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MOVEMENT FOR AFRICAN NATIONAL INTIATIVES. God is at work in Africa. God is doing some of His mightiest work… in some of the most unlikely places… through some of the most unlikely people. It’s in the most desperate countries in Africa that we’re seeing some of the greatest growth.
God is at work in Africa God is doing some of His mightiest work… in some of the most unlikely places… through some of the most unlikely people. It’s in the most desperate countries in Africa that we’re seeing some of the greatest growth. “I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not over come it”
Plenary preview Overview - MANI and African National Initiatives: The vision and aims of MANI Historical development of MANI Basic convictions of MANI Strategic priorities of National Initiatives Unreached /Least Reached Peoples Nigeria – case study
A Biblical Vision "... the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.“ - Habakkuk 2:14
Habakkuk’s vision fulfilled: When in each nationthere are: Healthy churches accessible without barriers to all cultures and classes. All communities are progressively discipled. National churches are taking the Gospel to the unreached at home and globally.
Rooted in African History • 1960s - first national movements • Many African nations gained political independence • New sense of African destiny • Surge in indigenous leadership in the Church • Saturation Evangelism movements emerge in Zaire & Nigeria
The Second Generation • 1970s & 1980s - National Initiatives began to emerge across the continent • Ghana Evangelism Committee -1974 • Target 2000 Movement in Zimbabwe - 1987 • FinTask Movement in Nigeria - 1989
Movements Multiply • 1990s – The AD2000 & Beyond Movement • GCOWE 97 drew 1200 leaders from 46 nations • National Initiatives launched in many nations as a result • African National Initiatives adopted as the basic strategy of the Evangelism and Missions Commission of the AEA
The Birth of MANI • 2001 – The Africa Millennial Consultation in Jerusalem gave birth to MANI • Launched by 360 leaders from 36 nations • “Africa’s Hour Has Come!” • Convictions expressed: • The Church in Africa is to take primary responsibility for the final gospel thrust in Africa • The African Church is uniquely positioned to play a major role in world evangelization in the 21st century.
In MANI we believe that…. That the most urgent task of the Church in Africa is to fulfil the Great Commission in the 21st Century The Church in Africa has the ministry gifts, manpower and material resources needed to complete this task and to make a significant contribution to global evangelization.
In MANI we believe that…. 3 If the resources of the African Church are properly organized, in partnership with the global church, we can meet our target of “a church for every people and the gospel for every individual” in the countries of Africa and we can make a significant contribution to global evangelization.
MANI encourages Churches to: 1. Plant churches in: • The least evangelized people groups, • Geographical areas and • Social classes of the country. 2. Put a healthy church within reach of every town and village. 3. Reach out world-wide to the least evangelized peoples and nations. 4. Change the way Christians think about missions.
MANI is facilitated by: • A team consisting of a Continental Coordinator and eight Regional Coordinators. • The Team seeks to facilitate the MANI vision at a continental level and works with • National Coordinators • Regional / National Church & Missions leaders • Network Coordinators
8 MANI Regions Francophone West AnglophoneWest Horn Horn AnglophoneWest East East Central Central Indian Ocean Portuguese Speaking Indian Ocean Southern Southern Portuguese Speaking
What is a National Initiative? An undertaking by the National church to carry out the Great Commission ‘to make disciples of all nations (peoples)’ A process that unites churches & ministries to evangelize the nation & engage in missionary outreach to least evangelized peoples beyond its borders. A process in which churches & ministries develop a shared vision and work together to complete the task.
What is a National Initiative? A bold undertaking by the National Church to respond to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to "to make disciples of all nations (peoples).“ It may be focused on one or more of seven strategic priorities.
7 Strategic Priorities TO SEE: 1.Apioneer church planting (PCP) movement within every major language and cultural group – amongst its unreached peoples. 2. Asaturation church planting (SCP) movement- multiplying healthy churches to transformation the nation.
