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Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy. THEME : INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACOLOGY AND MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION. SOLID MEDICAL FORMS. Anton Levykh. Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy.
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Prescription is a part of pharmacology. It is divided intopharmaceutical prescription which studies rules of drugs’ production and medical prescription that studies the rules of prescription writing. Prescription is a written proposition of physician for pharmacist to produce and/or sale a certain drug. It is a written formula for the preparation and its administration. Also prescription is a juridical document.
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Structure of the prescription (1): • Inscription–Inscriptio Contains name of medical establishment, stamp of the establishment • Date - Datum The date of making a prescription. It has a juridical and special meaning • Surname and initials of the patient – Nomenaegroti With the indicating of age (for children younger 18 and patients older than 65) • Surname and initials of the doctor – Nomenmedici
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Structure of the prescription (2): • Prepositio–Recipe Consisting of the word recipe (take) or its sign. “Rp.:” • Inscription - Designatiomateriarum Is the main part of the prescription, containing the names and amounts of the drugs ordered. Each drug substance is written in own line from capital letter, in genitive case, and in Latin. Words cannot to be shortened and broke. Doses are written by figures. If ingredient is only one then prescription is simple, if many – complex. Drug substances are divided according to their importance: • Remediumcardinale (s. basis) – drug substance which carries the main treating effect; • Remedium adjuvants are the substances with additive action; • Remediumconstituens – shape-making substance. Constituens must be indifferent (non-active) • Remediumcorrigens – substances improving taste, smell, type. Typical corrigens – sugar, ether oils, syrups
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Structure of the prescription (3): • Subscription –Subscriptio Direction to the pharmacist describing the manner of preparation of the drugs. For different medical forms subscription will be different: • for powders – Misce, fiat pulvis; • for suppositories – Misce, fiat suppositorium: • for ointments – Misce, fiat unguentum; • for dosed medical forms – Da tales doses; • for non-dosed – Da Also the form of medical substance is written here: in tabulettis, in capsulis gelatinosis, in ampullis etc. • Signature – Signatura Directions to the patient with indication of the manner of taking; For example: take 1 tablet 3 times a day after meal
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Prescription in special cases.Narcotic substances and other similar substances. Special blanks for strict accounting are done for this purpose. Those blanks have serial number. They are covered by pink drawing and proved by stamp of hospital and signature of its head. During emergency prescription of a drug we write“cito!”, quickly in upper left corner. Dose – is a quantity of the drug substance that can be expressed in milliliters, grams, and international units. There are doses – single, daily, curative, and minimal, median or maximal therapeutic. Prescription can indicate single (for one time) dose of agent and its quantity. It is distributive wayof prescribing. Tablets, powders, etc are prescribed in this way. During divisive way we prescribe summary dose and patient has to divide it on single doses before using, e.g., mixtures, decoctions.
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy Magisterial prescription – prescription that is complied by pharmacist. Officinal prescription – prescriptions of already produced drug substances
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (1) Powder (pulvis) – is a homogenous dispersion of finely divided, relatively dry, particulate matter consisting of one (simple) or more (complex) substances. Simple nondivided powder: Rp: Anaesthesini 25.0 D.S. Apply on the injured part of skin # Complex nondivided powder: Rp: Calcii carbonatis 15.0 Natrii hydrocarbonatis 20.0 M. f. pulv. D. t. D. N 6 S. Take 1 powder orally during heartburn.
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (1) Aspersion (Aspersio) – if the medicinal substance is only a part of the complex powder for making aspersion and all other parts of this powder are inert substances so powder could be prescribed in a short form. Rp: AspertionisAcidisalicylici 2% - 100.0 D.S. For sprinkling on the affected area. # Rp: Acidisalicylici 2.0 Talci ad 100.0 Misce fiat pulvis D. S. For sprinkling on the affected area #
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (1) Its weight is limited0.1 – 0.5 g, optimal weight is equal 0.3 g. If basis weight is less 0.1 g, indifferent form-making substance such as sugar (Saccharum), glucose (Glucosum) are added. Rp: Platyphyllinihydrotartratis 0.005 Sacchari 0.3 Misce fiat pulvis Da tales doses N 6 S. 1 power 3 times a day. # Rp: Pancreatini 0.5 D. t. d. N 6 S. Take 1 powder orally in chronic pancreatitis. #
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (2) Capsule (capsula, caps.) – is a solid dosed form in which the drug is enclosed in either a hard or soft soluble container or suitable form of gelatin. Capsule remove probable unfavorable taste, smell; prevent from irritation of oral cavity and stomach mucosa, and drug’s inactivation by stomach juice. Rp: Chinini sulfatis 0.2 D. t. d. N 10 in capsulis gelatinosis S. By 1 capsule once a day. #
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (3) Tablet (tabuletta, tab) is a solid dosed form containing medicinal substances; it may vary in shape, size, weight. Tablets may be complex and simple according to amount of active substances. They always have inactive ingredients, but physician doesn’t consider them. Rp: Tab. Reserpini 0.00025 N50 D.S. By 1 tablet 3 times a day. # Rp: Acidi acetylsalicylici Rp: Reserpini 0.00025 Phenacetini ãã 0.25 D. t. d. N50 in tabulettis Coffeinum-natrii S. By 1 tablet 3 times a day benzoatis 0.1 # D. t. d. N50 in tabulettis S. 1 tablet 3 times a day to treat headache Ana, ãã or both means that ingredients have similar mass
Dnepropetrovsk statemedical academy SOLID MEDICINAL FORMS (4) Dragee(dragee) – is a solid dosed form. It is a sugar-coated small globular mass of some coherent but soluble substance to be swallowed. Consecutive tracing of drug substances produces it. Rules of dragee prescription are the same as for tablets. Rp: DrageeAcidiascobinici 0.05 N10 D.S. Take orally by 1 dragee 3 times a day. #