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InGRID Kick-off meeting Innovative solutions for comparative policy indicators and analysis , WP22 Leuven , 9 April 2013.
InGRIDKick-offmeeting Innovative solutions for comparative policy indicators and analysis, WP22 Leuven, 9 April 2013
Agenda● Overview of activities● Detailed planning until the end of 2014: dates, places, themes and task distribution of calls, events and other tasks● Preliminary planning 2015-2017● Integration and synergies between the activities of each pillar● Dissemination strategies● TNA: short presentation of data infrastructures ● Other matters
Four research activities Four expert network seminars Ten training events Overview of activities 2013-2017
Four research activities Providing content for the web‐based classification and analytical tools of policy incidence and organisation. (UvA, UA, UEssex, SU) Towards an integrated model family analysis tool in EUROMOD (UA and Uessex). Comprehensive indicators for the analysis of tax and benefit systems and individual level outcomes (SU). Extending EUROMOD infrastructure with child care policies (UEssex and UA). Overview of activities 2013-2017
Four expert network seminars Ways to improve EUROMOD: family model component (UA). Ways to disseminate the comparative and institutional approach of policy analysis (SU). Ways to improve EUROMOD: building a child care module (Uessex). How to define comprehensive indicators for the multilevel analysis of benefit programs and poverty outcomes (UNIPI‐DSMAE). Overview of activities 2013-2017
Ten training events • Four 2.5 days training events for policy practitioners (CEPS • and SU). • Six EUROMOD 2.5 daystraining events (CEPS/INSTEAD, • UA and Uessex). Overview of activities 2013-2017
Four RTD: Providing content for the web‐based classification and analytical tools of policy incidence and organization. Towards an integrated model family analysis tool in EUROMOD. Comprehensive indicators for the analysis of tax and benefit systems and individual level outcomes. Extending EUROMOD infrastructure with child care policies. Overview of activities 2013-2017
Detailed planningSummer SchoolsEvents for EUROMOD related training (partners Uessex, UA, CEPS-INSTEAD
Dissimination strategiesFoster bottom-up processes of dissemination, promotion and communication We need to feed the InGRID website with content. Here we are supposed to list relevant topics to be covered by the website, such as official reports, databases, research projects etc. Strategies for promotion of events and TNA. To whom should we send out calls? Possible channels to use? Which outside events to bring promotion material?
Integration and synergies between the activities of each pillar Essentially InGRID consists of three interacting activities: RTD, knowledge sharing and data access. It is essential to maximize synergies between the three activities. How can the outcome from our RTD’s feed into the knowledge sharing events and vice versa? How can participation in summer schools and expert network workshops be continued in the transnational visits, implying shorter or longer stay at data infrastructures? What about other synergies between InGRID’s three core activities?. For example, can our planned events be aligned with TNA calls.
Stockholm University Social CitizenshipIndicators Program (SCIP) Social Assistance and Minimum IncomeProtectionInterim Dataset (SaMip) Social Policy IndicatorsDatabase (SPIN) University of Antwerp The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Condit (EU-SILC) Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Standaard Simulatiemodel Sociale Zekerheid STASIM (STASIM) The CSB-Minimum Income Protection Indicators dataset (CSB-MIPI) University of Essex Tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union (EUROMOD) University of Amsterdam Not a TNA? TNA: short presentation of data infrastructures