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This presentation discusses the export strategy of the Czech Republic for the years 2012-2020 and the instruments for export promotion. It focuses on the effectiveness of Czech exports, the size of export companies, and the overall vision for the state's pro-export activities.
New Instruments for Export Promotion International Fair MOS 2012 Dayofthe Czech Republic Celje, 17th September, 2012
Contents: • Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 – 2020 • Theeffectivityofthe Czech Republic´sexportsdepends on - bothterritorial and sectoralstructure and Base for Export Strategy - sizeof export companies • Instruments for Export Promotion
Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 – 2020 • the Governmentof the Czech Republic approved at its meeting on 14/3/2012 the Export Strategy of the Czech Republic 2012 - 2020, which summarises the overall vision for the state´s pro-export activities.
Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 - 2020 • The Export Strategy of the Czech Republic 2012 - 2020 is based around the current state of the Czech economy: - the condition of Czech companies, their sector composition, -capital strength, the technical and technological standard of Czech products and services and so on) - the situation on European and global markets (development on the main export markets of the Czech Republic, open questions relating to the EU, the imbalanced growth of the global economy, the situation on global financial markets and so on)
Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 - 2020 Definesthe strategic framework of the pro-export policy until 2020 and Summarisesthe overall vision for the state’s pro-export activities, their goals, and also the measures through which these goals should be achieved.
Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 - 2020 Correspondsto the approach chosen within the framework of the International Competitiveness Strategy ofthe Czech Republic for 2012 - 2020 (approved by the government on 27/ 9/2011)and in accordance with it declares as its main vision a contribution towards the Czech Republic becoming one of the 20 most competitive countries in the world by 2020.
Base for Export Strategy Strong orientation of Czech export industries in the EU markets the increasing level of sectoralspecialisation low volume of exports in services withhigh value added arepotential threatsto the Czech economy Periodof major cuts in the public budget => state-financed institutionsengaged in export development focus on activities, which are indispensable for export andare not provided by the market
Base for Export Strategy Pillarsand areas dealt with under the Export Strategy: I. Export intelligence Simplification of access to export-relevant information, Tradecontacts and statistics, Market intelligence and market analyses,Infrastructure and human resources for export II. Export development Readiness for export and export education, Export consulting, Export financing, Export eco-system III. Development of trade opportunities Increasing the demand for Czech exports, Export investments
Instruments for Export Promotion Export intelligence (pillar I): • 1) Centre for shared services and export intelligence (back-office); • 2) InformationOne-Stop-Shop; • 3) Global diversification of exports (conceptual management). Export Development (pillar II) • 4) Servicesforexporters (front officeservices); • 5) Export financing and insurance; • 6) International financing resources and development cooperation; • 7) Clusters and pro-export initiatives of self-governing units; • 8) Management and communicationplatform.
Instruments for Export Promotion Development of Trade Opportunities (pillar III): 9) EU trade policy and export to the Single Market; 10) Optimization of the foreign network; 11) Services of the foreign network; 12) Investments and innovation for goods and services exports. Thecomplete text ofthe Export Strategyofthe Czech Republic 2012 – 2020 couldbedownloadedat: http://www.mpo.cz/dokument104211.html
Thankyouforyourkindattention.Martin PospíšilDirectorofForeignEconomicPolicies Department I.www.mpo.czE-mail: pospisil@mpo.cz