coexistence Enabler Interface A TVBD • The following slides contain quite a lot of details that are tightly coupled with a coexistence management model that is discussed in more details in contribution 19-10/0128-r0 • Please be patient e.g. with some parameter acronyms in the interfaces that are made more clear in the contribution Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Coexistence Enabler Coexistence Manager • TVBD interfaces the coexistence system with the CE. • CE resides in a TVBD. A TVBD network is represented by only one CE. A CE is served by only one CM at a time. • Requests information from TVBD • Generates resource requests, channels state vectors, coexistence value, capabilities and characteristics information. • Provides information to CM. • Receives configuration commands and information requests from CM • Configures the TVBD according the commands and requests. -CE register -Resource request -TVBD CSVs -TVBD CV -TVBD capability info -TVBD characteristic info -Configuration commands -Information requests Interface B1 Coexistence Enabler -Capabilities -Configuration -Radio environment information -Configure operational parameters -Request/Subscribe measurements Interface A TVBD Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Coexistence Manager (1) • Facilitates the coexistence between TVBDs, and makes decisions on the spectrum resource sharing. • Serves one or more registered CEs associated to TVBD. • Neighbor management: • Discovers and determines neighbor networks to its TVBD. • Information collection: • Collects TVBD information from the CE it serves, and channel availability information from TVWS database. • Generates a spectrum map for the TVBD. • Exchanges TVBD capabilities, characteristics, coexistence value, and spectrum map with CMs of the neighbor networks. • Resource allocation: • Allocates the resources to its TVBD and its neighbors upon receiving a resource request from CE or discovering change in spectrum availability. • Sends/receives resource allocation commands to/from CMs of neighbors. • Configures its TVBD according the resource allocation. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Coexistence Manager (2) Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Interface B2 -CM register -TVBD identification -Geo-location of TVBD -TX power class of TVBD -Candidate neighbors -Geo-location of TVBD -TVBD information: capabilities, characteristics spectrum map, CV -Resource allocation commands TVWS database Coexistence Manager Another Coexistence Manager -Available channels Interface C Interface B3 -CE register -Resource request -TVBD CSVs -TVBD CV -TVBD capabilities -TVBD characteristics -Configuration commands -Information requests Interface B1 Coexistence Enabler Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Coexistence Discovery and Information Server • Provides Neighbor discovery service to CMs. • Keeps a record of registered CMs, and information of TVBDs associated to the CMs. • Geo-location • TX power classes • TVBD identification • CM identification • Calculates candidate neighbor list to a TVBD based on geo-locations and TX power classes. • Provides the candidate neighbor list of a TVBD to CM which requests it. Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Interface B2 -CM register -TVBD identification -Geo-location of TVBD -TX power class of TVBD -Candidate neighbors Coexistence Manager Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
External Elements • TVBD • Provides information of the TVBD and network e.g.: • Radio environment: measurement results • Capabilities: max TX power, spectrum use capabilities, measurement capabilities… • Characteristics: number of nodes, geo-location… • CE may configure operational parameters of the TVBD • TVWS database • Provides a list of available channels at requested geo-location. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Coexistence Services • We propose the 802.19.1 specification to be based upon a service model. • Interconnected 802.19.1 logical entities form a coexistence system that provides services for TVBDs • A few supporting services internal for the system are proposed as well • We believe four coexistence services are needed and enough • Neighbor discovery service • Neighbor management service • Spectrum information management service • Resource management service Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Neighbor Discovery Service • Provided by CDIS, used by CM. • CM registers itself to CDIS. • CM updates information of its TVBDs to CDIS. • CDIS determines candidate neighbor list to the TVBD and provides it to the CM. • The candidate neighbors are listed in the estimated interference order. CDIS From CM: Information of TVBD1 From CDIS: Candidate neighbors (TVBD2, TVBD3). CM i n t e r n e t CM CM CM CE CE CE CE CE TVBD2 TVBD5 TVBD4 TVBD3 TVBD1 Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Neighbor Management Service • Provided by CM, used by another CM. • Setting a neighbor: • CM connects to a CM of a candidate neighbor. • TVBD networks are set neighbors if CMs evaluate that they interfere each other. • Removing a neighbor: • A CM evaluates that a neighbor does no longer interfere and requests neighbor removal. As the result the TVBD networks are no longer neighbors. CDIS CM i n t e r n e t CM CM CM CE CE CE CE CE TVBD2 TVBD5 TVBD4 TVBD3 TVBD1 Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Spectrum Information Management Service • Provided by CM, used by another CM. • CMs of neighbor networks share spectrum use and availability information related to their TVBDs. • Spectrum map – channel states at the location of TVBD • CV – parameter indicating TVBD eligibility level to resources • TVBD capabilities and characteristics • CMs also send resource allocation commands to CMs of neighbor networks. • Any CM can allocate the resources to TVBD and its neighbors when discovers change in spectrum availability or receives a resource request. