RCMS Pledge As responsible members of Randolph Community Middle School, we pledge to honor the values we hold most important: * Respect for ourselves and others * Opportunities for all * Community commitment * Knowledge as power By building our school upon this rock, we will lay the foundation for our success.
Today’s Schedule 7:45- 7:58 Advisory/Rm. 312 7:58-10:55 ANET Testing - ELA 10:58-12:22 Period5 10:58-11:24 Lunch 1 Grade 6 12:25-1:22 Period 1 1:25-2:22 Period 3 2:25-2:35 Advisory
Activator Simplify 99 Simplify -1,000 3) Whichissmaller? -25 or 5
Monday, 10/7/13 Day B Activator Absolute Value Number Line and its Values Ticket To Go
SWBAT identify absolute value notation and order absolute value of rational numbers by completing practice problems on white boards in groups. (6.NS.7)
Absolute Value Just a reminder… Definition Absolute Valuemeans how far a numberisfromzero.
Absolute Value The absolute value signistwo vertical bars on eitherside of a number.
Which Absolute Value Whichissmaller? -123 or 55
Absolute Value Simplify-9+5
Absolute Value Simplify 2 − 5
Number Line and its Values NumberSorting 1 through 20 …and thenmake a number line for 1 through 5 on the back
Ticket To Go Draw a number line. Put -9, 6, 2 and 0 on your number line.