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Infobrion.com The creation of a virtual community in Galicia Carlos Ferrás Sexto carlosf@usc.es Xosé Carlos Macía Arce cmaidega@usc.es Francisco Xosé Armas Quintá fjaidega@usc.es Yolanda García Vázquez ygvidega@usc.es. Map of Spain. Map of Galicia. GALICIA. 29.575 km 2
Infobrion.comThe creation of a virtual community in GaliciaCarlos Ferrás Sexto carlosf@usc.esXosé Carlos Macía Arce cmaidega@usc.esFrancisco Xosé Armas Quintá fjaidega@usc.esYolanda García Vázquez ygvidega@usc.es
GALICIA • 29.575 km2 • 2.750.000 Habitants • GNP/habitant 14.500 (2002)
Galicia in the Information Society • Home Internet access: 12,3% (Spain 17,3%; Ireland 34,1%) • Houses with computers: 26,7%(Spain 32,2%; Ireland 43,5%) INE, 2003; Eurostat 2003
SINDUR: Objetives • The purpose of the project SINDUR lies in studying the effects and impacts of the Information Society on the urban and rural development of peripheral regions in order to examine the citizens’ quality of life and promote the spreading of the Information and Communication Technologies as tools of social intervention to face the phenomenon of social and territorial exclusion known as the “Digital Divide”. It is about researching –from a social point of view- the “unconnected” communities and territories in the Information Society.
SINDUR • ICT Audit • Information Web Audit • E-Inclusion • Info-Atlas • Territorial Marketing • I+D Transference • SINDUR International
ICT AUDIT Concept ICT Audit tool at local and regional level Objectives To value and to compare ICT information between different territories Antecedents Eurostat, Fundación Auna, MCYT, IGE, La Sociedad Red en Cataluña, Galicia y la Sociedad de la Información…
ICT AUDITBrión (Galicia, Spain)Ennis (Clare, Ireland)An international comparison
INFORMATION WEB AUDIT Concept Information Web Audit tool at local and regional level Objectives To value and to compare web production between different territories Antecedents Proyecto Vega Baja Digital, El desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en Euskadi, Proyecto SI-Loc@l, Primeira análise das Webs municipais galegas…
INFORMATION WEB AUDIT Analysis Elements CONTENTS Update Information Multimedia Links Accessibility DESIGN Quality Structure Innovation COMUNICATION Services Participation ON LINE SERVICES Administrative Services Business Services Transactions Payment
E-Inclusion: www.infobrion.com • Infobrion.com was conceived as a strategy of social intervention to overcome the “Digital Divide”. • It aims at fostering social, economic and cultural development in the municipality of Brión by spreading the new Information and Communication Technologies. • It also aims at promoting the recovery of its historic memory and the appreciation of popular culture within the context of the Information Society, boosting the creation of a local virtual community and promoting the use and spreading of the New Information and Communication Technologies as tools and channels of knowledge, information and learning.
Galicia (Spain) Municipality of Brión
Statistics • The programmes Brión People, Cyber Education and Immersion in the Information Society make InfoBrion.com into a very successful initiative. The success that this web page is enjoying in the local community can be seen in its statistics. Although the municipality of Brión has a population of almost 7,000 people, its reference web page -www.infobrion.com- had around 1,800 different visitors in February 2005, who surfed through over 160,000 pages.
E-Inclusion: www.fceer.org • This initiative is financed by Program INTERREG III Portugal-Spain. • www.fceer.org it was created with the intention of serving as ICT tool for academic and student community of the six public universities that comprise the Euro-Region Galicia-North of Portugal (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de A Coruña, Universidade de Vigo, Universidade do Porto, Universidade do Minho, UTAD).
Bibliography • ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé. O Desenvolvemento Rural e as Tecnoloxías da Información en a Comunicación en Galicia. [Tesis Doctoral], [En elaboración]. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda. “Sociedad de la Información”en Plan Estratégico de la provincia de A Coruña 2007/2013. A Coruña: Fundación Caixa Galicia, 2007. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé. IV Xornadas SINDUR. Novas tecnoloxías de desenvolvemento rural, Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca), 2006 [En edición]. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos. “El enigma de la contraurbanización. Fenómeno empírico y concepto caótico” en EURE, nº98, 2007. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda (Coords.). Sociedade da Información en Espacios Periféricos. Novas Formas de Exclusión Social. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2006. p. 252. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé. II Xornadas SINDUR. Novas Tecnoloxías e Economía Cultural. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de publicación da USC, 2005. • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé. “Metodología de intervención para vencer la Brecha Digital. La experiencia de www.infobrion.com.” Scripta Nova. Revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales. [en línea]. Vol. VI, núm. 170. 1 de agosto de 2004. Disponible en Internet: http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-170-72.htm • FERRÁS SEXTO, Carlos; GARCÍA VÁZQUEZ, Yolanda; MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos; ARMAS QUINTÁ, Francisco Xosé. I Xornadas SINDUR. Internet i Educación. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de publicación da USC, 2004c. • MACÍA ARCE, Xosé Carlos. Sociedad de la información en la Europa Atlántica. Análisis de casos en Galicia e Irlanda (ca.1990-2000) [Tesis Doctoral]. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, 2007.