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Heat vs Temperature

Explore the differences between heat and temperature, the construction of thermometers, calibration processes, and Kelvin scale to understand the measurement and properties of matter. Discover the importance of color temperature, its impact on photography, and the spectral output of objects based on their internal temperature. Dive into the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy in gases to comprehend the fundamental principles of thermodynamics.

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Heat vs Temperature

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  1. Heat vs Temperature Why do we think space is so cold?

  2. Dispelling the myths • The upper atmosphere (ionosphere) and the space beyond (heliosphere) are hot plasmas, not cold and empty • This unit will define heat and temperature, highlight their differences, and discuss the kinetic theory of gases

  3. 1.0 Heat • Heat refers to an energy transfer from one object to another, due to a temperature difference • Objects are in thermal contact if energy can transfer from one to the other • Thermal equilibrium occurs when the energy transfer ceases and the two objects reach the same temperature

  4. 1.1 Temperature • Many properties of matter depend on temperature • Temperature is usually considered a measure of how “hot” or “cold” an object is • Scientists need a reliable and repeatable instrument to measure temperature – the thermometer!

  5. 1.2 Thermometers • Establish a scale based on a measurable physical property of matter, such as length, volume, or electrical resistance • Place thermometer in contact with object to be measured • When thermometer is in thermal equilibrium with object – you’ve found the object’s temperature

  6. 1.3 Construction of Thermometers • Galilean thermometer uses expansion of air in glass bulbs • Students should be familiar with alcohol-based lab thermometer (replaced Mercury-in-glass thermometer, invented by Daniel Fahrenheit) • Many home thermostats use expansion of bimetallic strip Image from Hustvedt - Wikipedia

  7. Early thermometers had no scale Establishing a temperature scale requires one or more reference points Physical properties such as boiling or freezing point make an excellent reference 1.4 Calibration of Thermometers

  8. 1.5 Temperature Scales • Fahrenheit and Celsius scales were originally based on the freezing and boiling points of water

  9. 1.5.1 Definition of Kelvin Scale • Two points define the scale • The first point is absolute zero • No temperature can go below this point • Defined as 0 K • The second is the triple point of water • This is the temperature at which H20 can exist as a solid, liquid, and gas • Defined as 273.16 K (+0.01 °C) • Triple point pressure P = 6.03 x 10-3 atm

  10. 1.5.2 Why kelvins? • Many equations have a temperature term • you don’t want to be dividing by zero! • Does an object at 80 ºF have twice the energy as it did at 40 ºF? What about comparing -20 ºF = 2 x -10 ºF? • No!!! The Kelvin temperature is directly proportional to the molecular energy, so it would make sense to say that something at 400 K has twice the internal energy as 200 K

  11. Kelvin trivia • It is traditional to not use the degree symbol (º) with the Kelvin scale • A change of 1 kelvin is equivalent to a change of 1 degree Celsius • Notice that the SI unit, when written out, uses a lower-case k, but the symbol is K

  12. More Kelvin trivia • Lord Kelvin was a Scottish scientist (born in Belfast) named William Thomson who contributed to many areas of science • Your students will never forget to use kelvins if you shout this cheer: Kelvin! Kelvin! He’s the best! He surpasses all the rest! Go-ooooo Kelvin!

  13. 1.5.3 Temperature Conversion • Converting between the different scales is a simple algebra problem TK = TC + 273.15 ΔTC = ΔTK TF = 9/5 TC + 32 TC = 5/9 (TF – 32) ΔTC = 5/9 ΔTF

  14. 1.6 Color Temperature • From Planck’s blackbody law, objects will “glow” in visible spectrum if they have sufficient internal temperature • Objects can be “red hot” or “white hot” • (why not “green hot”? – see inquiry) • The spectral output of any object can be equated to a specific temperature

  15. 1.6.1 Some examples

  16. CFL choices • Walk into any hardware store to buy the new compact fluorescent light, and you are faced with an array of choices • Names may vary over the spectrum of choices (pun intended) Image courtesy US Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Energy

