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Around the World in 80 Days. Chapter 22 and 23 By : Carson McCombs And Walter Mason. Chapter 22 Summary Part 1.
Around the World in 80 Days Chapter 22 and 23 By : Carson McCombs And Walter Mason
Chapter 22SummaryPart 1 • In chapter 22 Mr. Passapartout was recovering from his drunken state of mind and now finding that his hired master is missing from his assigned ship. Struggling to remember from the past night, he thought of the detective accusing Mr. Fogg of the bank robbery, “Mr. Fogg is no more a robber than I am a murderer." Looking for a new answer to his wandering question. He went to ask the boat attendant if he was on the right boat, Passepartout then scanned the list the boat attendant was holding, he scanned it but his master’s name was not upon it and neither was Aouda’s.
Chapter 22SummaryPart 2 An idea struck in his head, he asked the attendant a question. “Is this boat the Carnatic?” “Yes.” “Is it going to Yokohama?” “It is.” A moment before he thought it might just be that he was on the wrong boat but now he knows that he is on the right boat but his master and their friend is not. Another thought stuck, he had forgot to inform his master about the time change. It was his fault, Wait no, it’s not my fault, it’s Fix’s fault for getting me drunk! Now he was alone, not a penny in his pocket, what is going to happen to him now he thought. The boat ride was still 5-6 days already paid in advanced. He thought he would go ahead and eat as much as he can, for Mr. Fogg, Auoda, and himself. “He helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert, where nothing to eat was to be looked for. “
Chapter 22SummaryPart 3 • After he got off the boat he continued wandering through the streets of Yokohama without purpose. Almost immediately he found him self surrounded in merchants ready to buy or sell anything. But without a penny he moved on. He walked all day even after a hardy breakfast, walking all day really brought up his apatite, quickly finding himself at a butcher he noticed many of the items were not like the meat at home, such as goat, pork, and lamb meat, already knowing cattle(cows) are sacred in the country. He wished for at least a pound or so of wild boar meat, deer meat, or some game fish which could go exclusively with some rice as a delicacy. But he ended up figuring to delay the meal until morning.
Location- Hong Kong and Japan (Yokohama) Hong Kong Japan
Transportation The Carnatic
Unfamiliar Words Gait- A manner of walking, skipping, or running Divulge- to disclose or reveal something Thunderstruck- overcome with consternation Opium- An astringent drug used in medicine, such as cocaine Opium Den- A place where opium is sold and used Confucius- Chinese philosopher and teacher
Cultural nuances The Cows in China are sacred because of religion.