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Welcome to the 2013 DSNA SA AGM. Annual General Meeting Agenda 20th August 2011. 1. Present: Apologies: 2. DSNASA AGM 2012 minutes: Moved: Seconded: Accepted: Correspondence Renewal of Constitution 6. President’s Report: Christine Aldridge 7. Treasurer’s Report: Anne Maxwell
Annual General Meeting Agenda20th August 2011 • 1. Present: Apologies: • 2. DSNASA AGM 2012 minutes: • Moved: Seconded: Accepted: • Correspondence • Renewal of Constitution 6. President’s Report: Christine Aldridge 7. Treasurer’s Report: Anne Maxwell Moved: Seconded: Accepted 8. Education Report: Di Apolloni 9. ADSNSA Rep Report: Chris Schutz • Journal Report: Christine Aldridge • Current Committee: Completing & Ongoing 12. Election of new committee members 14. Nominations received Other nominations 15. Election: Moved: Seconded: 16. New committee – 17. New Business: 18. Meeting closed …………………
Presidents Report • Welcome • Key Committee Developments • Committee members • Certificates of Appreciation • Thank you
The Objectives of the Australian Day Surgery Nurses Association • Promote the free exchange and dissemination of knowledge, expertise and developments in all areas of day surgery; • Promote the concept and benefits of day surgery to the community; • Co-operate with nursing, medical and allied health professionals in the pursuit of quality improvement; • To form links with similar international organisations; • To provide a climate which fosters good fellowship and networking between members • To encourage research into all areas of Day Surgery Nursing • To develop and recommend Day Surgery/Procedural Nursing Standards and provide expert advice to government and other relevant regulatory agencies.
Treasurer’s ReportAnne Maxwell DSNASA BALANCE SHEET AS OF 30/6/2013 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents $21,210 Trade and Other Receivables $ 6,813 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETTS $28,023 NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant, Equipment $ 151 TOTAL ASSETS $28,174 TOTAL EQUITY $28,174
Treasurer’s Report Anne Maxwell DSNASA INCOME STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE 2012 Revenue $ 24,204 Depreciation $ 151 (relating to computer) Other Expenses $ 22,418 Income after expenses $ 1,635
Treasurer’s ReportAnne Maxwell DSNASA Notes to the Financial Statements for Year Ending 30/6/13 Overview of Expenses Print/Post/Stationery $ 1,054 ADSNA related costs $ 6,153 Room Hire/Catering $ 7,695 ADSNA Fees $ 4,515 Website Fees $ 924 Other (Refer to report) $ 2,228 Total Expenses $22,569
Treasurer’s ReportAnne Maxwell DSNASA MEMBERSHIP 2012-2013 Membership finished at 114 members in June 2013. While it is a decrease in membership, I feel it is attributed to the changes the committee made in its policy to ONLY discount members for our full day seminar. For the first time in a number of years we did not offer any promotion in price for people to join and attend the seminar at a “special price”. Our trade membership remains strong as well as alliances we have made with many day surgery venues (Sportsmed, Repromed and QEH).
Treasurer’s ReportAnne Maxwell Day Surgery Nurses of South Australia 2012-2013 Independent Audit Report to the Members of Day Surgery Nurses Association of South Australia was completed on the 14th day of August 2013, by Doug Booth, Southern Accounting Services Pty Ltd, Christies Beach, SA. Copy of the report available for review by all members upon request.
Thankyou to all our Day Surgery Nurses Members!
ADSNA Report Chris Schutz, Grant Williams • There are 2 committee members from each state which makes up the ADSNA National Committee. • Team work and planning for the 1st ADSNA conference in Melbourne next year 12 – 13th October 2013. • ADSNA Group meet every 3 months. Website has been revamped and new logos for each state. • International Congress IAAS 5-8 May 2013 in Budapest. • Lots of State conferences and interesting Education topics. • Committee active in supporting the introduction of the 10 new National Safety and quality service standards .
JOURNALS 3x pre year. Peer Reviewed Journal subscriptions to libraries and hospitals Journal sent to all members.
Journal ReportChristine Aldridge 1. Professional Portfolios by Heather Dunnachie , ASCS; Professional Development, NHS 2. Perioperative management of hyperglycaemia in patients undergoing day surgery by Dr Jui Ho. FMC 3. Rebuilding FMC DOSA By Bronwyn Glitheroe, FMC 4. Colonic Manommetry By Dr Phil Dinnings, FMC 5. Chronic venous insufficiency: current treatment modalities By Sheralee Sandison. & Professor J Jan Spark, FMC 6.. Challenges of setting up the first day surgery centre in India By 7. Continence Management Review By Joanne McLean-Vickers, NHS 8.Importance of NeuroVascular Observations By Larissa Bailey, FMC 9.Update on Prostate Cancer Treatments By Dr Stephen Steel 10.HbA1C and glycaemic control By Mohamed Saleem AND MORE!!
Current Committee Status • Ongoing members • Grant Williams- 2nd ADSNA Rep, completing 2nd year • Chris Schutz- 1st ADSNA Rep, completing 3rd year • Jane English-Trade Sponsorship, completing 4th year • Christine Aldridge- President / Journal Liaison Officer , completing 4th year • Amie Threadgold – Secretary completing 1st year • Meg Ingman – Treasurer Elect completing 1st year Outgoing Members • Nicki Smith- Secretary, completing 3rd year • Di Apolloni- Education Facilitator, completing 2nd year • Anne Maxwell- Treasurer, completing 4th year Members left during year due to unexpected circumstances • Rachel Buder- General Committee member/Conference Convenor, completed 3rd year • Angie Tomlin- General Committee member/Conference Convenor, completing 6th year
Committee Positions Vacant(Position is for 24 months ) • Education Officer • Web/Internet Communications • Journal Liaison • Trade Sponsorship
Committee Nominations Open • Please consider joining our cohesive enthusiastic team of professional nurses, choosing to work together to make a difference to others. • Strong professional networking across Australia • Make lifelong friends • Learn new skills • Gain more confidence • Improve your ability to work as a team • Make a difference today!
SAVE THE DATE!!! Saturday November 2nd 2013 Half Day Seminar: Day Surgery: A Frosty Reception? Illuminating Hypothermia: Focus on Hypothermia in the Day Surgery Patient. Where: Seacliff Surf Lifesaving Club, Price Ave, Seacliff, SA Time: 745- 1310 Buffet Breakfast with the Trade included. More details on our ADSNA SA website soon. www.adsna.info