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The Unholy Trinity (Part Two) (Revelation 13:11-18). (13 th Cent; Getty; MS. LUDWIG III 1, FOL. 34V ). Outline of Revelation (1:19). I. “The things which you have seen” (1) (Prologue / Vision) II. “The things which are” (2-3) (Letters to the seven churches)
The Unholy Trinity(Part Two) (Revelation 13:11-18) (13th Cent; Getty; MS. LUDWIG III 1, FOL. 34V )
Outline of Revelation (1:19) I. “The things which you have seen” (1) (Prologue / Vision) II. “The things which are” (2-3) (Letters to the seven churches) • “The things which shall be hereafter” (4-22) (Tribulation / Return / Millennium)
The Tribulation A 7-year period of unprecedented world-wide trouble that will end with the return of Christ to the earth.
The Tribulation • Daniel’s 70th week (period of 7 years) (9:27) • “a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation” (Dan. 12:1) • “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.” (Matt. 24:21) • “the time of Jacob’s distress” (Jer. 30:7) • the time God’s “indignation runs its course” (Is. 26:20)
III. “The things which shall be hereafter” Prologue (Chs. 4-5) A. The Tribulation (Chs. 6-18) 7 Seal Judgments (ch. 6) 7 Trumpet Judgments (chs. 8-9) 7 Bowl Judgments (ch. 16) B. The Return of Christ (Ch. 19) C. The Millennium (Ch. 20) D. The Eternal State (Chs. 21-22)
Revelation 13 • Satan’s Tribulation Wrath (chapter 12) • Satan’s Beast from the Sea (13:1-10) • Satan’s Beast from the Earth (13:11-18)
The Antichrist Antichrist is a name given to one who, in the end times, will present himself to the world in a likeness to Christ. He seeks the authority and worship that is due Christ, and he will eventually persecute the saints.
The Antichrist (1 John 2:18*) The one who makes desolate (Daniel 9:27) The willful king (Daniel 11:3) The little horn (Daniel 7:8; 8:9) Man of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:3) Son of perdition (2 Thess. 2:3) Beast from the Sea (Revelation 13) * Anti = against or in the place of
Revelation 13 • Satan’s Tribulation Wrath (chapter 12) • Satan’s Beast from the Sea (13:1-10) • Satan’s Beast from the Earth (13:11-18)
Who is the Earth-Beast? • Jewish religious system of the 1st century that conspired with the Roman state to suppress and persecute the early church • Roman imperial priesthood that sought to enforce caesar worship • Pope • Symbolic portrayal of the presence and influence of false teachers, particularly false prophets, throughout church history
Who is the Earth-Beast? • Jewish religious system of the 1st century that conspired with the Roman state to suppress and persecute the early church • Roman imperial priesthood that sought to enforce caesar worship • Pope • Symbolic portrayal of the presence and influence of false teachers, particularly false prophets, throughout church history
Nero Redivivus Myth Nero took his own life in 68 A.D. Rumors circulated that he was still alive and would return to seek revenge on his enemies. History records several early Nero imposters. There arose a popular legend that Nero would rise from the dead and return to conquer the Roman world. Many think that John is borrowing this legend of Nero to depict a beast that is Rome.
Who is the Earth-Beast? This beast is the “false prophet” (16:13; 19:20; 20:10) who is the ally of the Antichrist (13:1-10) and the servant of Satan, the dragon. Together these three form the unholy Trinity.
The Evil Trinity Dragon (13:1) = Satan (12:9) Beast out of the Sea (13:1-10) = Antichrist Beast from the Earth (13:11-18) = False Prophet (16:13; 19:20; 20:10)
The False Prophet (13:11-18) “out of the earth” “two horns like a lamb” “spoke as a dragon” – He is Satan’s mouthpiece.
The False Prophet (13:11-18) His Activity: exercises all authority of the 1st beast makes all to worship the 1st beast
The False Prophet (13:11-18) His deception Great signs (fire from heaven) Directs people to make image of 1st beast Brings image of the beast to life, to speak and cause all that do not worship the image to be killed.
The False Prophet (13:11-18) His economic oppression He causes all to receive a mark (brand, imprint on coin) upon right hand or forehead No one may buy or sell unless he has the name or number of the beast.
The Number of the Beast: 666 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Calculate is a verb derived from the noun, pebble (Luke 14:28). The ancients used pebbles for counting.
The Number of the Beast: 666 • The Chronological View The number refers to the duration of the life of the beast or his kingdom E.G., In 1213, Pope Innocent III called for a new crusade because he insisted that the 666 years of Islamic power would end.
The Number of the Beast: 666 • The Symbolic View In this view, the number is not identifying the beast, but describing him merely as man. As seven is the divine number, six is the human number. “Six sixsix” is a parody of the divine trinity. “for it is man’s number.”
The Number of the Beast: 666 III. The Historical View This view sees this number as representing a specific person, whose identity is learned through a Gematria.
Gematria (from Greek, geomatria, from which we get geometry) This practice, found in both ancient pagan and Jewish circles, assigns a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet. Example: A – I = 1 – 9 J – S = 10 – 90 Then, KC = 23
Gematria Graffiti found in the ancient city of Pompeii: “I love the girl whose number is 545.” Apparently her initials were: ph = 500 mu = 40 epsilon = 5
Gematria in Greek Letters Maometis (Muhammad) Na Bonapartia
Gematria in Latin Letters Diocletian, Roman emperor (284-305 A.D.) Vicarius Generalis Dei in Terris
Gematria in English Letters If A=100; B=101; C=102, etc, Hitler = 666 If A =6, B=12, C=18, the Kissinger = 666 Ronald Wilson Raegan “Cute Purple Dinosaur” = 666 Mussolini, Anwar Sadat, Yasser Arafat, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Jimmy Carter, etc.
Gematria in Hebrew Letters Nero’s name in Hebrew letters But this involves a Hebrew transliteration of a Greek form of a Latin name; and a defective spelling of that name.
The Number of the Beast: 666 My answer: Irenaeus, second century Bishop of Lyons, advised that we not speculate about the identity of this person. God will give a prevailing discernment at the time he appears. All specific identification for 1900 years has been speculative and inaccurate.
“All of chapter 13 is a parody of the Christian era, with its counterfeit trinity, a death and resurrection, and a universal church with its mark of membership… false prophet in contrast to the two prophets of chapter 11. Like them, he performs great signs, stands before the one he represents, has special power over fire, … and directs men to worship the one they designate.” Robert Thomas
Life Application • Beware of false prophets
“Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many” (Matt. 24:11) They “will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect” (Mark 13:22). But just as the false christs of many centuries will culminate in the final Antichrist, so also will the many false prophets culminate in a final False Prophet, who will be Satan’s last & most effective deceiver.”
Life Application 2. We are living in the context of an extraordinary conflict between Christ and Satan for the welfare of the redeemed, and the rightful worship and authority of Christ. Christians must be radically committed, profoundly united, and carefully discerning.
A false religion on a scale never before seen is coming. It will be inspired by Satan and led by his beasts, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. It will be marked by great signs (fire from heaven, resurrection, etc.), deception, world-wide political power, economic oppression, and persecution of all who do not practice its idolatry.
And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.” (Rev. 14:9-11)