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Objective. Bacteriology Vocabulary Vocabulary Game Work on RUBRIC. 1. Expectations. Attendance Respect and Communication Attention Feedback Cell Phones . 3. Chlorine Bleach Solutions.
Objective Bacteriology Vocabulary Vocabulary Game Work on RUBRIC 1
Expectations • Attendance • Respect and Communication • Attention • Feedback • Cell Phones 3
Chlorine Bleach Solutions A chemical used to destroy bacteria and to disinfect implements and hard non-porous surfaces; solution should be mixed fresh at least once per day. 4
Clean or Cleansing • Wash with liquid soap and water, detergent, antiseptics, or other adequate methods to remove all visible debris or residue 4
Disinfect or Disinfection • The use of chemicals to destroy pathogens on implements and other hard, non-porous surfaces to render an item safe for handling, use, and disposal. 4
Disinfectant • An EPA-registered bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal disinfectant used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions: A chlorine bleach solution consisting of ¾ cup of 5.25% per gallon of water; or an Isopropyl alcohol used at a concentration of at least 70% and ethyl alcohol used at a concentration of at least 90%. 4
EPA – Registered bactericidal, fungicidal, or virucidal disinfectant • When used accordingly to manufacturer’s instructions, a chemical that is a low-level disinfectant used to destroy bacteria and to disinfect implements and hard, non-porous surfaces. 4
Isopropyl or Ethyl Alcohol • Used at a concentration of at least 70% or 90% are two chemicals that are a low-level disinfectant used to destroy bacteria and to disinfect implements. 4
Multi-Use Items • Item constructed of hard materials such as metal, glass, or plastic typically for use on more than one client. The term includes but is not limited to such items as clippers, scissors, combs, nippers, and some nail files. 4
Single-Use Items • Porous items made or constructed of cloth, wood, or other absorbent materials having rough surfaces usually intended for single use including, but not limited to items as tissues, orangewood sticks, cotton balls, some buffer blocks, and tissues 4
Sterilize or Sterilization • To make free from live bacteria or other micro-organisms by use of an autoclave, dry heat, or ultra-violet light. 4
Sanitation by Definition • The hygienic means of preventing human contact from the hazards and wastes to promote health • The control of environmental factors that form links in disease transmission • PERSONAL HYGIENE IS PART OF YOUR DAILY SANITATION REQUIREMENTS 4
Bacteria • One-cell plants • Live on our skin, bodies, clothing, work surfaces – everywhere! 5
Bacteria • Do not contain chlorophyll – the substance that makes plants green • 2,000 species of bacteria • Shape – marble (coccus), rod, spiral • Reproduction – binary fission, 12 – 15 minutes • Smart - spores 5
Bacteria • No nucleus – membrane bound • Pathogenic Bacteria – cause infectious diseases: cholera, syphilis, anthrax, leprosy, and bubonic plague • Most Common Bacteria for Hair Stylist: TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis kills 2 million people each year! 5
Fungi • Diverse group of living organisms • Cause many skin rashes • Contagious and easily transmitted 5
Fungi • Macro Fungus – mushrooms • Micro Fungus – yeasts and molds • Commonly found in bread, beer, wine, cheese, alcohol and soy sauce • Fungal Infections stem from yeast infections • Reproduction – spore form 5
Parasites • Feed off another organism to live • Most common in the salon is head lice • Ticks are also common 5
Head Lice • Parasites that live in human hair • Hatch from eggs (nits) • Multiply fast! 5
How does someone get head lice? • Borrowed combs or brushes • Borrowed hats, scarves, ribbons, and other head coverings • Sharing towels or pillowcases • Even stray hair that has nits can transmit head lice. 6
Signs to look for . . . • Persistent itching • Infected scratch marks • Rash on scalp • Nits attached to individual hairs 6
What do we do if we suspect a customer has head lice? • Stop the service immediately • Be discrete and confidential • Inform the customer of what we suspect • Refer them to a doctor 7
Virus • Parasites—invade cells • Cause common diseases • Can be transmitted from person to person • Can be transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids 8
Virus • Smallest form of living matter • 10 billion bacteria on a head of a dime? • One bacteria looks like a 100-story building in comparison the virus would be a grain of sand • Viral particles need something to spread – dust particle, bacterial cell, droplet of saliva, or inanimate object 8
What are blood bourne pathogens? Micro-organisms (viruses) that can be carried in human blood and body fluids and cause serious diseases 9
Salon Situations for Exposure • If we nick or cut a customer • If a co-worker is nicked or cut and we help clean their wound 9
