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WELCOME. phxicc.org & usd21.org facebook.com/ phxicc. phxicc.org & usd21.org facebook.com/ phxicc. Communion. Contribution. Announcements. This Saturday at 8:15AM Tagging at University and Rural Wear your MERCY shirt!
WELCOME phxicc.org & usd21.org facebook.com/phxicc • phxicc.org & usd21.org facebook.com/phxicc
Announcements • This Saturday at 8:15AM Tagging at University and Rural • Wear your MERCY shirt! • All donations go towards 7x Special Missions Contribution Sunday November 24th! • This Wednesday at 7:30PM is Women’s midweek • “Music With A Mission” – Special Announcement
Matt 7:24-29 • This is Jesus, how he closes out one of his most famous of sermons the sermon on the mount. • Got to have that true religion, the way to have it? Not just to HEAR the WORDS of Jesus. • Both builders HEARD. • Both had storms of life hit them! • The ultimate storm? DEATH. • Obeying the Word's of Jesus Christ, that is how we really get back to the bible. • That is how we are going to build on the Rock. • No matter what you build on. The storms are going to come. • Sand, has options. Feelings. Traditions. Many voices. Maybe even beachfront!
2 Kings 22:1-11 • Interesting time, These books often referred to as the "historic books" in the scriptures. • 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles cover a very consistent pattern. God's people stray from God, suffer for it, and then Someone rises up and gets the people back to the Bible and back on the straight and narrow. • This pattern can be seen, as the people go up and down spiritually- generation after generation. • Josiah - he had a heart for God, but did not have the scriptures. Why? The bible had been lost. • After 72 years it had been lost in the temple. • Reads it, tears his robe, he sees where the people of Israel are at. • God made this even happen, so we can understand what is happening for us now.
1 Cor 10 • 1 Cor 10 - why? • Read it and glean and understand where we are at. Not purposeless. • 1 Cor 10:6 • 6 Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did. • 1 Cor 10:11 • 11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.
Hidden in plain sight. • There are 1,552 congregations in Maricopa County alone with an estimate of over 1,200,000 adherents. • Over 500,000 churches in America. • In 2012 Lifeway surveyed 2,900 churchgoers in America. • The survey found 90 percent of churchgoers agree "I desire to please and honor Jesus in all I do," However, over 80% of them read their bible once a week or less. • 1 John 5:3 • John 15:14 • In talking to 100's of people I've found most people have very little understanding of what they actually believe or why they believe it - much less can they show you how they came to their convictions about what they believe from the bible.
God's word has been LOST • Convictions about what you believe, from: • Traditions...this is one reason religions splinter into thousands of denominations. • What Religious leaders say... • Kids say the darndest things...religous leaders say the darndest things too - • I've read interviews where religious leaders said Muslims are saved, Hindus and you don't need to even hear about Jesus to be saved! • What Parents...it's a family legacy. Like you are born into the church! • The bible is LOST in this! • Very few go back to the bible to see if any of these things are right or wrong according to God. The Majority says it's right, the majority believes it, so it must be ok! • WE have lost the bible and the CRAZY thing is WE HAVE lost it in the temple just like in the days of Josiah. we have LOST it in the church!
1 - Diligently Seek The Truth • We have exchanged Christianity for Churchianity! If we are going to get BACK to the BIBLE, we must diligently seek the truth. • Atheism growing, Agnostic = "not convinced, pleading ignorance“
2 Peter 1:20-21 • Picture this...here is Moses, I don't know what to do today...hmmm • I know, I'll say I saw a bush is burning, and that it says I should go back to Egypt, which I just ran from for my life. and then come up with these laws that make life very difficult! • Think about it, if I am going to write my account...and I am Abraham, I'm leaving out when my wife ends up sleeping with Pharoah because I lied a second time and said she was my sister...I'm not going to talk about Lot getting drunk sleeping with his two daughters and getting them both pregnant • If I am David, going to leave out that whole killing that one guy because I'd adulterously slept with his wife! • If I am Peter, I'm not going to talk about denying Jesus, much less three times and a couple of them lying to servant girls.. • There is no trying to "church things up..." in the bible there is no churching it up... • Koran, glorifies the prophet...and yet the most humiliating truths' are laid bare of the heroes of faith in the bible. Every single man in the bible went through really tough times.
Bible is reliable • The primary source for the OT is the Masoretic text - from the 9th century AD. • In 1946 they found the "Dead Sea Scrolls" which were dated (both via Carbon dating) and via "Paleography" - the study of ancient hand writing - to range from 225BC to 50AD. • All they found? The later manuscripts - the Masoretic text - was accurate! • There are around 26,000 manuscripts for the NT, many dating within a century of the actual events...by contrast... • Homer's Iliad...is preserved by 457 papyri, 2 uncial manuscripts, and 188 minuscule manuscripts. Estimate written in the 8th Century BC. Earliest manuscript of Homer's Illiad is dated 10th century, 1200 years after original.
2 Peter 1:16 • I was an eyewitness. • Direct evidence...I saw the guy shoot him. The only way to discredit? Assassinate character... • Circumstantial evidence...build enough, corroborating evidence, convincing case... • Validates this - don't get confused...they did not die for something they believe. People sincerely died for stuff they believe. Sincerity does not mean it is true • The apostles? They did not die for "what they believed' - no they all died (except John)... for something they physically saw - nothing to do with belief.
