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The USHCA Academy . March 31 – April 3, 2014 The Woodlands Houston, Texas. Welcome to the Academy!. Power Metrics are here! Expand the Pool; Keep them Warm; and Select the Best! Sustainability will keep the work moving forward!. A Welcome from Betsy. “Sell” Your District --.
The USHCA Academy March 31 – April 3, 2014 The Woodlands Houston, Texas
Welcome to the Academy! Power Metrics are here! Expand the Pool; Keep them Warm; and Select the Best! Sustainability will keep the work moving forward!
A Welcome from Betsy Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
“Sell” Your District -- Do quick introductions at your table. Imagine that the people at your table are future teachers in your school district. In Groups of 3, each of you takes 1 minute to “sell” your district to the 2 other people in your group. Now, provide feedback to your partners one at a time. What “sold” you? Select one person who will do the “sell” job to the whole group. We will select a few! “I can “sell” my district in one minute! Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
The Itinerary • Welcome! • Introduction to the Power Metrics • Introduction to: “Expanding the Pool,” Keeping them Warm,” and “Selecting the Best” • What are the perplexing questions? • What are promising practices? • How do you move forward on this work? • Understanding Sustainability (and back to the Power Metrics) • The Problem of Practice – Cohort 1 • Differentiated Session – Cohort 2 • Power Sessions Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Three Year Goals Year 1 is really about knowing what the “right” HR work is and a process to Stop/Jettison, Start, and Continue (Quick Hits) for teachers based on metrics Year 2 gets into a fuller plan with a deeper understanding of the work and necessary connections for both the work around teachers and principals tied to metrics Year 3 aligns the work with deep integration and refined metrics with a strong feedback system Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Three Year Chunking Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
The Big Questions for the Week ASSESSMENT OF THE ABC TOOLS: What are the most important metrics from the ABC Tools and where are we still not green in these Power Metrics? ACTIONS TOWARDS RESULTS BASED ON OUR DATA: What are our data points in these Power Metric areas and what are the most important ACTIONS that we must and should put in place ASAP for movement to occur? SUSTAINABILITY: What are the most important systems that have to be put in place to support sustainability? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Team Agreements • Put students first as we think about the work • Be fully present throughout the week (will be different with the technology) • Tell your truth • Leave your title at the door and think enterprise-wide • Help us to figure out how to solve -- and not just identify -- the problems that we face (addressing and influencing) • Keep the conversation confidential • Use the “Red Flag” rule if you need to • Give yourself the freedom to relax and be a learner Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Guided Discussion Plan The Guided Discussion Plan will help you… • Capture your reflections and notes across session • Reflect on key questions for particular sessions • Summarize key next steps to assist you in identifying “Monday Morning” actions and plans for longer-term change • Look for this graphic to direct youto your Guided Discussion Plan Technology will help you… Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Power Metrics How will this define our week at the Academy?
Power Metrics – Why are They Important? Why did we create them? What are they? How would you use them? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Power Metrics: Structure • Get the Best • Consistently • Deploy Them • Deliberately • Retain Them • Strategically • Deliver HR Services • Effectively Top teacher and principal quality indicators in 4 areas Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Power Metrics: Foundations Who are your effective teachers and principals? Which are your highest-needs schools? How satisfied are your key customers? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Guiding Force for this Academy • Today • Assessment Part I on availability and use of Power Metrics • Deep dive into Get the Best, with a focus on teachers • Tomorrow • More about Power Metrics • Assessment Part II • Sustaining your work with Power Metrics • Thursday • Power Sessions to help us focus our work Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Assessing Power Metrics – Part I Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 Do we have this data? Do we use this data?
