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Title I, Part D Program Office Q4 Updates. Agenda. Title I, Part D performance data reporting update and discussion for SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13 (NDTAC) Use of Grant Funds for Conferences and Meetings (especially travel and meals) Supplemental grant awards for FY ‘11 and ‘ 12
Title I, Part D Program Office Q4 Updates John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Agenda • Title I, Part D performance data reporting update and discussion for SY 2011-12 and SY 2012-13 (NDTAC) • Use of Grant Funds for Conferences and Meetings (especially travel and meals) • Supplemental grant awards for FY ‘11 and ‘12 • Short Announcements • Q&A or Solicitation of Topics (time permitting) John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
CSPR Resources Released Available at http://www.neglected-delinquent.org/nd/topics/index2.php?id=10 • CSPR Instructional Guide for SY 2011-12 • Chapters 1 & 2: Background and information • Chapter 3: Instructions • Chapter 4: Checklists • Appendices • Tip sheets for CSPR Changes • SY 2011-12 and 2012-13 • Reporting Tools 1-5 • Average length of stay, outcome calculations, racial/ethnic categories, etc. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Summary of Changes for SY 2011–12 • Refers to school year ending June 2012 (Report in February 2013) • Much of the CSPR remains the same • Minor changes made (removed or condensed items) • Totalaverage length of stay (item removed) • Multipurpose facility count (item removed) • Number of programs with academic offerings (table removed) • Students obtaining postsecondary outcomes (items condensed) • Students enrolling in vocational training (items condensed)
Summary of Changes for SY 2012-13 • Refers to school year July 2012–June 2013 • IDEA and LEP status of students (new to Title I, Part D) • Table on transition services • Academic and vocational outcomes • Merged into a single table and collected via EDFacts(individual items unchanged) • Disaggregation of outcome/transition data (same items) • Expanded transition period to 90 days • Pre-posttest items and requirements altered • Merging of improvement categories • Removal of At-Risk from Subpart 2 tables John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Discussion and Announcements • EDFacts file specifications are available at http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/sy-11-12-nonxml.html (not enabled in ESS yet) • EDFacts clearance package for SY 12-13 to SY 14-15 is available for public comment until Nov. 12 from http://edicsweb.ed.gov (browse pending collections and click on link 04929) • Should we consider allowing post-secondary acceptance/enrollment outcomes attained within facility programs?
Post-secondary Outcomes: Discussion Definition: The measure is the number of students accepted and/or enrolled into postsecondary programs, either while enrolled in the facility or program or within 30 days after exit. Postsecondary education refers to an independent postsecondary educational program; it does not refer to individual college-level courses that are part of a facility’s educational programming. Students may be included if they: are accepted in a program and enroll or choose not to enroll, or enroll in a program that does not require an application process. Challenge and Notes The new measure is not a sum of the previous two measures. This new measure reflects an unduplicated count of students. Each student should only be counted once for this measure; that is, if a student was accepted into a postsecondary program and chose to enroll in the program, the student should only be counted one time.
FY ‘11 Supplemental Grant Awards • An SEA submitted downward revisions toits State Agency child counts for 2011 and 2012. As a result, about $1.8M will be reallocated soon. • The FY ‘11 Supplemental GANs went to CSSO’s and Title I State Directors current as of June 2011. Please look out for the GAN. I forwarded a slate and memo to you last week. • The grant period is listed as 7/1/11-9/30/12. However, under the TydingsAmendment, the funds are available for obligation until 9/30/13 and drawdown by 12/31/13 . • You may award the supplement to your current State agency grantees based on the most recent N or D child count data available. You do not have to use the 2011 child count as a basis for allocation. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
FY ‘12 Supplemental Grant Awards • For the same reason as for FY ‘11, Subpart I grant supplements for FY ‘12 will be awarded soon. • These amounts are tied to new State per pupil expenditure data used for the October 1, 2012 Title I, Part A grant award to SEAsfor FY ‘12. • SEA administration set-aside caps will be increased for FY ‘12, including any increase from the FY ‘11 supplement for Subpart I (they are no more than 1% of Parts A, C and D combined). • There will probably also be slight adjustments to Subpart 2 allocations for FY ’12. I will make that information available to you when I have it. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Use of Grant Funds for Conferences and Meetings • Enclosure 7 on this topic went out with GANs in July 2012. It’s a reminder memorandum from ED’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). • While the information is not new, in the past year there has been additional scrutiny of meals and travel funded through Federal agencies and programs. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Deciding Whether to Host or Attend a Conference or Meeting • Ensure it is reasonable and necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the grant (including the number of attendees being sent). • Consider whether there are more effective and efficient alternatives that can accomplish the desired results at a lower cost, e.g., webinars, video or teleconferencing. • Ensure that the primary purpose is to disseminate technical information: i.e., information, research advances, training or PD, and work planning and coordination. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Food for Conferences and Meetings • Should not be paid for by grant funds unless doing so is necessary to accomplish legitimate business. • Working lunches may be allowable if attendance is needed to ensure full participation in essential discussions and speeches concerning the purpose of the conference and objectives of the project. • Breakfasts, coffee breaks, receptions and dinners are generally discouraged. Any meals should be reviewed on a case by case basis. • No alcoholic beverages or entertainment may be paid for by Federal grant funds. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Conference Sponsorship If there’s approval to use the ED seal on conference materials and signage, there must also be the following disclaimer: “The contents of this (type of publication) were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.” Note: Swag is also discouraged, such as bags, notebooks, folders, pens and pencils, coffee cups, etc. John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Consequences and Questions • Please contact the program office if you have any questions or concerns about whether using grant funds for a meeting or conference is allowable prior to obligating the funds. • Grantees may have to repay funds if they violate the rules on the use of grant funds, including the rules for meeting- and conference-related expenses. • Questions and further topics: e.g., obligating grant funds for Fall conferences (when Tydings Amendment applies) John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator
Other Topics and General Q&A Contact information: John.McLaughlin@ed.gov Tel. no. (202) 401-0962 John McLaughlin, Federal Coordinator