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Senior Project

Senior Project. May 10-June 4 , 2010. What is a Senior Project?. an opportunity a challenge a capstone activity. How do I find a project?. figure out what you might want to do talk to your parents, advisor , teachers, form dean, anyone! read past senior project proposals.

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Senior Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Senior Project May 10-June 4, 2010

  2. What is a Senior Project? • an opportunity • a challenge • a capstone activity

  3. How do I find a project? • figure out what you might want to do • talk to your parents, advisor, teachers, form dean, anyone! • read past senior project proposals

  4. When is this due? Friday, March 5, 2010

  5. What is due? • project proposal • form signed by your parents • form signed by your faculty advisor • form signed by the on-site sponsor • resume

  6. I think I have an idea…. • Contact someone to learn more information • Write a resume so you can share it with the contact person • Give the resume and a description of the senior project to the contact person • Maybe the contact person will become your on-site sponsor

  7. Who is the on-site sponsor? • the person who has agreed to supervise your 4 week senior project • this person is your mentor for these 4 weeks • a person who evaluates your work on your senior project

  8. I have plenty of time….

  9. No, you don’t!

  10. Don’t Wait! • It takes time to identify a senior project • It takes time to identify the on-site sponsor and work through the details • It takes time to write an acceptable proposal • It takes time to write a resume

  11. Help! • Go the EA website and look at the information posted for the Senior Project • Read previous proposals (available in the library and in the senior form deans office) • Speak to faculty members, parents, and your form dean • Come to one of the senior project help sessions which will announced in the bulletin

  12. Get Started! Don’t Wait!

  13. Alumni Office Jen Fiferslike@episcopalacademy.orgJeff Dayday@episcopalacademy.orgBruce Konopka - Director of Alumnibkonopka@episcopalacademy.org

  14. Community Outreach and Service Learning See Mrs. Swanson for opportunities with local organizations And see Mrs. Swanson about service trip to Guatemala

  15. Spanish Trip to Mexico Visit Kukulkan, a terrific school in Cuernavaca Mexico See Dr. Cochrane

  16. Final Thoughts from Mr. Hess Imagination Taking a Chance Independence Go For It!

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