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Financial Products Enhancements: Wow Features of Deb West Enterprise

Explore the latest enhancements in Deb West Enterprise's financial products, including billing highlights, AP/GL highlights, and the ability to switch between units without exiting FRx. Discover the wow features and benefits of these enhancements.

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Financial Products Enhancements: Wow Features of Deb West Enterprise

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  1. Deb West Enterprise 3.8 Financial Products Enhancements

  2. Agenda • “Wow” Features • Billing Highlights • AP/GL Highlights • Enterprise Related Image Connect Details

  3. “WOW” Features Billing AP / GL Voucher Batch Controls Related Vendor Manual General Journal Reversals EGR: Group Close for GL EGR: Ability to Switch Between Units without Exiting FRx: NT Authentication • Invoice UDFs • Elite Document Studio Features • Proforma Edit Interim Updates • Exclude Tax On Reserves • Backend Work to Make Life Easier

  4. BillingManager

  5. Invoice UDFs

  6. Invoice UDFs Introduced a transactional User Defined Field (UDF) at the Invoice level and Multi-Payor level (similar in thought to Voucher and GJ UDFs) to track transactional information for an Invoice. Edit data for the Invoice UDFs in Proforma Edit, Credits and through a new utility. Add / Edit data for Invoice UDFs in Credit Entry. Can view the Invoice UDFs through Invoice Inquiry or on the Proforma Table Report. Options for Requiring: No, Yes (Both Billing and Credits), Require when Billed, or Require for Credit.

  7. Invoice UDF VB Option A new hidden VB Option has been created to turn on/off Invoice UDFs. When the option is turned off in general, the user shall not see new actions, forms, etc. 

  8. Invoice UDF Setup • New Section on the UDF Setup Form New UDF Type = Invoice

  9. Accessing Invoice UDFs • Proforma Edit Single via: • Proforma Selection Screen - New Action • Proforma Total Screen – New Action • Master Files: Invoice UDFs • Proforma Edit Joint via: • Master Files: Invoice UDF • Proforma / Bill Generation Menu  Invoice UDFs • Credits  Invoice UDFs • Invoice Inquiry

  10. Invoice UDF Form All Invoice UDFs Defined display. If Multi-Payor, can Choose which Multi-Payor to Access and Update.

  11. Invoice UDFs Business Rules UDFs are held at the Proforma Invoice / Payor level. Therefore, the UDF attributes must be available on a single proforma, a joint proforma or the multi-payor level for singles and joints. UDFs can be modified either before or after billing and during credit entry. Bills can fail to generate (with an error) if a UDF setup to be ‘required prior to billing’ is not populated. Payments will be prevented from saving when a UDF set up to be ‘required prior to payment’ is not populated.

  12. Invoice UDFs Business Rules (Cont’d) Bills created without a proforma (interim, manual, application and closing bills) do not have a proforma and therefore will not have data for Invoice UDFs prior to the time of billing. However, when these types of bills are generated, the Invoice UDF records with the defaults are generated and a user can enter UDF data by using the new Invoice UDF utility.

  13. Invoice UDFs Business Rules (Cont’d) Payments for more than one invoice shall have a single ‘header’ level UDF interface and the data shall be propagated to all invoices that are paid by each payment. The data that is shown on the header is not related to a specific invoice, but will be the default values for the UDFs that are required during Credit entry. This is because the payment can represent many invoices. Payments on a multi-payor bill will still apply to all invoices, but only for the multi-payor selected.

  14. EDS

  15. What is EDS? Elite Document Studio = Whitehill = Skywire = Oracle = Bill and Report Presentment Software

  16. Enhancements to Benefit Elite Document Studio Users Ability to Edit Client/Matter UDFs from Proforma Edit Billing to Pass Hard Returns to EDS Ability to Bill Preview, EDS Bill in Proforma Edit Ability to View EDS Bill through Report Manager

  17. Proforma Edit: Client/Matter UDF Updates

  18. Billing: Pass Hard Returns to EDS The Elite System allow a user to store a ‘hard return’ when editing the narrative of a time or cost card. This hard return is to make the narrative more presentable to the client. However, this character was stripped from the output that is sent to EDS. The Billing Program now will pass the hard return character to EDS.

  19. Proforma Edit: Preview EDS Bill There is now an option to select a EDS Bill Preview when previewing a bill in Proforma Edit.

  20. Report Manager: View EDS Bill • When a bill is created thorough the EDS system, we now include the information for retrieval in the Report Manager process. This allows a user to access the EDS bill through the report manager. • Previously this was only available through Inquiry.

  21. Proforma Edit

  22. Interim Presentation Card Changes

  23. Joint Proforma Edit: Display Excluded

  24. Joint Proforma Edit: Use Original Matter for Presentation Cards

  25. Reporting Data Warehoused Billing Reconciliation Reports Time Reconciliation Cost Reconciliation Cost Detail AR Ledger Reconciliation Note: This work was done to facilitate populating the balancing worksheet. We are doing additional work in this area to automatically populate the balancing spreadsheet as a Retrofit (CCB). This would should be completed a the end of the month.

