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Explore the advanced techniques and results of laser cooling and trapping in quantum optics. Learn about temperatures schemes, deceleration of atomic beams, optical molasses, sub-Doppler cooling, and more. Dive into the mathematical background, forces acting on atoms, and measurements/results. Discover how optical pumping and diffusion of light impact the cooling process.
Laser Cooling and Trapping Quantum Optics – 2006/7 Shimon Machluf
Outline • Temperatures Scheme • Deceleration of Atomic Beam – 1D • Mathematical Review • The Forces • Experiments • Optical Molasses – 2D • Experiments and Results • Sub-Doppler Cooling • Linear Polarization • Circular Polarization • Recoil limit • MOT • BEC • Dipole Trap • Optical Lattice
Temperatures Scheme • Difference in definitions of temperature and entropy • We still define: • Capturing temp. • Doppler limit • Recoil limit
Some Definitions • Optical Bloch Eqs: where: • The steady state solution, gives: where:
Mathematical Background • Ehrenfest theorem: • The interaction Hamiltonian: (using the electric dipole approximation, in the last part, which allows to interchange the gradient and the expected value) • Using: we’ll get: Defining: and the general solution:
The Forces on the Atoms • Substituting the steady-state solution of OBE into the last force Eq, gives: • The first term is proportional to detuning and the second one to the decay rate • For zero detuning: • Radiation force: • This force caused by the momentum the atom get when absorbing a photon, but when scattering a photon the momentum averaged out • Radiation force applet • This force saturates at large intensity • The direction of the force is the direction of the light • Dipole Force: • This force direction depends on the detuning sign
Deceleration of an Atomic Beam – 1D • Doppler Shift • Define Doppler dependentforce: • From saturation of the intensity: • Lmin and tmin where calculated with basic calculations • After some cycles the slowed atoms are out of resonance. It is enough to reduce the velocity a few m/s. • Doppler force applet • In order to keep the deceleration, it is necessary to maintain:
Keeping the Deceleration • Laser frequency sweep • Sweeping the laser frequency at the same rate as the Doppler frequency changes (just to the other direction) • Easiest to use with diode lasers • The slow atoms arrive in pulses • Broadband light • Using light that is not spectrally narrow • High power laser is needed to keep the spectral density • Diffuse light • Because , atoms moving through diffused monochromatic light see different frequencies, depend of the angle • Changing the Magnetic Field
Alkali-Metal atoms The frequency from the ground to the first exited state: in visible light Large vapor pressure at low temperature: easy to evaporate to vacuum Have closed shell with one valance electron: only that electron contribute to the atom angular momentum Fine structure Hyper-Fine structure Real (or Multilevel) Atoms
Zeeman Splitting • There are also Zeeman sublevels • The energy of the sublevels: Where:
Changing the Magnetic Field • For uniform deceleration, , the appropriate field profile: Where:
Na atoms leave the source trough 1mm opening at 3000C The slowing beam (laser 2) is focused at the source Atomic beam at 1000 m/s and spread of 0.01 radians, comes to 50 m/s and 0.2 radians Measurements and Results
The TOF technique: Since the pump and probe are perpendicular to the beam it excite all velocities. The pump is wide enough, 0.5mm, to excite 98% of the atoms To measure velocity, the pump is interrupted for At that time atoms with certain velocity are not excited by the pump beam, so the probe will excite them The resolution of the measurement: typically less then 1 m/s, and for atoms at 80 m/s it’s better then the Doppler limit, 30 cm/s Measurements and Results
Measurements and Results • Cooling the atoms • For cooling the atoms, the velocity distribution must be compressed, as the measured velocity shows compression in the velocity distribution • Another method is to turn off the cooling beam while the atoms are in the solenoid. • That give the 2D graphs of the density and position in the solenoid • The atoms are moving at constant , and they arrive to the probe beam after • The dashed line is the resonance velocity • Optical pumping • Between the source and the solenoid, where the beam is focused, there is movement (pumping) of atoms between HFS levels. • That appends because of power broadening and Doppler shift • After the dashed line there is drop in the intensity
The Doppler force: And the total (in low intensity regime): The direction of the force is against the speed (regardless off the light) when the light is red detuned In the usual realm of OM, , the force is linear with the velocity when: Capture velocity: Optical molasses applet Optical Molasses
Doppler Limit • The recoil energy: • The average energy the light loose (at rate for 2 beams), becomes kinetic energy (heat) • The competition between cooling ( ) and heating ( ) has steady-state at: • Since the steady-state energy depends on , and the minimum is when , Doppler temperature is defined as: • The Doppler temperature is about 1 mK which is about 30 cm/s • Another way to understand the Doppler limit is that the total momentum averaged to 0, but the rms doesn’t.
