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Renewable Energy Sources Statistics: Trends and Insights

Gain valuable insights on renewable energy trends, classifications, and measurement units. Explore key data items, common issues, and collection methods outlined in international workshops. Understand the significance of renewable energy in addressing environmental concerns and reducing fossil fuel dependency.

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Renewable Energy Sources Statistics: Trends and Insights

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  1. Session 4: Renewable energy sources statistics United Nations Statistics Division International Workshop on Energy Statistics 24-26 September 2012, Beijing, China

  2. Renewable energy sources Important because: • They address many environmental issues • Reduce the dependency on fossil fuels • A number of targets are set at national and international level on the use of renewable energy

  3. Outline • Classification • Measurement units

  4. Relevant SIEC Sections SIEC 5 Biofules SIEC 6 Waste SIEC 7 Electricity SIEC 8 Heat Hydro Geothermal Solar Tide, wave and ocean Wind Nuclear Combustible fuels Other

  5. 5 Biofuels 51 Solid biofuels 511 Fuelwood, wood residue and by-products 512 Bagasse 513 Animal waste 514 Black liquor 515 Other vegetable materials and residues 516 Charcoal 52 Liquid biofuels 521 Biogasoline 522 Biodiesel 523 Bio jet Kerosene 524 Other liquid biofuels 53 Biogases 6 Waste

  6. Measurement units Fuelwood can be measured in in volume (stack cubic metres or solid volume) or in mass (dry or wet basis) Important to know the units as they calorific values are different

  7. IRES No specific measurement units are recommended for national data collection (most suitable for the circumstance) However, certain units are recommended for dissemination. In particular, Fuelwood -> cubic metres Solid fuels -> Metric Tons Gases -> Terajoules Waste -> Terajoules

  8. Data items They reflect data collected from statistical units

  9. UNSD Annual Questionnaire

  10. UNSD Annual Questionnaire Products currently covered: • Fuelwood • Charcoal • Bagasse • Pulp and paper • Vegetable waste • Other biomass and waste • Biogasoline • Biodiesel • Biogas • Municipal Waste • Industrial Waste

  11. Common problems • Data on renewables are often hard to collect • Consumption data are often missing • Transformation into charcoal production is often not reported

  12. We collect statistics through the Annual Energy Statistics Questionnaires They are then published in two publications and in the Energy statistics database (1950 – present)

  13. Thank you!

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