  26. Rates: Matter Overrides Client Max Exception Optional setting (system wide) to make sure that any matter exception rate will override a client rate including the client maximum rate. New VB Option: Matter  Matter Exception Rates Override Client Maximum Rate

  27. Tax Code Setup Option to Pick the Bill Date or Work Date for Reporting Taxes (Previously at Firm Level Only) Tax Report Updated to Report on the Work Date

  28. Reserves In some jurisdictions (i.e. the UK) VAT can be reclaimed in case of bad debt (ref. UK Notice 700/18). A new Setting on the Reserves Code provides the ability to exclude the Taxes from Fees and Costs posted on Reserves which is used in the calculation and posting of the reserves.

  29. Behind the Scenes Joint Invoice Flag on Ledger Records Added a new attribute to the ledger record indicating it is a part of a joint bill The ledger query (Aged AR report) updated to include the new attribute. It can also be used in custom reports. Added Currency to GL Post table The currency has been added to facilitate checking and balancing of multicurrency entries. GL Post vs. GJ Report – Currency Added to Display on Each Line Now that the currency is on the GL Post Table, we can directly report the currency on the Report.

  30. Notes System – Prevent Delete All The Notes system has a form whereby the user can select any number of notes for Deletion (Notes / Delete Menu Item). The user displays the notes via query. Notes to be deleted are selected by checking the select checkbox. When all notes for deletion are selected, then choose ‘Delete Selected’ (‘Delete All’ button has been removed). The user receives a count and must confirm that the items are to be deleted. They select “Yes” to delete, or “No” to return to the selection.

  31. Accounts Payable

  32. Related Vendor A Related Vendor attribute has been added to the Vendor record. This attribute is similar in use to Related Matters and Related Clients.

  33. Vendor – Related Vendor (Cont’d) • Vendor Record has a new Field. • The Vendor Query has been updated for the attribute. • The Voucher Duplicate Check has an additional option to check Related Vendors for duplicates. • Vendor Inquiry has been updated for Related Vendor. • AP Analysis Report updated to report on Related Vendor data.

  34. Related Vendor (Cont’d)

  35. Results • Setup • Results * Note: There is a retrofit that is being worked on to produce the results in Red.

  36. Voucher

  37. Voucher • Voucher Due Date Updated When Invoice Date is Changed. • VB Option: Voucher Due Date Updated to Invoice Date • Voucher Costs • Default Voucher Cost's Tax Code from Cost Code. • Allow the use of the Cost Code’s Tax Code as an override to the Input Tax Code on a Voucher Cost instead of the Vendor’s default Tax Code. • VB Option: Voucher Cost Tax Code from Cost Code

  38. ECCI* Error Handling Logic of Imposing Company for Error Account Postings Changed • Current Logic: To prevent inter-company transactions on errors, the Company of the original transaction is imposed on the Error Account. • This could cause invalid Company / Unit combinations when there are multiple Companies per Unit. * Enhanced Client Cost Interface

  39. ECCI* Error Handling (Cont’d) • This Enhancement will use the company specified on the error account. • VB Option: ‘ECCI: Impose Company on the Error Account posting’. • Default = True. • This is only used by installations where multiple Companies exist in a Unit. This could create Intercompany postings on an error.

  40. Voucher Batch Control Totals Allow a Control Total to be Entered to Validate the Batch Data before the Batch can be Closed.

  41. Voucher Batch Control Totals (Cont’d) • Feature allows separation between a user that creates the batch & enters the Control Totals AND a different user that enters the voucher data, providing auditing controls (SOX). • User 1: • Creates New Batch from Control Totals. • Enters Data for Control Totals. • User Access prevents unauthorized user from accessing. • User 2: • Enters Voucher Data, Validates Control Totals, and Closes Batch when Complete.

  42. Voucher Batch Control Totals Rules Only the values that exist in the batch should be entered, and will be compared to the calculated batch data. Blanks are considered null and will not be compared. Data should be entered regardless of Currency (Hash Totals). Currency Conversion is available for Informational Purposes Only. The Batch can only be closed when the Calculated Values = Control Values.

  43. AP Inquiry Include Invoice Number in Detail View of AP Check Inquiry. • User No Longer has to Drill into Detail.

  44. AP Reporting • Query/GL/Company VEN Restrictions to Appear at the End Of Reports In User Access, Vendor restrictions can be put in place for a user. The restrictions were used to filter the data, but were not displayed in the query criteria at the bottom of the report. They will now be displayed.

  45. AP Reporting (Cont’d) • Confidential Vendor – Lets User Know if there is Data on the Report for a Vendor(s) that they do not have Access. • A message will print at the end of the report: “* Note: The query for this report returned data for a confidential vendor. This data has been omitted from this report.” • We did not print data related to the omitted Vendor as that could break confidentiality.

  46. GeneralLedger

  47. GL Account Security Modeling In GL Account Security Rules, Copy a Natural Account’s Complex Security Rules to Different Natural Account(s)

  48. GL Account Security Modeling (Cont’d) • Security is Defined at the Natural Account Level. Modeling will allow several actions: Add, Ignore or Overwrite. • User Queries for Account(s) to have Data Copied ‘To’. • User Specifies Account to have Data Copied ‘From’. • Existing Nodes (Rules) for Data to be Copied are Displayed. • OK: Gives Warning Message: • ‘500 Natural Accounts will be updated. Do you want to update these accounts?’ (OK/Cancel)

  49. General Journal

  50. Ability to Reverse General Journals Allow Users to Manually Reverse General Journal Transactions (Like Vouchers).

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