Strategic Priorities 3. Aministry dedicated torecruiting, training and sending missionaries 4. A movement to involve churches and individuals in global missions
Strategic Priorities 5. Denominations encouraging every congregation to disciple their members and challenging them to active ministry. 6. United prayer movements for transformation, evangelization and mission. 7. All churches and ministries networking and partnering togetherto achieve these objectives.
Strategic Priority No. 1 A pioneer church planting movement within every ethno-linguistic people in a nation. This involves: Penetrating and establishing an appropriate Church Planting Movement within all the Unreached or Least Reached People groups in a Nation.
Nigeria’s Unreached Peoples Case Study on Fin-Task Nigeria and introduction to People Group thinking and strategy. Nyi Gbade, National Coordinator of Fin-Task Nigeria
The Great Commission “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”
Countries or Nations? What did Jesus mean in His command to “disciple all nations?" He was not referring to political countries like Nigeria, but using the Greek word “ethne” from which we get the English term “ethnic group.” Jesus has commanded us to disciple all the ethnic groups in the world. For example, in the country of Nigeria there are over 520 distinct people groups. www.joshuaproject.net
NIGERIA a political perspective(one country) www.joshuaproject.net
Nigeria – an ethne perspective(over 520 distinct people groups each needing a church planting movement in their midst) www.joshuaproject.net
What are Unreached Peoples? Globally there are approximately 6,900 unreached ethnic people groups without an indigenous, evangelizing church movement in their midst. These groups are the target of frontier mission strategy. They need a missionary team to work among them, to learn their language and culture, and establish a church movement in their culture which is capable of sharing the Gospel effectively with each member of their group.www.joshuaproject.net
Nigeria a reachedness perspective(Muslim in north, Christian in south) www.joshuaproject.net
Aim At Nothing, Hit Nothing.
By AD2000 • Denominations Made 400 Adoptions • With over 70 New Entries into • Unreached Peoples Fields
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” Romans 10:13-15a
Essential Information Process • Research --- Information --- Mobilization • Church Planting
Table Discussion: Share and discuss. In our respective countries do we: Have healthy churches accessible without barriers of distance or culture, to every class and kind of people? Are all communities being progressively discipled? Are churches are taking the Gospel to the unreached within and beyond our borders?
WENSA – South African Initiative Peter Tarantal – Director, World Evangelization Network-South Africa (WENSA) Leader - Global South Movement, Operation Mobilization Primary focus - mobilizing S.A. churches for mission Links 18 mission and church networks Connects 25 major denominations and 40 national ministries Annual national consultation and many regional consultations National research process launched
Zimbabwe National Evan. Task Chairperson: Rev. PF Moyo (President of the National Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe) Launched by 60 denominations in 1992 Primary focus saturation church planting National research process 10,000 churches planted in 8 years; 1,200 outside the country Regional training consultations
Finish the Task - Kenya Bishop Dr Stephen Kabachia – Founding leader and Executive member Presiding Bishop Agape Fellowship of Churches East Africa Regional Coordinator for MANI Brings together major denominations and ministries from both mainline and Pentecostal persuasions. Initial focus – Kenya’s Unreached Peoples and missions mobilization Current focus – Saturation Church planting. National Church Survey led to setting of a goal of 30,000 churches by ……….
Ghana Evangelism Committee Very Rev Dr Yaw Frimpong-Manso, Immediate past: Chairman - Ghana Evangelism Committee Chairman – Christian Council of Ghana Moderator – Presbyterian Church of Ghana A committee of major denominations and ministries first constituted in 1974 and reconstituted 2009 Initial focus – Spiritual renewal in mainline denominations, every member evangelism and discipleship, church growth and church planting. National Church Surveys in 1989 & 1993 launched a focus in un-church areas and unreached peoples. 3rd National Church Survey in progress
What is a National Initiative? • It is a nationwide strategy and process designed to mobilize the Body of Christ in such a way that it is • effectively functioning togethertoward the completion of the unfinished task of evangelization in its own country, and • making a significant contribution to the evangelization of the least evangelized peoples and countries of the world.