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WAVE OF CHANGE. Managing Risk in the Regions & Clubs. RISK MANAGEMENT. 2012 GRT – RISK MANAGEMENT. RISK MANAGEMENT. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Keep cash and checks safe Regular financial reports Segregation of duties Two signers on bank account Reconciliation of bank statement

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  1. WAVE OF CHANGE Managing Risk in the Regions & Clubs

  2. RISK MANAGEMENT 2012 GRT – RISK MANAGEMENT Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  3. RISK MANAGEMENT • FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT • Keep cash and checks safe • Regular financial reports • Segregation of duties • Two signers on bank account • Reconciliation of bank statement • Lock and key Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  4. RISK MANAGEMENT • WHY - FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT • Treasurers kept no records or receipts • Clubs not complying with IRS filings & requests • Treasurers comingling club & personal funds • Only authorized bank signer left & took money Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  5. REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS • LEGAL RISK MANAGEMENT • SIA’s GENERAL COUNSEL • Gary Bragg Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  6. REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS • CLUBS • Clubs not legal entities of SIA; considered affiliates • SIA grants charter • Operate under SIA bylaws, rules and procedures • Stay in good standing • Receive tax exempt status • Operate under name SI Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  7. REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS • REGIONS • Regions not legal entities of SIA; considered affiliates • SIA does not select 51% of region’s board • Operate under SIA bylaws, rules and procedures • Board policy V. A. identifies requirements • Ensure common vision and direction Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  8. REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS • REGIONS • Stay in good standing • Receive tax exempt status • Operate under name SI Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  9. REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS • REGIONS • First follow laws of the country you operate in • Then follow SIA laws • Region bylaw changes be reviewed by SIA HQ before brought for a vote Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | REGION & CLUB LEGAL STATUS

  10. MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | MANAGIN G COLLABORATION

  11. MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | MANAGIN G COLLABORATION

  12. MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | MANAGIN G COLLABORATION

  13. MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION • PROGRAMS • Initiate • Collaborate with others • REGION MUST BE RESPONSIBLE PARTY Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | MANAGIN G COLLABORATION


  15. MANAGING PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • Assets of region are assets of SIA Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | MANAGING COLLABORATION

  16. PROTECTING SIA • NEW REGION REQUIREMENTS • Report/provide to headquarters • Annual financials • Contracts over $10,000 Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | PROTECTING SIA

  17. PROTECTING SIA • NEW REGION REQUIREMENTS • Carry appropriate insurance coverage • US and Canadian regions • General Liability • Directors’ & Officers’ • Insurance through SIA’s broker of record • Name SIA as additional insured Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | PROTECTING SIA

  18. PROTECTING SIA • NEW REGION REQUIREMENTS • Carry appropriate insurance coverage • Outside US and Canadian regions • Appropriate insurance for country • Use insurance broker of choice Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | PROTECTING SIA

  19. PROTECTING SIA • NEW REGION REQUIREMENTS • Carry appropriate insurance coverage • Forward certificate of insurance to SIA headquarters upon • Purchase • Renewal Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | PROTECTING SIA

  20. PROTECTING SIA • TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION • January 2014 - Reminder of upcoming policy requirements • End of March 2014 – Follow-up reminder • July 1, 2014 - Procedure becomes effective Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 PROTECTING SIA

  21. PROTECTING SIA - Licensing • Licensing Required – Commercial Use • When clubs/regions producing and selling items or using as a donation/fundraising premium • Only mark licensed is the S logo • Only club/region is licensed to sell/distribute the item, not the producer or vendor • $50 fee per item with unlimited reorders • Why? To follow U.S. law requiring a fee commensurate with value Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | Protecting SIA

  22. PROTECTING SIA - Licensing • Licensing Not Required • When clubs/regions are giving away an item with the mark as a public relations tool (nail files, luggage tag, pencils and pens, pads of paper) • When clubs ordering an item (apron, shirt) for club public relations purposes and it is only available to that club’s members Soroptimist Governors Round Table | June 23-24, 2013 | Protecting SIA

  23. WAVE OF CHANGE THANK YOU Managing Risk in the Regions & Clubs

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