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Kokopelli’s Flute

Kokopelli’s Flute. Tina H.

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Kokopelli’s Flute

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  1. Kokopelli’s Flute Tina H. This interesting novel is about the wonderful adventure of Tepary Jones, his dog Dusty, and a strange man named Cricket. Tep and Dusty go into a historical monument called the Picture House, and find Kokopelli’s flute. Tep picked it up and hesitated to blow on it but did anyway then something weird happened. A packrat bigger than any others looked entranced by the music. Tep left without the flute and he went to his house just a couple miles down the road. Later that night Tep felt something like a transformation and when he looked in the mirror he saw instead of his human body a huge packrat body. In the morning he was himself again but he wondered how that happened? This was a very engaging part of the story. A strange man came to their door and asked if he could stay with them. Tep's father said yes and asked him what his name was? The man replied Cricket. After a few days went by Cricket had helped out with a lot of things around the house and Tep asked him something about transforming. Cricket said the flute has magic and you unleashed it, that means what ever saw you with it first is what you turn into. Clearly Cricket knew about the flute. “How do I get my human body back?” asked Tep. “You need to go back to the Picture house and find the stone wall that explains the notes that you play to reverse the magic. “But there's only one problem” said Tep “now what is that?” asked Cricket. “I don’t know where I dropped the flute.” “Well then you’ll have to find out.” Later that day, before the sun set, Tep and Dusty went to the Picture House and looked for the flute. Tep then tried to find the wall that explained the notes. Will Tep figure out how to regain his human form? If you want to know more you’ll have to read this book by Will Hobbs.

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