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February 4, 2014. Analyze the map on page 92 in the textbook. Answer questions 1 and 2 in your notebook. What geographic features may have allowed civilizations to develop in ancient India and China?
February 4, 2014 • Analyze the map on page 92 in the textbook. • Answer questions 1 and 2 in your notebook.
What geographic features may have allowed civilizations to develop in ancient India and China? • What geographic features do you think could have influenced the development of the Indus and Huang He civilizations?
1. Geography • Two major rivers • Chang Jiang aka Yangzi • Huang He aka Yellow River • Civilizations in China started in the river valleys of these two rivers • Crops • South • The environment was suitable for rice • North • Suitable for wheat and millet
c. Isolated • Much of China is covered with mountains, hills and desert • Helped protect China from invasion
Shang and Zhou Dynasties • Use textbook pages 109 – 112 to take notes on the development and achievements of China’s earliest dynasties.
2. Major Philosophies • Concept of the Mandate of Heaven • Political philosophy • Used to explain the fall of one dynasty and the rise of another • Stated that the gods would support a just ruler, but they would not allow anyone corrupt to hold power
b. Confucianism • Based on the teachings of a man named Kongfuzi or Confucius • Confucius • Believed that people should treat one another humanely • Believed tat love and respect had disappeared and this was what was responsible for violence in a society • Believed that if respect for tradition was restored, society would again be stable and orderly
iii. The Analects • A book written by Confucius • States that rulers should treat their subjects fairly • Subjects should in return reward their ruler with respect and loyalty • People need to respect the members of the family • It is the duty of all educated people to devote themselves to public service
c. Daoism • Encourages people to retreat from the laws of society and yield to the laws of nature • Concept of the Dao or the way • Dao is the limitless force that is part of all creation
iii. Embraces the concept of yin and yang • Represents the balancing aspect of nature • Neither can exist without the other • When in balance represents perfect harmony
3. Buddhism • Origins • Originated in India • Founder, is a man by the name of Siddhartha Gautama
b. Teachings • Four Noble Truths • Suffering is a part of human life • No one can escape from suffering while alive • Suffering comes from people’s desires for pleasure and material goods • Overcoming these desires during life eventually brings suffering to an end • Desires can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path
ii. The Eightfold Path • Right View • Accepting the reality of the Four Noble Truths • Right Attitude • Striving for moderation in all things • Right Speech • Avoiding lies, boasts and hurtful words • Right Action • Treating others fairly
5. Right livelihood • Avoiding jobs that could bring harm to others 6. Right effort • Constantly trying to improve oneself 7. Right mindfulness • Remaining aware of the world around you 8. Right Concentration • Ignoring temptation and discomfort while meditating
iii. Nirvana • A state of perfect peace in which the soul would be free from suffering • Can be attained by following the Eightfold Path • If nirvana is not achieved you will be reborn and go through the cycles of suffering again
iv. Middle Way • Another way of expressing The Eightfold Path • “Live in moderation, avoid extremes of either comfort or discomfort in the search for nirvana”
c. 3 Divisions • Theravada (The Way of the Elders) • Oldest of the Buddhist traditions • Based on the Pali Canon • Oldest of the Buddhist Writings • Best way to attain nirvana is to become a monk or nun and spend all of one’s time in meditation
ii. Mahayana • Taught that people can help each other find enlightenment • Incorporated text written after the Buddha’s lifetime • Bodhisattvas • People who have found enlightenment but have not passed yet • Help others find enlightenment
iii. Tibetan Buddhism • Incorporates some of the many teachings with Mahayana • Believe you can use special techniques to harness spiritual energy and achieve nirvana in a single lifetime
1. Geography a. Subcontinent – large landmass that is part of a continent i. Three major geographic zones 1. Himalaya and Hindu Kush mountain systems 2. Deccan Plateau 3. Northern Plains a. Where Indian society first developed
b. Rivers i. Indus River ii. Ganges c. Monsoons – seasonal winds that bring rain during the summer i. First civilizations depended on monsoons to bring water for crops
2. Indus Valley Civilization a. Cities and Settlements 1. Harappa and MohenjoDaro ("mound of the dead") 2. Well planned and carefully laid out a. Streets run in grid pattern b. Community wells c. Public drainage system 3. Citadel – walled, elevated fortress that enclosed buildings such as granaries, warehouses, and meeting halls.
b. Economy i. Focused on agriculture and trade ii. City dwellers specialized in crafts such as pottery, metal-work, and jewelry
c. Society i. Writing System 1. unable to read ii. Single authority, rather than many city- states 1. Common tool designs 2. Set of standard weights
d. Decline i. Thrived from 2500 to 2000 BCE ii. MohenjoDaro abandoned 1. Reasons unknown
3. The Vedic Period • Sacred writing called the Vedas i. Includes details about Aryan history and society 1. Aryans took control of India sometime after 2000 BCE
b. Vedic Society i. Groups of small villages banded together under regional leaders called rajas 1. Raja was a war leader 2. Protected the people in exchange for food and money
c. Social Structure i. According to Rigveda, society divided into four social classes called varnas
1. Brahmins a. highest ranking; smallest group; priests and teachers 2. Kshatriyas a. Warriors and rulers 3. Vaisyas a. Traders, farmers, herders, etc 4. Sudras a. Servants
ii. Over centuries, varnas were divided into hundreds of smaller divisions called castes 1. Caste determines job and who you can marry 2. Untouchables were beneath caste system
February 5, 2014 • For each of the multiple choice questions, choose the best answer.
d. Vedic Religion i. People pray to many aspects of single eternal sprit ii. Worship 1. Fire sacrifices 2. Offer food and drink 3. Rituals grew more complex over time a. Gave Brahmin more power
4. Basic Teachings of Hinduism • Brahman i. Eternal being that created and preserves the world ii. Everything in the world is an aspect of Brahman iii. Human mind cannot understand Brahman iv. Everybody has an atman, or soul, that is a part of Brahman
v. Brahman manifests in four different devas 1. Brahma, the Creator 2. Vishnu, the Preserver 3. Siva, the Destroyer
Basic Hindu Beliefs • Fold your paper in quarters • Use pages 99 – 100 (or the handout) to identify and describe the four basic Hindu beliefs