Peter says, "men spoke from God..." • Do you believe that this is God's word. Peter says, "men spoke from God..." • We live in a society that has respect for the bible....even that is dwindling. • People swear on a bible when taking an office. Most courts still practice swearing on a bible to tell the truth. You can reject the practice legally now. • How many people really believe it when the rubber meets the road in their LIFE. • Very little difference in the life of the church goer, verse the non-church goer.
A muddled concept - there is no absolute truth. • There is this muddled concept - there is no absolute truth. • We accept it in math. 1 + 1 is 2. • We accept it in language. No, that's where you put a period. • We even do it with science - which is changing all the time. Is Pluto a planet or what?! • When it comes to God and the bible...get all philosophical... • Peter teaches right here (2 Peter 1:20-21) - there is no private interpretation. • Written at a 6trh grade reading level. Deliberately made simple to understand - these are absolute truths that we need to diligently pursue.
Diligently pursue the truth. • Why don't people question the accuracy of Homer's Iliad? • The bible is challenging...we want to slap Coexist bumper stickers to our cars and all act nice...yet, what does God expect from us!? We need to diligently pursue the truth.
1 Tim 4:15-16 • This is important. Go after it so much, everyone who sees your life will be floored by your progress. When you are really going after the bible, diligently pursuing the truth - your life is so different...wow...look at that person... • Watch your life and doctrine closely... • Life and Doctrine. Simple equation. • Life = life style. • Doctrine = what you believe and thus, teach.
1 Tim 4:15-16 • Break this down - what if a person has a great life, at least moral in eyes of world, but they don't have the right doctrine? • That will not save them. • We want to belieeeeve every puppy and kitten, and old lady goes to heaven... • Life AND your doctrine on straight. • Not just morality. What you believe and why you believe it matters. • James - teaches that someone who hears the right doctrine and does not do it has deceived themselves. • The responsibility to diligently pursue the truth, to watch your life and doctrine - is yours!
2 - Expose The False Teachers • Satan has worked very hard to create an image of the 21st century Christian, soft spoken middle-aged nice guy...lives next to Homer Simpson. Does not speak up. Nice. PC. Mealy mouthed. • Would you let a demon speak? An evil spirit speak to you? Your family? Your children?
1 Tim 4:1 • Paul tells Titus in Titus 1:11 [The False Teacher] must be silenced! They ruin entire households! • Even Jesus in Matthew 5 during the sermon on the mount says five different times , "You have heard it said...but I tell you..." • You have heard this lie taught to you, but this lie you've swallowed I am going to turn it upside down - and teach you the truth! • Just like Jesus, we need to preach against the lies sold to us all our lives.
2 Kings 23:1-7 • Burn the children to Molech, Baal, Ashera...beat a drum to not hear them screaming. • Millions of abortions every year. A time like that. Baal and Molech worship today. • Asherah was a pagan God of pleasure and revelry...male shrine prostitutes. • He goes after destroying all these false gods. • Renewed the covenant, destroyed all these false teachers. • This what is needed in our generation... • Pull away from denominationalism, expose the false teachers, and GET BACK TO THE BIBLE.
Matt 7:15-23 • Watch out! Expose them! Have reformation...like in the time of Josiah. • First century, three major false teachings...Circumcision group, Libertines, and the Gnostics. Paul writing the letters...was not a "post card." There was false teachings...watch out!
Circumcision group • Circumcision group - Pharisees, priests, disciples, in the movement. Unlike Paul, they did not baptize Gentiles, they wanted them to first be circumcised... • Acts 15 - Paul goes into Jerusalem...combating this teaching. • Understand there has been a huge cultural and racial divide between Jews and Gentiles for thousands of years and it is a very bitter pill to swallow for these Pharisee Jews to all the sudden call these uncircumcised Gentiles "brothers in Christ" • This teaching is still out there...the thinking we have to follow the OT Mosaic laws, but Jesus fulfilled the law. In the new covenant, Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets.
Libertines Libertines. Cheap grace. Still here...to this day! Teaching coming into Rome called the libertines. (Romans 6:1) • When you sin, grace covers over it, the more sin, the more grace, the more glory to God, right!? • Rom 6:1-2Grace alone...and don't tell me to do nothing! Don't expect... • Every promise in the OT was contingent on our faithfulness to God. • 1 Peter 4:16-19 • Better continue to do good! Obey? Repent. Live right. Gospel? The right doctrine. • Cheap grace. Stats show...we live in a time of CHEAP GRACE!
Gnostics • Gnostics...you have reach the "knowledge" to have a divine relationship with God... • A lot of false teachings today • Faith alone, infant baptism, worshiping of saints, perpetual virginity of Mary, are these even IN the bible!?
2 Tim 3:14-17, 2 Tim 4:1-5 • Why are there so many denominations? There is a market for it. People want to hear what they want to hear - you tell them what they want to hear, you make them feel good, you scratch their ears and they'll put money in your plate! • Don't do this! Don't go after what you WANT to hear, what's COMFORTABLE. • Go after the bible. Get BACK to the BIBLE. • Visiting with us. Study the bible.
Study the bible • Study the bible with the person who brought you. • Here are the notes, now take this home, read the context... • If it is right. What does these weird church people want from me...they just wanted to show me the scriptures and that is it. • This is the truth, it is clear, from the bible.
3 - Your Absolute Standard. • Gal 1:6-9 • If I come back to you and preach something different, I am going to go to hell... • Even if an angel...beams down here...and says, "don't have to do this, be a nice person, and have a nice family..." That angel is going to go to hell! • Many denominations have started just this way...new thing has got to be better...
Matt 15:1-9 • We must get back to the bible... • This[The Word] is IT. • Diligently Pursue The Truth • Expose The False Teachers • Your Absolute Standard