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Europe's March Towards War: The Rise of Militarism and Alliances

Explore how Europe moved closer to war with militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Discover the factors leading to WWI.

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Europe's March Towards War: The Rise of Militarism and Alliances

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  1. Marching Towards War How was Europe moving closer to war?

  2. A. Rise of Militarism 1. Build up military to show strength a)Rapid mobilization plans in place for war b)Glorify military service I. War on the Horizon (M.A.I.N.) B. The Alliance System 1. Alliances form due to mistrust a)Germ. forms alliances to isolate France b) Brit. & Fr. see Germ. as a threat C. Rise of Imperialism 1. Race for land and resources a) Lack of trust due to Berlin Conf (Scrm for Africa) b) Rising tension over who dominates new territories D. Rise of Nationalism 1. Rivalry among Euro. Powers a)Declining empires need to rebuild b) New countries want to become great powers

  3. II. The Alliance System • “As long as France has no allies, they pose no danger to us” – Otto von Bismarck A. The Triple Alliance (1882) 1) Germany 2) Austria-Hungary 3) Russia 3) Italy • Bismarck fired by new Kaiser Wilhelm II, treaty w/ Russia lapses (expires), Italy takes Russia’s place B. The Triple Entente (1907) 3) Great Britain 1) France 2) Russia * Russia joins France * Britain joins in 1907, see new Kaiser Wilhelm II as a threat

  4. Triple Entente Triple Alliance

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