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Administrative Affairs Division University Budget Committee Presentation March 25, 2005. ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS. Agenda. Review of restored funds received in FY04-05 Impact of budget reductions for FY05-06 Funding Requests for FY05-06 Questions and Answers. ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS.
Administrative Affairs Division University Budget Committee Presentation March 25, 2005
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS Agenda • Review of restored funds received in FY04-05 • Impact of budget reductions for FY05-06 • Funding Requests for FY05-06 • Questions and Answers
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • COMMON MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS •FACILITIES MANAGEMENT -Construction Management -Facilities Planning & Design -Plant Operations -Distribution Services -Property Control •FISCAL AFFAIRS -Accounting -Cashier’s Office -Contracts and Procurement -Financial Aid Accounting -Payroll •HUMAN RESOURCES & RISK MANAGEMENT -Risk Management -Environmental Health & Safety
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS FY 04-05 Restored Funding Plant Ops Salaries (Reinstated Positions) $364,332 Plant Ops Benefits (Reinstated Positions) $152,738 Plant Ops Operating Expense $105,000 Plant Ops Special Repair $120,862 Plant Ops – Recycling Program $45,000 Educational Services Bldg. Feasibility Study $198,068 TOTAL $986,000
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS FY 04-05 Restored Funding Plant Ops Reinstated Positions ($517,070): Funding for 9 of the 21 laid off positions that were reinstated: -Automotive/Equipment Mechanic (1) -Facilities Maintenance Mechanic (1) -Custodian (3) -Planner/Estimator/Scheduler (2) -Drafting Technician II (1) -Gardening Specialist (1) Plant Ops OE ($105,000): General maintenance supplies.
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS FY 04-05 Restored Funding Plant Ops Special Repair ($120,862): • Used for remediation of an underground storage tank leak threatening Campbell Creek. • Emergency repairs to the ceilings in Science 3A. Plant Ops Recycling Program ($45,000): Partially funds direct support for the 2 employees to run the program. Educational Services Feasibility Study ($198,068): The study is almost complete and has resulted in the project being proposed for the 2007-08 Capital Outlay Program.
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS Base Budget $10,794,186 FY 05-06 Reduction (5.5%) $593,680 2005/06 Proposed Budget Reduction
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 1-Fiscal Affairs $256,169 • Restore funding for five positions that are temporarily funded with dwindling trust funds due to the budget cutbacks of the past two years. • Account Technician II $54,963 • Accounting Technician I $41,293 • ASA II $47,142 • Account Technician II $48,765 • Buyer II $64,006 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 1-Fiscal Affairs • Performance Measures: • Timely submission of legal year-end close data to State Controller’s Office and CO. • Timely submission of financial data for system wide GAAP financial statements. • Timely submission of quarterly and year-end FIRMS data. • Timely clearance of FISMA and Compliance audit findings. • Maintain current practice of issuing travel reimbursement checks within one week of receipt of claim. • Maintain timely payment of campus vendors. • Maintain timely issuance of student financial aid checks by first day of classes. • Maintain minimal cashiering lines. • Maintain or increase weekly PeopleSoft open labs for campus end users. • Develop additional end user reports from PeopleSoft Finance and HR systems. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 1-Fiscal Affairs • Performance Measures (cont’d): • Develop and provide campus training regarding travel procedures and regulations. • Continue to provide campus training regarding payroll procedures. • Meet State collection requirements for university debt and increase efforts through use of collection agency. • Tie to Strategic Plan: • Maintaining services for students is critical to enrollment efforts. Maintaining financial integrity is key to the University's mission and vision. Having correct and current financial information is crucial to the University's decision making process. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 2-CMS-Data Warehouse Project Support $210,922 • Campus Server and Peripherals $58,000 • Systemwide charge for licenses, etc. $25,000 • Programmer/Analyst $69,488 • Analyst $58,435 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 2-CMS-Data Warehouse Project Support Performance Measures: Successful progress in meeting the milestones of the CMS Project is tied to the CSU-wide Quality Improvement Program. This program began an annual performance measurement process in 2004 to assess the impact of CMS on the areas of Finance, Human Resources, Student Administration, and Information Technology. All CSU campuses were required to complete a series of questionnaires to define key impacts. In addition, CMS Central is developing another measurement process for product implementations and upgrades entitled “CMS Upgrade Support Model Success Criteria and Evaluation Approach.