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Title I, Part D

Title I, Part D. Melvin L. Herring Program Director, Title I, Part D Florida Department of Education. Program + MIS = Data Quality. Definition: Prevention and intervention programs for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or at-risk . Subpart 1

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Title I, Part D

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  1. Title I, Part D Melvin L. HerringProgram Director, Title I, Part DFlorida Department of Education Program + MIS = Data Quality

  2. Definition: Prevention and intervention programs for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or at-risk Subpart 1 Programs for students in state agencies (Dozier, Department of Corrections, etc) Subpart 2 Programs for students in local educational agencies (Dozier, Department of Corrections, etc)

  3. Data affects Title I, Part D in two ways: Funding Accountability

  4. Funding (Program View) • The United States Department of Education determines state’s Title I allocation by the total count of students who reside in delinquent facilities. Subpart 1 • Every student who resides in a state delinquent facility for 1 day during the grant year to count. • State agencies determine the date of the count. Subpart 2 • Every student who resides in a local delinquent facility for 1 day during the LEA determined count window generates a count. • Count windows must be 30 consecutive days long with one day falling in the month of October.

  5. Funding (MIS View) • In Florida, the Title I, Part D Annual count is collected during Survey 9 of the year prior to funding. Processing is from November through January and the final counts are usually due to the USED by the third week in January. • During processing the counts for each district are calculated three times for data verification and one final time.

  6. Funding (Data Quality) • Correctly identify the LEAs delinquent, residential facilities. • More students means more money. Establish the most advantageous counting window for each facility. • The window does not have to be the same throughout the district. • Count accurately • Annual counts usually exceed facility capacities. • Students do not have to be enrolled in school in order to be counted. • Check your counts • The counts are processed three times before we submit them to the USED.

  7. Accountability (Program View) • The United States Department of Education collects program performance data on all of the Neglected, Delinquent and At-risk programs supported by Title I, Part D. Continued federal funding for these programs is contingent upon demonstrating student progress in academic, vocation and transitional outcomes. • Currently, on the state level, specific outcome information such as pre- and post-test scores, credit retrieval and vocational program participation is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of Title I, Part D dollars.

  8. Accountability (MIS View) • In Florida, the Title I, Part D accountability data is collected during Survey 5 of the year after funding. This information is usually due to the USED by the third week in August. • During processing, the counts for each district are calculated three times for data verification and one final time. • The formats used are: • Survey 5 Student Demographic Format • Survey 5 Dropout Prevention and Mentoring Program Data Format

  9. Accountability (Data Quality) • Correctly identify facility types on the Master School Identification file (MSID). • Juvenile Corrections • Juvenile Detention • Adult Corrections • Neglected Programs • At-risk programs • Provide accurate counts of students served. • Students served should exceed annual count and facility capacity. • Make sure that you are getting credit for programs offered. • Vocational • Credit retrieval

  10. Resources • U.S. Department of Education • USED Guidance for Identifying Eligible Institutions and Counting • Children • http://www.neglected-delinquent.org/nd/docs/USED_GuidanceforIdenifyingEligibleInstitutionsandCountingChildren_Oct2009.doc • Neglected and Delinquent technical Assistance Center • Annual Counts: Understanding the Process and Its Implications • Webinar • http://www.neglected-delinquent.org/nd/events/webinars_archive.php#webinar200910 • Instructional Guide to Reporting Title I, Part D, Data in the CSPR for SY 2008-09 • http://www.neglected-delinquent.org/nd/docs/CSPRguide_2008-09.doc

  11. Contacts Deepak Gajre Program Specialists, Bureau of Federal Educational Programs 850-245-0680 deepak.gajre@fldoe.org Linda Fleming Program Specialists, Education Information Services 850-245-9919 linda.fleming@fldoe.org Rhonda Forbes Program Specialists, Education Information Services (MSID) 850-245-9920 rhonda.forbes@fldoe.org Dory Siedel Research Assistant, NDTAC 202-403-5627 dseidel@air.org Melvin Herring Program Director, Title I, Part D and Public School Options Bureau of Federal Educational Programs 850-245-0684 melvin.herring@fldoe.org

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