  17. 1.6.2 Photography and Color Temp • Photographic film (or the CCD in a digital camera) is “balanced” to a certain color temperature • In order to get true (accurate) color representation, the light source color temperature must match the film/CCD color temperature

  18. 1.6.3 Implications of Mismatch • If the film/CCD and the scene lighting are not the same color temperature, your picture may appear bluish (cool) or slightly orange (warm) • Cool and warm are human perceptions. The color temp of the scene lighting is actually higher (hotter) than film/CCD for cool pictures and lower (cooler) for warm pictures! • Hotter light source will have more spectral content in the higher frequencies (blue end) • Cooler light sources will have more spectral content in the lower frequencies (red end), less in higher frequencies

  19. 2.0 Temperature of a Gas • For gases, temperature is proportional to the kinetic energy of the molecules • Since KE = ½ mv2, the faster the molecules move, the higher the temperature • Twice the KE yields twice the temperature

  20. 2.1 What is an Ideal Gas? • A gas does not have a fixed volume • Will expand to fill container • Collection of randomly moving particles • All of the electrons are bound to nuclei, no freely moving charges

  21. 2.2 Ideal Gas Law (Chemistry) • In chemistry, PV = nRT • P is pressure (atm) • V is volume (liters) • n is the number of moles • T is temperature (kelvins) • R is the Universal Gas Constant • 0.0821 L·atm/mole·K

  22. 2.3 Ideal Gas Law (Physics) • In Physics, PV = NkBT • P is pressure (in pascals) • V is volume (in meters-cubed) • N is the number of molecules • (N = n·NA, where NA is Avogadro’s Number) • T is the temperature (kelvins) • kB is Boltzmann’s constant • 1.38 x 10-23 J/K

  23. 2.3.1 Why change notation? • We are going to explore the average speed of the molecules in an ideal gas • We want to examine the average effect of an individual molecule, not the aggregate • Physics looks at the gas laws from the perspective of the work which can be accomplished by changes in gas states • We also want SI Unit consistency

  24. 2.4 Kinetic Theory of Gases • Gases consist of large numbers of molecules in continuous, random motion • There are no attractive or repulsive forces between gas molecules • Energy is transferred only by collisions • The size of the molecules is negligible • The kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the gas temperature

  25. 2.5 Assumptions • Gas pressure comes from the transfer of momentum to the walls of the container during collisions (P = F/A) • This is a three-dimensional problem. Consider a cube of volume V with faces of area A • On average, half the molecules moving in each direction will be moving toward a face, half will be moving away • Assumes equal distribution of x, y, and z motion

  26. 2.5.1 Collisions with the wall • The average number of collisions during time t can be expressed as • the number of molecules within a cube of size A times |vx|t (those which will hit the wall) • times the average molecular density in the space (N/V) • times ½ (half move toward, half move away) ½ (N/V)(A |vx|t)

  27. 2.5.2 Momentum transfer • For a perfectly elastic collision, each molecule will transfer 2m|vx| momentum ½ (N/V)(A |vx|t) 2m|vx| • The change in momentum will be equal to the impulse (force times time), pressure is equal to force divided by area P = (N/V) mvx2

  28. 2.5.3 Looking at all dimensions • From the previous slide P = (N/V) mvx2 PV = Nmvx2 • Since (v2)ave = (vx2)ave +(vy2)ave +(vz2)ave extend the solution to three dimensions PV = Nm/3 (v2)ave = 2/3 N (½ m (v2)ave)

  29. 2.5.4 Introduce Kinetic Energy • With KE = ½ m(v2)ave we can rewrite PV = 2/3 KE • With the ideal gas law PV = NkBT (on a molecular basis) KE = 3/2 kBT

  30. 2.5.5 Average velocity • Which shows that the average kinetic energy per molecule depends only on temperature, not pressure or volume • If you solve for velocity vrms = √(vave)2= √(3 kBT/m) • This is the root-mean-square speed • Molecules of different mass will have the same KE but different vrms

  31. 2.5.6 Monatomic gas • The previous analysis assumed a monatomic ideal gas, where the only energy is translational • The internal energy of a monatomic gas is just the translational energy U = 3/2 nRT