Atomic beam collimation - 1D • 1500C atoms leaving an oven with aperture of , and another aperture of the same size after 24 cm
Light Shifts Absorbing the diagonal elements of into , and assuming that , is the only nonzero element. Then the Eq. becomes (for two levels atom): Multiplying on the left by , and integrating over
Light Shifts … Transforming to a rotating frame Inserting the new c’s into thelast solution: The new Hamiltonian is: And the new energies (solutions) are:
The Eq. of linear polarized light: Two perpendicular counter propagating linear beams: At the origin there is linear light at an angle of Similarly, But between, Since the 2 components are perpendicular and out of phase, they represent circular polarization, in the negative sense At , the light is circularly polarized but in the positive sense There is strong polarization gradient Linear Polarization
Sub-Doppler Cooling - Linear light • The light shift of multilevel atoms at low intensity limit: • Since depends on the magnetic quantum numbers and the polarization, the light shifts are different for different sublevels • The ground state light shift is negative for red detuned light • For light, the light shift for substate is 3 times larger then for substate • For it’s the opposite • Absorption of light produced transitions, and spontaneous emission produced , so on average • light will pump toward the • When atom at the origin in the M=+1/2 state move in the light field it moves up the potential, because the polarization of the light is changing and the +1/2 state becomes less coupled.After , the atom arrive to a position where the light is polarized, and the atom is pumped to M=-1/2. Now the atom is again at the bottom of a potential hill.
Circular Polarization • The Eq. of circular polarized light: • Two perpendicular counter propagating circular beams: • This represent a linear light with constant magnitude that rotate around z axis over one wavelength
Sub-Doppler Cooling - Circular light • When it come to circular polarized light, the explanation is totally different • The atom now are real atoms with 3 hyper-fine levels • When atom is moving toward one of the beams, assume , it is pumped toward the sublevel because of the Doppler shift • Now, when it’s in the sublevel, because of the difference in the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient, it scatter light 6 times more (for the other direction it is opposite) • This cooling can go below the Doppler limit because it is based of the atoms “want” to scatter light from the opposing beam not because of the Doppler effect but because of different population of the sublevels
Recoil Limit • Since the cooling happens because of momentum transfer from the light to the atoms, it can happen only in a discrete way • One quant of momentum is:
Magneto-Optical Traps • A MOT is created with 3 pair of counter propagating laser beams and an inhomogeneous magnetic field – quadrupole: • The combined force is: • When the force becomes: • For fast atoms the first term is the dominant term • For atoms far from the center of the trap the second term is dominant (which is relative to the distance and the magnetic field gradient)
Capturing Atoms in a MOT • Capture velocity • Repumper • The cooling is a closed transition • The excited HPS are close but the ground ones are not
Evaporative Cooling • Since the atoms have magnetic momentum, the fill a potential, , and want to be at the minimum – Magnetic Trap • Evaporative cooling applet
Bose-Einstein Condensation • The pathway to BEC • Capturing atoms from the room temperature in a MOT (only the low velocity tail) • The magnetic fields are turned off and an Optical Molasses stage begins – cooling the atoms to almost recoil temperature • The OM beams are switched off and the magnetic trap turned on • The atoms are trapped in a dark magnetic trap and the Evaporative Cooling stage starts • After the Evaporative Cooling end there are in the trap about 1% of the atoms in a BEC state • To go through the phase transition, the atoms need to be in a phase space density (density in both the place and momentum) of:
BEC BEC at 400, 200 50 nK http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/bec/what_it_looks_like.html
BEC - Interference • Interference patterns obtained after 14 ms potential-free time-of-flight expansion of the two BECs. Matter-wave interferometry in a double well on an atom chip, Nature Physics 1 (2005) T. Schumm, S. Hofferberth, L. M. Andersson, S. Wildermuth, S. Groth, I. Bar-Joseph, J. chmiedmayer and P. Krüger
Dipole Traps • When the light intensity is not homogeneous in space, the light shifts are not the same, so there is difference in the potential (hence, a force) and the atoms will want to go to lowest energy • When the light is red detuned, the lowest energy is where the maximum intensity, and when it’s blue detuned the maximum is at maximum intensity • When a Gaussian laser beam is focused, the intensity is: • Assuming , the force is: • And for the Gaussian beam:
Dipole Traps • There is also low gradient in the longitudinal direction • There is no radiation force because the laser is far detuned • radiation force goes like , but dipole force goes like • When far detuned the atoms feel only the dipole force • The first dipole traps were made with 220 mW dye laser, about 650 GHz red detuned and focused to waist • The trap depth was 7 mK • Another far-of-resonance trap was with 0.5 or 1 W laser focused to , the laser was 795 nm instead of 780 nm • Two another cases used Nd:YAG laser with 1064 nm to trap Na atom with nearest transition of 596 nm.Cs atoms with resonance at 852 nm were trapped with 10,600 nm CO2 laser
The “egg-crate” potential, created by 2 (or 3) standing waves The lattice sites size is If the atoms are cold enough they will be trapped in the periodic potential For a MOT the fill factor is a few percents because the density in a MOT is limited to a few 1011 cm-3 but the lattice site density is a few 1013 cm-3 Some laboratories use far-off-resonance CO2 laser to create the lattice It is possible to fill the lattice with atoms in a BEC state – higher fill factor Optical Lattices http://www.physics.umd.edu/news/photon/iss033/images/opticallattice1.jpg
Optical lattices – Other Considerations • If there are sub-wavelength movements of the mirrors the “standing wave” the relative phase is changed
Optical lattices – Other Considerations • The momentum of the trapped atoms is a “few” times , so their deBroglie wavelength is equal to the trap size divided by a “few” • They don’t oscillate as classical particles, but instead they occupy discrete levels
References • The presentation is based on the book: “Laser Cooling and Trapping”, by Harold J. Metcaf and Peter van der Straten • The references are from that book