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 2-CMS-Data Warehouse Project Support • Tie to Strategic Plan: • Goal XVe which states that “Humboldt will use information technology for effective and efficient business processes and the delivery of services of students, faculty, and staff.” • This goal is further clarified by strategies XVe1 and 2 which specifically address the Common Management Systems Project. Strategy XVe1 states: “Implement CMS and convert local administrative processes that are outside the scope of the CMS Project to work with CMS.” Strategy XVe2 states: “Implement CMS portal and self-service functionality for each CMS module to support an active program of implementing self-service processes.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 3-Human Resources-Establish OE Account $85,540 • Provide operating expense funding to establish and maintain accounts to stabilize the Human Resources Department. • 2 Half-Time Student Assistants $16,640 • Replacement of 5 computers and 1 copier $23,500 • EAP, Training, Travel, Office Supplies $37,600 • Funds to cover additional costs of • Office Manager position $7,800 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 3-Human Resources-Establish OE Account Performance Measures: Failure may produce lawsuits, outside agency complaints, applicant complaints, and departmental complaints about new hires. We will have general upset on the part of the campus with our department. We are not especially visible when our programs function well, but, if there is a problem it is immediately apparent. Part of the Risk Management Program is new to our office, however, our effectiveness will be clearly visible by unnecessary costs to the systemwide risk management funding pool. Training and development will be measured by the training offered and how effective employees think it is in improving their performance. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 3-Human Resources-Establish OE Account • Tie to Strategic Plan: • Goal XVIIIa., HSU will enhance professional development, training, and mentoring programs for faculty/staff/student employees. • Goal XVIIIc., …to meet the educational and operational needs of the university in light of Humboldt's mission and vision statements and in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. • Goal XVIIIe., HSU will engage an adequate numbers of employees to reasonably accomplish mission and vision goals. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 4-CMS-Student Admin. Implementation $543,625 • Funds to carry out a variety of campus pre-implementation tasks for the Student Administration implementation which must be completed by the Fall of 2007. One of these tasks will be to begin staffing enhancements (aka backfill) within those campus organizations that will be most impacted by the PeopleSoft Student Administration application. These organizations, include Admissions, Enrollment Management, Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Cashier’s Office, and Faculty Personnel Services. An additional task will be campus involvement with a variety of SA Implementation Collaborative functions including fit-gap work, RFP preparation, and initial team training. • 2 System Analysts (Office of Enrollment Mgmt.) $138,976 • 6 Admin. Support Coordinators (Registrar’s Office) $281,214 • 1 Faculty Data Coordinator (Faculty Personnel Services) $58,435 • Travel $40,000 • Operating Expense $25,000 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 4-CMS-Student Admin. Implementation Performance Measures: Successful progress in meeting the milestones of the CMS Project is tied to the CSU-wide Quality Improvement Program. This program began an annual performance measurement process in 2004 to assess the impact of CMS on the areas of Finance, Human Resources, Student Administration, and Information Technology. All CSU campuses were required to complete a series of questionnaires to define key impacts. In addition, CMS Central is developing another measurement process for product implementations and upgrades entitled “CMS Upgrade Support Model Success Criteria and Evaluation Approach.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 4-CMS-Student Admin. Implementation • Tie to Strategic Plan: • Goal XVe which states that “Humboldt will use information technology for effective and efficient business processes and the delivery of services of students, faculty, and staff.” • This goal is further clarified by strategies XVe1 and 2 which specifically address the Common Management Systems Project. Strategy XVe1 states: “Implement CMS and convert local administrative processes that are outside the scope of the CMS Project to work with CMS." Strategy XVe2 states: "Implement CMS portal and self-service functionality for each CMS module to support an active program of implementing self-service processes.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 5-CMS-Operations & Training Support $205,774 • Functional Systems Analyst $69,488 • “PeopleSoft” Trainer for campus $63,936 • Travel for Training $26,000 • PeopleSoft Training $46,350 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 5-CMS-Operations & Training Support Performance Measures: Successful progress in meeting the milestones of the CMS Project is tied to the CSU-wide Quality Improvement Program. This program began an annual performance measurement process in 2004 to assess the impact of CMS on the areas of Finance, Human Resources, Student Administration, and Information Technology. All CSU campuses were required to complete a series of questionnaires to define key impacts. In addition, CMS Central is developing another measurement process for product implementations and upgrades entitled “CMS Upgrade Support Model Success Criteria and Evaluation Approach.