Recruitment & Selection Creating Systems to Get the Best New Teachers
The “Voices” of the Principal and HR What happens when they don’t agree? Do you remember our HR Partner Case Study? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
New Teacher Landscape Landscape Today Expected Landscape • Evidence that academic quality of new teacher candidates is improving, based on SAT scores.* • STEM remains the most critical shortage area for new teachers, despite more pay incentives. * • Oversupply of elementary teachers – excess ranges from 106% (Col.) to 930% (Ill.), although reports of drop in enrollment of elementary educators.** • Diversity – Minority teachers represent just 14.6 % of teaching force. There has been significant growth in recent years, but turnover rates are high.*** • USDOE projects 28% increase in new teachers hired between 2010 and 2021 (~384,000) • Common Core driving changes for teachers • However, blended learning and other tech progress may reduce the number of educators needed, particularly in shortage areas. *Goldhaber and Walch, Academic Capabilities of U.S. Teaching Force on the Rise, Education Next, 2014. ** Sawchuk, Education Week, January 2013. *** Center for American Progress, Increasing Teacher Diversity, November 2011. Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Back to the Power Metrics • Deliver HR Services • Effectively • Deploy Them • Deliberately • Get the Best • Consistently • Retain Them • Strategically Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Get the Best Consistently: “Secret Sauce” POWER METRICS • Enough applicants? • “Right” applicants? GET THE BEST: Teachers • Top choice? • Early selections? • Effective teachers? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Get the Best: How are You Doing POWER METRICS GET THE BEST: Teachers Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 • Quick Assessment • Strengths? Opportunities for improvement?
Recruitment & Selection Tool Top Strategies for Recruitment and Selection Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Break Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Expanding the Pool Why is this critical?
“Expanding the Pool” – the Perplexing Questions Who is the candidate that WE are trying to attract? What is the value proposition for attracting THIS candidate to our district? How do you work to expand THIS pool? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
The Best-fit Teacher Who is the candidate WE are trying to attract? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Our District’s Value Proposition What is the value proposition for attracting this candidate to our district? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Activity: Your District’s Value Proposition • STEP 1: Using the outline of the “ideal teacher,” describe the characteristics that you are looking for in teachers that would be a strong fit in your district. • STEP 2: Using the outline of your district, describe what your district’s value proposition is for attracting this ideal candidate. What makes your district a compelling place to teach for THIS candidate? • What makes our district special and unique for potential teachers? • What makes our city an exciting place to live and work? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Gallery Walk Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 “How do other districts describe their IDEAL candidates?” “How do value propositions differ across districts? What are the similarities?
Phase 1: Building & Expanding the Pool • What is HR’s role? • Create a wide pool • Screen IN • Pursue candidates who are most likely to be successful Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Phase 1: Building & Expanding the Pool (cont.) • How do you measure success? • Number of applicants to vacancies (PM) • Principal satisfaction with quality of applicant pool (PM) • Diversity in applicant pool • Conversion rates Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Phase 1: Building & Expanding the Pool (cont.) • What are the key actions? • Early projections of vacancies • Create clear value proposition • Leverage multiple pathways • High-quality website and strong internet recruitment Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Perspectives from the Field Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
District Planning Time Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 Directions: After learning about building and expanding the pool of candidates you want to fill your teacher vacancies, what are the top 3-5 ACTIONS you will take immediately to move forward?
Lunch Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Keeping Them Warm Why is this critical?
Keeping Them Warm: Perplexing Questions How do we make sure that WE are the district these “right” candidates end up coming to? What are the intentional strategies to make sure we woo them, keep them on the line (if we hire early we keep them coming and if we hire later we keep them wanting us) and then win them in the end? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Warm-Up For the job you have right now, what kept you “warm” and convinced you to take the role? Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Phase 2: Keeping Them Warm • What is HR’s role? • Cultivate top candidates • Early contracts • What is the principal’s role? • Unexpected vacancies • Candidates they have made offers to Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Phase 2: Keeping Them Warm • How do you measure success? • % of acceptance and declination rates of candidate offers • % of early contracts who accepted the contract and came to the district • What are the key actions? • Regular communication • Dedicated HR resource(s) Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Perspectives from the Field Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
Activity: What does HR Need to do to Keep Candidates “Warm ?” Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 Step 1: Brainstorm list of actions HR can take to keep candidates warm; consider how this aligns with principal actions as well Step 2: Chart 5-7 top actions HR needs to take to keep candidates warm
Gallery Walk “What cultivation ideas might HR try in our district?” “How do we as principal supervisors get principals to understand their role?” Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014
District Planning Time Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014 Directions: After learning about “keeping them warm,” what are the top 3 ACTIONS/STRATEGIES you want HR to do?
Break Urban Schools Human Capital Academy April 2014