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Anna Soci Co-ordination meeting Riga, August 29/30, 2007

Anna Soci Co-ordination meeting Riga, August 29/30, 2007. 1. Time-schedule (and Deliverables) for WP5/6/7 2. Future meetings 3. Conferences 4. Publication protocol 5. Other issues (if any). ITEMS. Application and results of individual CGE analyses (Aberdeen/Patras)

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Anna Soci Co-ordination meeting Riga, August 29/30, 2007

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  1. Anna Soci Co-ordination meeting Riga, August 29/30, 2007

  2. 1. Time-schedule (and Deliverables) for WP5/6/7 2. Future meetings 3. Conferences 4. Publication protocol 5. Other issues (if any) ITEMS

  3. Application and results of individual CGE analyses (Aberdeen/Patras) Application and results of CGE analysis: comparative analysis (Aberdeen/Patras) Application and results of individual NEG analyses (Bologna) Application and results of NEG analysis: comparative analysis (Bologna) WP5 Lead Contractor: Aberdeen4 DELIVERABLES

  4. The first two Deliverables for both models (CGE and NEG) should have been produced in month No 25 (July 2007) The second two Deliverables for both models (CGE and NEG) should have been produced in month No 26 (August 2007) Deliverables for WP5

  5. End of October (November 15th, at the maximum) Time-schedule for WP5

  6. “Assessing the extent to which the policies take into account the territorial factors. …… We shall compare the weight of these factors, as measured by our empirical results, with the effective relevance they have (if any) in the actual policies” WP6: TERA Objective 2

  7. Which are these factors - our empirical results - by country Which is their relative importance, by factor by country (which empirical result is more strong than the others, within each country) BRIDGE between WP5 and WP7

  8. Why a factor is stronger here than there (country specificity)  Additional (small) research for country-specificity (?) BRIDGE between WP5 and WP7

  9. By providing the overview of the actual policies, WP6 allows “to compare the weight of these factors…….. with the effective relevance they have (if any) in the actual policies” Role of WP6

  10. P5 should receive as inputs for WP6 a paper from each partner about all the policies related to the specific areas (translation in English of all local documents) within 2007. The Riga meeting (September 2007?) could be a first assessment of these new topics. Old plan in Archanes

  11. Relevance of Structural Policies and territorial factors (study-area specific) Relevance of Structural Policies and territorial factors (comparative analysis) WP6Lead Contractor: RIGA 2 DELIVERABLES

  12. Official end of WP6: FEBRUARY 2008 PROPOSAL of the Co-ordinator  Time-schedule for WP6

  13. An additional meeting on mid/late January for monitoring the work in progress and for a thorough discussion of WP7. WP5 would be definitely closed and WP6 would be in a very advanced progress. The “official” meeting in Aberdeen (late April or late May if we get the extension from the Commission).

  14. Specify new policy interventions which can promote the development of European remote rural areas. The design of these policies would embody those elements of the previous “territorial” analysis most useful for achieving the final goal. WP7: TERA OBJECTIVE 3

  15. Policy-implications and recommendations (study-area specific) Policy-implications and recommendations (comparative analysis) WP7Lead Contractor: Helsinki 2 DELIVERABLES

  16. About the end of June, (without the extension) About the middle of August (with the extension) Time-schedule for WP7

  17. Intermediate meeting (in…) on about the middle/end of January (to monitor WP6 and adjust the shot for WP7) Official Meeting in Aberdeen on late April or late May (to provide preliminary results for WP7 and re-think about the whole Project, in view of WP8) 2. Future meetings

  18. The mid-Project Conference in Ferrara: 17/18 (???) October 2007 3. Conferences

  19. Bologna can make 17/18 (Contacted Round, Fingleton: ok) Patras cannot make 17/18. Aberdeen can make 17/18 (contact Kilkenny urgently) Helsinki cannot make 17 Praga can make 17/18 Riga: ?? 17/18 October (??)

  20. Bologna: fine Patras: fine Aberdeen: ?? Helsinki: cannot make Praga: fine Riga: ?? SPEAKERS?????????? (Inquiry in progress) October 23start/24fullday

  21. First Day 4,30-5,45 p.m. - Registration 6 p.m. - Welcoming Addresses Prof. P. Bianchi, Rector G. Sateriale, Mayor ……………. (Province) ……………. (CCAI) Prof. A. Soci, Coordinator 6,30 p.m. - Prof. M. Kilkenny Keynote-lecture (tba) 7,30 p.m. - Cocktail FERRARA CONFERENCE Provisional program

  22. Second day 9.30 a.m. - A. Soci (Univ. of Bologna and TERA) “The TERA project: an overview after two years 9,45 a.m. - J. Round (Univ. of Warwick) “SAMs: in retrospect and in prospects” 10,15 a.m. - Prof. F. Galassi (U. of Ferrara and TERA) ……………………. 11 a.m.- coffee break 11,15 a.m. - dr. Psaltopoulos (U. of Patras and TERA) …………………… 11,45 a.m. - Mrs. N. Hyytia (Un. Of Helsinki and TERA) ……………………… 12 a.m. – dr. D. Roberts (Un. Aberdeen and TERA) …………………….. 12,30 a.m. – Prof. J. Round (University of Warwick) “COMMENT” 1 p.m. - lunch

  23. 2,30 p.m. – dr. L. Marattin (University of Bologna and TERA) ………………….. 3,30 p.m. – dr. G. Mion (University of Louvain-la-Neuve and TERA) ……………………. 4 p.m. – Prof. B. Fingleton (University of Cambridge) “COMMENT” 4,30 p.m. – Prof. K, Thomson (University of Aberdeen and TERA) “Policy issues” 5 p.m. – coffee break 5,15 p.m. – Round Table  ……………………… 8. p.m. DINNER

  24. ……………………… ………………………. ………………….. …………………… ………………….. …………………… ROUND TABLE

  25. General invitation Specific invitation  Bea will send you the address data base Invitations

  26. FINAL DEADLINE: JUNE 2008 Final Conference AUGUST 2008 in Ghent (Belgium) at the EAAE ???????????????????

  27. Thorough mailing last Spring (Dimitri, Anna, Guido, Burioni)  I got a beautiful official letter from the EAAE that I sent to our scientific Officer Reply  He is favourable and he would ask the head of the Division GAND

  28. Demetrios’s draft sent to everybody on August 23. Agreement/Disagreement?  Discussion 4. Publication Protocol

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