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Perceiving Transformational Invariance Discovering the basis multi-sensory integration. Richard Hurtig Department of Speech pathology & Audiology The University of Iowa. Speech Perception is the result of Sensory Integration. Sign wave speech. Speech Perception is hard!. Massaro, 1998.
Perceiving Transformational InvarianceDiscovering the basis multi-sensory integration Richard Hurtig Department of Speech pathology & Audiology The University of Iowa
Speech Perception is the result of Sensory Integration Sign wave speech
Speech Perception is hard! Massaro, 1998
It is not all in the acoustic signal:Stop-Gap Trading Relation [s_lit split] Repp 1985
Top Down EffectsWarren Phoneme Restoration “BABY” [ba_y] + [__clap_] [ba:clap:y] “baby” with clap in the background
What tells the brain that what the eyes are seeing goes with what the ears are hearing and what the skin is feeling? Possible Solutions: Temporal Synchrony of Input Signals Mapping to Cortical Convergence Zones Co-Modulation of Primary Sensory Areas of Cortex
Scrots Perspective makes things look ‘normal’
Fresco Perspective allows Forms to emerge
Recognizing Faces/ObjectsDepends on Perspectiveand Prior Experience
Look the same? Thompson, P. (1980). “Margaret Thatcher: a new illusion”, Perception, 9, 483-484
Upside Down Environmental Sounds Saw Bird Kiss Doorbell Rooster Cow Toilet Dog
Image Recognition of Distorted Images:Digital Image Morphing Monroe Madonna Elvis
How Much of the signal do we need? Low Pass High Pass
Filtered Music & Speech Low Pass <2000 Band Pass 1500-3000 High Pass >2500 “The doctor prescribed the drug”
“Play it Backwards”How important is temporal order? Dog Saw Bird Cow Toilet Kiss Rooster Doorbell
Reversed Speech & Music Edgar Allen Poe
Under What Conditions Do We RecognizeTemporal Inversion? • Palindromes/ Symmetry • Segmental Elements • BOB • STATS • Metrical Schemes • 000- - - 000
Frequency ComprehensionTime Domain and Frequency DomainRepresentations of the syllable /ma/Blue=OriginalRed=Compressed(75%)
Spectral CompressionTFT ALGORITHM(Hurtig & Turner, Patented 2003) Array Remapping FFT IFFT Input Signal Output Signal A/D D/A 50 % Compression 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 50% compression Original 4-tone
Compressed Environmental Sounds 80% Dog Saw Rooster Cow Bird Doorbell Kiss Toilet
Compressed Speech & Music 80% 100%
Compressed Singing Voice:Perception of Gender and Size Soprano Soprano Tenor Bass Original 90% 80% 70%
Multi-Modal Speech PerceptionMcGurk Effect- 2 BDA/BGA BA GA
Synthesized & NaturalMcGurk Effect BA VA THA DA Fixed Audio Variable Video Fixed Video Variable Audio Massaro, 1998
Perceive [my dad taught me to drive]See [my gag gog me goo grive]Hear [my bab bob me boo brive] Massaro, 1998
Gesture-Speech ExperimentBa-Da Continuum Massaro, 1998
Speech Perception In Noise Multi-modal effects Audio Only SNR +5 dB Audio & Visual SNR +1 dB Audio & Tactile SNR +3 dB
Where does the integration take place? (Posner & Raichle , 1994)
What does increased rCBF say about functional modules? (Posner & Raichle , 1994)
Why There Can’t Be A Pre-wired Module Uniquely Reserved for Language In The Brain • How would we account for multi-modal effects? • Why would the module have evolved a somato-sensory input? • Sur & Leamey (2001) Rerouting visual inputs to auditory cortex
Current Projects • Utilizing multi-sensory integration to assess Hearing Aid benefit- with Ruth Bentler • Implementing a spectral compression algorithm in a wearable sensory aid- with Chris Turner
Contact Information • Richard Hurtig • Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences • The University of Iowa • Iowa City, Iowa 52242 • 319-335-8730 • Richard-Hurtig@uiowa.edu