How does a blood bourne pathogen infection occur? The disease-carrying pathogen must enter the body through: • Mucous Membranes – eyes, nose, mouth • Cut or sore on your skin • Wound from a contaminated object 9
Three Most Common Blood Bourne Diseases • HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus • HBV: Hepatitis B Virus • HCV: Hepatitis C Virus 9
How do we protect ourselves? • UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS 10
How to use PPE . . . Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Use Universal Precautions • Single-use latex gloves • Leather or other protective gloves • Eye protection • Masks • Gowns or protective clothing • CPR masks 10
Clean-up procedures? • Wear PPE • Use 1:10 Chlorine Beach Solution OR • Use EPA • Clean the following • All work and environmental surfaces • All equipment • Anything that has been potentially contaminated • Use tongs, forceps, or a brush and dust pan to pick up any broken glass 10
How to dispose of regulated waste . . . Regulated waste includes liquid or semi liquid blood and other potentially infectious material along with other contaminated items. Dispose of regulated waste by placing it in a closeable biohazard or red-colored container. 10
What is the best way to protect yourself from exposure? UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS What are Universal Precautions? Assume all human blood and body fluids are infectious! 10
Cleaning and Disinfecting? • Cleaning is the process of removing an undesirable substance from he surface of something • Disinfecting is the process of killing specific microorganisms using chemical materials • You can clean without disinfecting, however, you cannot disinfect without cleaning 12
Personal Hygiene • Wash hands with soap and water. • Use a liquid handsanitizer. 12
Equipment (tools, implements, and supplies) • Before use on each customer, all equipment must be clean and disinfected. • Capes must be kept clean. • Single-use equipment must be discarded after use on each customer.A neckstrip would be an example. • If a neckstrip is used, one cape may be used for several customers as long as it remains clean. • Electrical equipment that cannot be immersed in liquid must be wiped clean and disinfected between each customer. • A clean towel must be used for each customer. 12
Cleaning and Storage Requirements • All tools such as sectioning clips, brushes, comb and picks should be manually scrubbed with soap and water and then disinfected. • All clean and disinfected implements should be stored in a clean, dry, debris-free environment when not in use. • Must be stored separately from soiled implements and materials. 12
Disinfectant Requirements All equipment is to be wiped with a clean paper or fabric towel and/or sprayed with: • EPA-registered bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal disinfectant, or • Isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or • High-level disinfectant chlorine bleach solution. 12
Stations • The chairs and dryers DO NOT need to be disinfected between customers. • Hair must be swept and put in a closed receptacle between each haircut. 13
Salon • Shampoobowls must be disinfected between customers. • The salon floor must be thoroughly cleaned each day. • All trash containers need to be emptieddaily and kept clean by washing or using plastic liners. 13
Disinfect Items • Disinfect items and areas that the customer may have been in contact with. • Use an EPA registered disinfectant in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. • Anything made of cloth should be washed in very hotwater and dried in the hottest cycle of the dryer for at least 20 minutes. • Brushes and combs should be disinfected immediately. • Head lice can live for about 48 hours away from the host, and nits can survive for up to two weeks. 13
Texas • Regulation (Law) of Cosmetology • www.license.state.tx.us/cosmet/cosmetlaw.htm 14
1. Definition of Cosmetology • Answer found on Page 1 • The practice of performing or offering to perform for compensation any of the following services 14
2. Under the cosmetology definition how many different areas are there in which it is explained how we may perform out services? • Answer found on page 1-2 • 11 14
3. Under the cosmetology definition #1, which bullet point discusses a service being charged separately from any other service? • Answer found on page 1 • C – Cutting the person’s hair as a separate and independent service for which a charge is directly or indirectly made separately from charges for any other service 14
4. How many members serve on the advisory board? • Answer found on page 3 • 5 14
5. What are the duties of the Advisory Board? • Answer found on page 3 • The board shall advise the commission and the department on, education and curricula for application, the content of examinations, proposed rules and standards on technical issues related to cosmetology, other issues • The board shall respond to questions from the department and commission regarding cosmetology 14