  32. 2.5.7 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution • Not all the gas molecules will have the same temperature • The speeds follow the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution • Hotter = faster, but more spread in the speeds Image from Superborsuk - Wikipedia

  33. 2.5.8 The equation • Derivation is beyond our scope f(v) = 4π(m/2πkT)3/2v2e-mv2/2kT • Substituting ε = 1/2mv2 f(v) = 8π/m(m/2πkT)3/2 εe-ε/2kT • The peak will occur where ε = kT • Remember: m is the mass of one atom or molecule (kg)

  34. 2.5.9 Different speeds • Most probably speed would be (ε = kT) vmp = √(2kT/m) • Average speed would be vave = √(8kT/πm) • Root-mean-square speed would be vrms = √(3kT/m)

  35. Vrms of atmospheric gases

  36. 2.6 Spectral lines • In addition to KE, polyatomic gases have vibrational modes and rotational modes • At the molecular level, these quantities are quantized, yielding predicable energy level transitions • Radio scientists take advantage of these signatures to detect molecules in space or in our own atmosphere (Ozone)

  37. 3.0 Plasma ≠ Gas • A plasma is partially ionized gas, where some of the electrons are free (dissociated) from their parent atoms, which become ions • Ions always have much more mass than the free electrons, so ve >> vions • Electromagnetic forces do play a role in the behavior of a plasma • Although charges have been separated, large concentrations of plasma are considered electrically neutral

  38. The Four States of Matter Energy Image courtesy NASA

  39. 3.1 How does a plasma form? • Much of the upper atmosphere (and most of the universe) is considered a plasma, not a gas • Electromagnetic radiation (photons) carries energy – collides with molecules • A steady supply of high-energy photons can break the electron-nucleus bond

  40. 3.1.1 Why does plasma form? • Electrons are “bound” to nuclei • This is called the electron binding energy • The structure of the atom determines the bond strength of a particular electron • The binding energy increases with increasing atomic number from H through Fe, slowly decreasing thereafter

  41. 3.1.2 Binding Energy • Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. The binding energy of H is 13.6 eV • Since E = hf, f = E/h • 13.6 eV is the energy of a photon with frequency ~ 3.29 x 1015 Hz • The wavelength would be ~ 90 nm, or Extreme UV (EUV) radiation

  42. The Electron Volt • The electron volt is the energy it would take to move one electron through a potential of one volt E = q x V 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 C x 1 V 1 V = 1 J/C 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 J

  43. The UV Spectrum

  44. 3.1.3 Ionizing Energy • Photons with energies above 13.6 eV have the potential to “knock off” an electron from an atom or molecule • This is considered ionizing radiation Image courtesy J. Carlton Gallawa

  45. 3.1.4 Radiation • Scientists like to take common words and use them in very specific ways • The term radiation has taken on two distinct meanings • Electromagnetic radiation • Particles released through radioactive decay

  46. EM Radiation • Electromagnetic waves (photons) cover a spectrum from Radio to Gamma-rays • Mostly harmless at low energies • Above ~ 13.6 eV, photons can ionize matter • This can cause biological damage, depending on the time and amount of exposure • UV, X-rays, and Gamma-rays

  47. Wave-Particle Duality • EM radiation has velocity, wavelength, and frequency, therefore they are waves • EM radiation are also discrete packets of energy called photons (E = h·f) • At lower energies (Radio, Visible), the wave properties tend to dominate • At higher energies (UV, X-ray, Gamma), the particle properties are more obvious

  48. 3.2 Characteristic of a plasma • A gas with as little as 1% ionization can behave as a plasma • Constituents are electrons, ions, and neutral atoms (neutrals) • Remember that the electrons are much smaller than the ions and neutrals • Mass of one proton ~ 1836 times the mass of one electron

  49. 3.3 Plasma Temperature • You can categorize plasma as either • Thermal plasma: electrons and other constituents in thermal equilibrium • Non-thermal plasma: electrons are at much higher temperature than ions and neutrals • Preconception: plasmas are very high temperature phenomenon. Not true!

  50. Plasma – The 4th State of Matter

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