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Grant County 2011 Business Climate

Grant County 2011 Business Climate. By: Grant County Economic Growth Council. Survey. 48 Respondents 13 manufacturing 29 non-manufacturing 6 no response Conducted from January 17 to March 7, 2011. Through Survey Monkey. By Grant County Economic Growth Council.

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Grant County 2011 Business Climate

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  1. Grant County 2011Business Climate By: Grant County Economic Growth Council

  2. Survey • 48 Respondents • 13 manufacturing • 29 non-manufacturing • 6 no response Conducted from January 17 to March 7, 2011. Through Survey Monkey. By Grant County Economic Growth Council

  3. Survey Representation • Businesses represented • Ranging from seasoned1893to new 2010 • Currently employing a wide range of employees • from 0-976 employees (average of 150 employees) • which is a 5% increase from 2 years ago (2008 averaged 143 employees) • 110 employees on average are Hourly • 34 employees on average are salary

  4. 67.4% of those surveyed plan to invest and/or expand in the next two years. 32.6% of those surveyed plan NOT to invest or expand in the next two years.

  5. 90.9% of those planning to invest claim they are investing in Grant County 9.1% of those planning to invest claim they are investing outside Grant County.

  6. Resources the Growth council could provide • Capital and Funding options • Federal programs and Grants • Represent the community • Referrals • Tax abatement * Note: A summary of answers from 18 respondents is represented above.

  7. 62.5% of respondents expect their number of employees to INCREASE over the next 2 years. 33.3% of respondents expect their number of employees to REMAIN STABLE over the next 2 years. 0% of respondents expect their number of employees to DECREASE over the next 2 years. 4.2% of respondents are NOT SURE what to expect for their employees over the next 2 years.

  8. 43.8% claim that Market Conditions are the greatest barrier. 0% claim that Zoning is the greatest barrier. 6.3% claim that a Landlocked site limits their expansion. 22.9% claim that availability of capital limits their expansion. 16.7% claim that availability of adequate workforce skills limits their expansion. 10.4% claims other condition limit their expansion

  9. Living in Grant County • 47% to 100% of current salaried employees are Grant County residents • 10% to 100% of current managementemployees are Grant County residents • 50% to 100% of current hourly employees are Grant County residents

  10. 63% of companies who responded do not have difficulty recruiting employees Attribute the ease of recruiting to the following: - attractive compensation packages - low turn over - local universities 37% of companies who responded do have difficulty recruiting employees. Attribute the difficulty to the following: - low starting wages makes it difficult to attract - unskilled job requirements - available skills (shortage in specialized areas) - unattractive location *Note: A summary of answers are represented above.

  11. 87% of companies who responded do not have difficulty retaining employees Attribute the ease of retaining employees: - attractive compensation packages - great work environment and culture - training programs 13% of companies who responded do have difficulty retaining employees Attribute the difficulty of retaining employees: - local attractions (prefer a larger community) - attendance or not willing to learn new and needed skills *Note: A summary of answers are represented above.

  12. Importance of Skills when Hiring or Retaining Employees The number represents the respondents who agreed with the level of skills.

  13. Percentage of required education forentry Level Position 84.3% require HS diploma 7.7% require vocational/ technical training 9.6% require a College degree 3.8% require a Post-college degree

  14. 21.7% rated their current employees’ overall worker productivity to be Excellent. 71.7% rated their current employees’ overall worker productivity to be Good. 6.5% rated their current employees’ overall worker productivity to be Fair. None rated their employees’ productivity as Poor.

  15. 41.3% rated their company’s level of employee compensation to be Higher than competitors. 45.7% rated their company’s level of employee compensation to be the Same as their competitors. 13% rated their company’s level of employee compensation to be Lower than their competitor.

  16. 81.4% of those who responded said that their financing needs were currently being met in the commercial market 18.6% of those who responded said that their financial needs were Not currently being met in the commercial market.

  17. Availability of Workers The number represents the respondents who agreed with the level of availability.

  18. Rated Overall Quality of working types The number represents the respondents who agreed with the quality of the working type.

  19. Importance Level of services to Businesses The number represents the respondents who agreed with the rating importance level of the services and facilities type.

  20. Quality ranking of services and facilities The number represents the respondents who agreed with the rating quality of the services and facilities type.

  21. Rating of overall satisfaction of Business Climate The number represents the respondents who agreed with the level of satisfaction of the business climate.

  22. Worked with Growth Council over the past 2 years 77.8% of respondents have worked with the Growth Council in the past 2 years. 22.2% of respondents have not worked with the Growth Council in the past 2 years.

  23. 65% of respondents who have worked with the GCEGC were Highly Satisfied. 15% of respondents who have worked with the GCEGC were Somewhat Satisfied. 5% of respondents who have worked with the GCEGC had a Neutral. 15% of respondents who have worked with the GCEGC were Very Dissatisfied.

  24. Questions Thank You.

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