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Deb Prytherch – Research Interests

Deb Prytherch – Research Interests. Assistive Computing: Intelligent Systems for Healthcare. CardioNet. SimBaby. E-AR. Telehealth. Lee’s picture!. Telecare. Lee’s picture!. AGEING – the big ‘problem’, but. Telecare still not widely understood OR deployed

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Deb Prytherch – Research Interests

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Deb Prytherch – Research Interests

  2. Assistive Computing: Intelligent Systems for Healthcare CardioNet SimBaby E-AR

  3. Telehealth • Lee’s picture!

  4. Telecare • Lee’s picture!

  5. AGEING – the big ‘problem’, but • Telecare still not widely understood OR deployed • Need to understand the barriers to adoption • Eg silo thinking & service delivery • Eg unattractive technology (not objects of desire) • Need proper understanding of the processes of ageing, and what older people WANT

  6. Technology pull and push

  7. My directions • A ‘lab’ to test hypotheses (with Christian) • Real testing community that matches target (cf PEOPPLE project) • Can sensor technology be acceptable to older people – how can it be made more so? • Exploring other means of realising independence, eg NORC communities • Positioning aging as a disability that can be ameliorated with technology rather than...

  8. As a hopeless dead end, as in “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in.” “I should have called it Something you somehow haven’t to deserve” Robert Frost: Death of the Hired Man (1915)

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