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A Web-Based Platform for Solution of Generalized Gas-Lift Optimization Problems

A Web-Based Platform for Solution of Generalized Gas-Lift Optimization Problems. Augusto M. de Conto. Generalized lift-gas allocation problem Effective mixed-integer formulations State-of-the-art algorithms User-friendly web interface. Summary. New Field. Separator. Tubing.

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A Web-Based Platform for Solution of Generalized Gas-Lift Optimization Problems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Web-Based Platform for Solution of Generalized Gas-Lift Optimization Problems Augusto M. de Conto

  2. Generalized lift-gas allocation problem Effective mixed-integer formulations State-of-the-art algorithms User-friendly web interface Summary

  3. New Field Separator Tubing Oil + Gas + Water Casing Reservoir

  4. Mature Field Separator Tubing Oil + Gas + Water Casing Reservoir

  5. Artificial Lift • Beam Pump • Electric Submersible Pump • Gas Lift

  6. Gas Lift • High pressure gas is inject into the production tubing • Reduce the density of fluid column • Stimulates natural flow

  7. Well Performance Curve (WPC) • Polynomial • Alarcón et al. (2002) • Nakashima et al. (2005)

  8. WPC Piecewise Linear Formulation

  9. Typical Gas Lift Objectives • Production maximization • Profit maximization • Cost minimization subject to production quota

  10. Gas Lift Field

  11. Limited lift-gas injection rate Typical Gas Lift Constraints

  12. Limits on oil, gas and water handling capacities Typical Gas Lift Constraints

  13. Typical Gas Lift Constraints • Different gas-lift performance curves for each well • Lower and upper bounds on gas-lift injection • Activation constraints

  14. Objective Function • N: number of wells • po, pg: profit per produced barrel of oil and gas • pw,pi: water treatment and gas compression cost • γon, γgn,γwn: fractions of oil, gas and water produced by well n • qpn: production rate of well n • qin: gas injection rate for well n

  15. Facility Constraints • Compressor capacity • Available gas injection rate

  16. Facility Constraints • Separator capacity • Total separation capacity • Oil handling limit • Gas handling limit • Water handling limit

  17. Precedence Constraint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  18. Our Contribution Objective P5(G) Multiple facility constraints Precedence constraint

  19. Our Contribution P5(G) P5(ø) MILP • Multiple facility constraints • No precedence

  20. Our Contribution P5(G) P1(G) P5(ø) MILP • Compressor capacity constraint • Precedence constraint

  21. Our Contribution P5(G) P1(G) P5(ø) MILP P(ø) DP MILP P(F) DP MILP P(G) DP MILP current research

  22. Interface that allows user to specify information about the well field and run optimization algorithms Need of an environment to call optimization algorithms Friendly Transparent Expansible Web Based Interface

  23. Interface Structure User local interface Optimization server Web local remote

  24. Local • Well field specification • Automatically converts optimization models • Operational System free User local interface local

  25. Remote • Run optimization algorithms • Heavy algorithms requires high memory and processing capacity • Usage of non freeware optimization tools Optimization server remote

  26. Interface

  27. Interface

  28. Interface

  29. G. A. Alarcón, et al.: “Global Optimization of Gas Allocation to a Group of Wells in Artificial Lift Using Nonlinear Constrained Programming”, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2002 P. Nakashima, et al. “Optimization of Lift-Gas Allocation Using Dynamic Programming”, Accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, 2005 Bibliography

  30. A Web-Based Platform for Solution of Generalized Gas-Lift Optimization Problems Augusto M. de Conto Thank you!

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