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Erika Garutti's plan for preparing for the CERN test beam at the H6 test beam area in Prevessin, including documentation, task division, shift schedule, and accommodation arrangements.
Preparation for CERN test beam H6 test beam area in Prevessin Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Starting a “To Do List” • Get all possible documentation & info about CERN TB from the Web: H6 manual, LCWS talk of M. Hauschild, … combined visit to CERN (~Apr. 24) with a detailed list of questions • Combined plan of installation and data taking agree on combined physics program (next meeting) • Divide tasks / avoid multiplication clear definition of responsibilities (following the example of Nigel) and good exchange of results • Shift schedule (on site / off site (analysis) / expert list) • Ease the life of people accommodation, registration @ CERN, VISA, … Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Daily meeting with machine and with the shift crew Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Integration of CERN equipment in our DAQ + understanding + shift instruction Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Prepare bureaucracy in advance Start of new shifts! Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Availability of people This test beam is the goal of the last 3 years of work: we should give THE BEST!!! preliminary
Shift schedule (1st proposal) 1 2 3 preliminary 1 2 3 1 2 3 covered shift (by HCAL / DESY*) * ITEP/MePHI/NIU not counted uncovered shift
General strategy • Common way to look at the data(Marius) online / semi-online display feedback from fast-offline analysis • Common place where to store info(Sven) online logbook online documentation (beam usage, manuals, crew instructions) online updated plots (# ev. collected, detector efficiency) Common software for calibration and analysis collected in one place (?) easy to access same format (MARLIN) requires common coordination (maybe analysis coordinator ?) documentation, documentation, documentation Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
The pre-preparation Getting ready for CERN starts already @ DESY: The DESY test beam Apr.-Jun. can be the test bench for • combined readout (DAQ) • combined online monitoring • first level reconstruction software • integration of ECAL – HCAL software • train shift crews for operating the two detectors !!! Let’s exploit this chance at best Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
From Nigel list All checked Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
Combined effort when? Check also hadron beam calibration Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti
From Nigel list Preparation for CERN TB - Erika Garutti