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 5-CMS-Operations & Training Support • Tie to Strategic Plan: • Goal XVe which states that “Humboldt will use information technology for effective and efficient business processes and the delivery of services of students, faculty, and staff.” • This goal is further clarified by strategies XVe1 and 2 which specifically address the Common Management Systems Project. Strategy XVe1 states: “Implement CMS and convert local administrative processes that are outside the scope of the CMS Project to work with CMS.” Strategy XVe2 states: "Implement CMS portal and self-service functionality for each CMS module to support an active program of implementing self-service processes." FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 6-Classroom Restoration/Rehabilitation $1,000,000 Funds will be used to support all campus buildings and target classroom repair work identified by the Provost and academic deans as the campus' highest priorities. Efforts in targeted classrooms/labs will address smart classroom support, Group 1 equipment, windows, floors, doors and wall coverings, ventilation and other underlying systems. The work done will change the classroom image from that of a high school to a professional university experience. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 6-Classroom Restoration/Rehabilitation Performance Measures: Performance will be measured by audit results comparing money earmarked by the Chancellors Office for facilities maintenance and actual expenditures in those areas. Academic spaces will be targeted for restoration and improvements to better support our academic needs in consultation with the Provost's Office and the Council of Deans. A list of projects to be accomplished will be approved annually. An evaluation of project completion and performance will be provided at the end of each fiscal year. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 6-Classroom Restoration/Rehabilitation Tie to Strategic Plan: This project directly ties to the Strategic Plan goals of Academic Excellence, Fiscal Resources and Processes, Infrastructure and Academic Underpinings. This project directly supports the goal of Academic Excellence by "improving infrastructure for scholarship" and "curricula support" by providing the systems and atmosphere to deliver instruction. This project is also tied very directly to Strategic Plan goals of Infrastructure that supports delivery of education by improving the image of a "safe and healthy campus," providing the "infrastructure that supports information technology," the "development and maintenance of functional facilities and grounds", and directly "compliments and enhances the learning and working experience." The strategic plan goals in the area of Intellectual Underpinnings of "increasing the number of students" is directly supported by this project by improving the campus ability to recruit and retain students. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS • 7-Hazardous Waste Program $2,400 • CSTI emergency response re-certification $2,400 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 7-Hazardous Waste Program Performance Measures: Emergency response capabilities can only be measured after the fact with regard to chemical releases. Tie to Strategic Plan: The HSU Strategic Plan 2004-2009--29 states in part: “Health and safety must be a priority of the institution with commitment to further improve our physical environment, plan and train for emergencies and disasters, and educate the campus community in personal health and wellness.” FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 8-Custodial Shift Change $70,560 Shift differential funds to cover a change of custodial shift to 1700-0130 hrs. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 8-Custodial Shift Change Performance Measures: Performance will be measured by a surveys of students, faculty & staff on their assessment of the impact on custodial service prior to and one year after the shift change is implemented. Tie to Strategic Plan: This proposal is directly tied to Strategic Plan goals of Infrastructure by “providing a safe and healthy campus.” It additionally supports the Intellectual Underpinnings goal of “increased student enrollment” by providing a safe and secure environment that can be marketed to prospective students and parents. Humboldt can be viewed and marketed as the safe, secure and clean haven in Arcata. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 9-Grounds & Landscape Manager Position $82,200 FY 05-06 New Funding Requests
ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS 9-Grounds & Landscape Manager Position Performance Measures: Performance will be measured by surveys of students, prospective students and parents on how the condition of grounds affects their enrollment and retention decision. The survey will be performed upon the candidate assuming the position, and repeated annually. Tie to Strategic Plan: Creation of Manager of Grounds and Landscape Services supports the Strategic Plan Academic Excellence goal of “improving infrastructure for scholastic excellence” by providing an atmosphere conducive to education and scholastic excellence. This position supports the Strategic Plan Infrastructure goal of “develop and maintain functioning Facilities and Grounds.” The position is key to preservation of our incredible campus look and feel that is a top marketing tool to attract and retain students. FY 05-06 New Funding Requests