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NCC Library Liaison Meeting

NCC Library Liaison Meeting. Welcome! October 1, 2013. Announcements & Discussion. OELMA – Vicky Karakasis Northeast Regional Director Conference: October 16-18 at Kalahari Resort http ://www.oelma.org/events/conference. Announcements & Discussion. Liaison Meeting Location

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NCC Library Liaison Meeting

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  1. NCC Library Liaison Meeting Welcome! October 1, 2013

  2. Announcements & Discussion OELMA – Vicky Karakasis Northeast Regional Director Conference: October 16-18 at Kalahari Resort http://www.oelma.org/events/conference

  3. Announcements & Discussion Liaison Meeting Location • Is there a more centralized location? • At minimum, the facility would need: • Space to accommodate ~60 people • Visual and audio projection capabilities • Internet access • The network/firewall would need to allow access to appropriate ports for Sirsi, StaffWeb, SmartPort, INFOhio, etc.

  4. Announcements & Discussion CCPL Facility Options • CCPL calendar is only available through December 2013 • The last time we checked, the branches below may be available December 4, with the exception of the Brooklyn Branch. • Berea Branch • Brooklyn Branch - seems like the most centralized location • BrookparkBranch • Parma Heights Branch • Parma Snow Branch • Parma South

  5. Announcements & Discussion The NCC focus group indicated that there might be interest in negotiating a consortium purchase for OverDrive. OverDrive has indicated that there is a possibility of obtaining discounted pricing off the annual fee, based upon the number of school systems that participate. Is there interest?

  6. Announcements & Discussion Mitinet Update To date, 19 out of 24 school systems have had updates loaded. We hope to have Clearview, Independence, Mayfield, North Royalton, and Orange completed by the end of next week. When would be a good time for the second update? Pricing of $60 per building through December 2014. All buildings within a school system must participate.

  7. Announcements & Discussion BrainPop Webinar scheduled for October 21, 2013 3:30 PM

  8. Announcements & Discussion OPAC: DVD and eBook Results • At the spring Liaison Meeting, it was determined that this feature should be turned on for all. This is currently an ITC-wide setting. • Any problems with performance? • Any issues with confusion? • Should we continue to leave the options checked by default?

  9. Announcements & Discussion Any other announcements?

  10. Director’s Report John Mitchell, Executive Director North Coast Council

  11. WVIZ Laurie Switzer, WVIZ PreK-16 Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator

  12. Users Council Deby Cokain NCC/INFOhio Users Council Representative

  13. INFOhio Update June13, 2013

  14. FY14-15 Strategic Direction • Goal: Ensuring sustainability • Ensuring sustainability of shared services for continued and equitable access to information and learning resources for all Ohio PreK-12 students, educators and parents in support of Ohio’s New Learning Standards • Provide critical digital content to support new learning standards by: • Investing in Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) databases • Renewing Digital Video Collection (DVC) titles • Creating eBook collection 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee • Establish process for monitoring accountability

  15. FY14-15 Strategic Direction • Goal: Fostering Innovation in Digital Learning • Fostering innovation that embraces creative learning opportunities for students, educators and parents • Provide instructional services direct to students by piloting a virtual ILibrarian program. • Create an environment to support personalized learning and curation • Improve mobile access to current digital resources including INFOhio’s own tools and resources

  16. Databases through Libraries Connect Ohio

  17. LCO Databases added July 1, 2013

  18. LCO – ER Database Changes Discontinued • The ART Collection – free museum resources on internet • Oxford Reference Online – declining need/use • Mango Languages - valuable, but beyond budget. • NewsBank content from Ohio's largest newspapers – valuable, but beyond budget, also little used outside of library setting

  19. R4S by INFOhio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. R4S: Research for Success and TRAILS validation/reliability study was funded through an Institute of Museum and Library Services LSTA grant awarded by the State Library of Ohio. The content does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the granting agencies. Licensing and Funders

