1. 1 An overview of the workforce demographics and health inequalities Ruth Monger
Strategic Workforce Planning
South Central SHA
2. Objectives of the Session
National and Local Demographics
Workforce Profiles - SHAs
Health Inequalities
5. SHA Midwifery Age Profiles Source: Sept 2006 census
6. Applied Locally – E of England Over next ten years
Age related turnover midwives (1765wtes)
Area A: 14.39% loss
Area B: 8.07% loss
7. Birth Rates – SHA Trends
8. Scope of Midwifery Practice 1989 -90 doctors attended 24% of births,
midwives attended 76%
2004 - 5 doctors attended 36% of births,
midwives attended 64%
9. Workforce info National
10. Comparative Staff Groups by SHA
11. Current Skill Mix – Local Examples
12. PSA Targets Reduce health inequalities by 10% by
2010 as measured by infant mortality and
life expectancy at birth.
Reducing the under 18 conception rate by
50% by 2010.
Halting the year on year rise in obesity among
children under 11 by 2010
13. DH Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets
Maternity services have central part to play
in contributing to DH – PSA targets:
Infant mortality
Smoking cessation
Breastfeeding- deliver an increase of 2% points per year in initiation rates-focusing on women from disadvantaged groups
Children’s Centres
14. Live Births delivered at home by SHA, 2005, with 95%CL
15. Live or Still Births with a low birth rate < 2500 grams by SHA 2005, with 95%CL
16. Infant Mortality aged under 1year by SHA 2003 - 05 with 95% CL
17. Mothers Initiating Breastfeeding, including % not known by SHA Q3 2006/7
18. Summary
We need to understand the impact of national local demographics on our workforce.
What can our SHA and local Workforce Profiles tell us? What opportunities do we have?
Do we understand our local health inequalities and how are can we improve?