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Resource Management Service • Provided by CM, used by CE. • A CE requests resources for its TVBD from the CM it is registered to. • The CM runs resource allocation algorithms to determine radio resources for the TVBD and its neighbors. • Spectrum maps, CVs, capabilities and characteristics information of the TVBD and its neighbors are input for the algorithm. • The CM communicates the decision to the CE and its neighbors. • If neighbors are served by other CMs, the decision is communicated through their CMs with means of the Spectrum Information Management service. • The CM resource allocation is triggered also if CM discovers a change in spectrum availability. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Terminology (1) • Candidate neighbor: A TVBD network which is estimated by the CDIS to interfere another TVBD network. • Neighbor: A TVBD network that interferes and is interfered by another TVBD network. The neighbors are capable of using the same spectrum resources and taken into account in the resource allocation performed by a CM. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Terminology (2) • Channel state vector (CSV): A vector which contains measurement values for a TVWS channel. CE forms CSVs from the information received from TVBD. • Spectrum map: An array which contains channel states for a set of TVWS channels at the location of a TVBD network. CM forms a spectrum map from the CSVs received from the CE, and available channel list received from the TVWS database. • Coexistence value (CV): A parameter value which indicates the TVBD eligibility level to spectrum resources. CE forms CV from the TVBD network characteristics. Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Reference Model • Coexistence system reference model proposal comprises of two blocks and two service access points (SAPs) • Coexistence Services block contains all the four services that were discussed earlier in this presentation • Coexistence Enabler block represents the CE logical entity and provides the TVBD access to the Coexistence Services • A generic message delivery SAP for coexistence service protocol messages and a SAP for an imaginary TVBD to use the coexistence services Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
A Few Words on the Inter-Entity SAP • COEX_COMM_SAP is a media independent interface that provides transport services for inter-entity communication • Supports exchange of coexistence service protocol messages with peer entities and external entities • Interfaces B1, B2 and B3 to be specified with detailed protocol specification • Interface C to be specified as a generic protocol that uses the COEX_COMM_SAP Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
A Few Words on the TVBD SAP • COEX_TVBD_SAP is an abstract TVBD independent interface that implements the interface A • Designed for an imaginary wireless system operating in TVWS • Our design assumes that interpretation between the coexistence system language and the TVBD’s system language happens in the TVBD • The TVBD SAP is specified using parameter and data type definitions that are used within the coexistence system Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Draft Outline • We submitted our proposal for the system description and reference model in a document that contains a lot of empty clauses with just headings • The clause order and the headings are intended to represent an updated version of the outline of the draft as originally described in the system description document (19-10/0055r3) • We’d like to see the TG and contributors to consider using the proposed outline as a baseline for further contributions/proposals and even as a baseline for a TG’s working document towards the first draft spec Päivi Ruuska, Nokia
Closing Remarks • In this presentation we have gone through our proposal on system description and reference model • Our proposal is to specify the coexistence system as a set of coexistence services • The most important services are provided to TVBDs to manage radio resource usage in TVWS • A few supporting services are proposed for the coexistence system entities to facilitate the coexistence decision making • We’d like to see the reference model kept simple and we’d like to see it designed for the coexistence system purposes • Own simple reference model with a TVBD interface to an imaginary TVBD system Päivi Ruuska, Nokia