  20. A Request for Your Help/Opinion • Two surveys • The Digital Video Collection Survey (DVC): http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ExpiredDVCTitles • The Discovery Portal Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DiscoveryPortal

  21. Status of RDA - Update Planning and Preparing for RDA

  22. RDA (Resource Description & Access) Replacing AACR2 Flexible & suitable for use in digital environment Matches search expectations (Google) Created for international audience Compatible with MARC

  23. RDA for Now… Vendors offering RDA compliant MARC records Use AACR2 until notified otherwise Catalog records will remain in MARC May notice ‘hybrid’ records Transition to RDA will be a function of SIRSI integration

  24. INFOhio/Automation Updates BookFlix Live Demonstration

  25. INFOhio/Automation Updates INFOhio Core Collection Direct database URLs (for links on school webpages) are not available on the INFOhio website; if needed, please contact NCC. However, these links will be changing soon.

  26. INFOhio/Automation Updates Sirsi / OPAC Maintenance • NCC has established a regular maintenance schedule for the east/west Sirsi servers. Maintenance will take place quarterly on Wednesdays, starting at approximately 5 PM and should last ~ 1 hour. • Next maintenance: • January 15, 2014 • April 16, 2014 • July 16, 2014

  27. INFOhio/Automation Updates INFOhio CIR: Overdues and Notices Report With the upgrade came the ability to remove items with outstanding bills. INFOhio learned that bills/fines for items that had been removed were *not* displaying on the CIR: Overdues and Notices report. INFOhio was able to have the fines for deleted items display, but that had unexpected results....

  28. INFOhio/Automation Updates It appears that for *any* item that has been returned, but that has a FINE/BILL associated with it, the title/item information will *not* display on the INFOhio reports.  This will be true regardless of if the item has since been deleted.

  29. INFOhio/Automation Updates Patron Photos PowerSchool Districts: Once the photos are available, NCC will load. If you do not want photos loaded, let us know. Student Information (aka DASL) Districts: Please let NCC know once photos in Student Information have been updated and we will load. Others: Send at will via ftp or CD

  30. Lexile Checkout History Report New Service! NCC Lexile Checkout History Report Flyer: http://www.nccohio.org/library/files/lexile_report_flyer.pdf Service request form: http://nccohio.org/library/files/lexile_service_form.pdf

  31. Lexile Checkout History Report Background: Common Core and the Ohio Learning Standards require that students read at increasing levels of text complexity. How can schools identify at what level students are reading? NCC created a report to address this need. Thanks to Steven Foster in our systems department for his contributions! 

  32. Lexile Checkout History Report Excerpt:

  33. Lexile Checkout History Report Thoughts: Make the most out of the Mitinet dollars spent to enhance your records! Promote with curriculum directors. Current feedback suggests that schools would be willing to purchase through the curriculum budget. Feedback?

  34. Lexile Checkout History Report If your school system is interested in subscribing to this service, but is undecided... NCC will provide a few sample pages of the summary and individual reports for one building in your school system as an introduction. The liaison should work with the library staff to identify which building would be the best choice as you are considering this service. Simply send in the request form, clearly marked as ‘sample’. Or…if you already know you would like the full reports, simply complete the service request form (copy as needed) and submit with a copy of the PO. NCC will be sending a preliminary email to all liaisons notifying them of the above, to be followed by an email to all library staff informing them of this service.

  35. INFOhio/Automation Updates Reminder: OPAC Customizations Brief guide: www.nccohio.org/library/files/cat_brief.doc Overview: www.nccohio.org/library/files/cat_sum.doc

  36. Sharing Sharing I'd like to see (yes, actually see) what other librarians are doing with their school library web pages (like an actual show and tell) Discuss *positive* things going on this school year in terms of initiatives I would love to hear from librarians who work in schools serving the same grade levels as me (i.e.: 9-12) about resources (print or other) that they are using to support the common core.

  37. Next Meeting See you on December 4th!

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