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38 th meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics Results of three years of work accomplished at FLNR under the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR 2010-2016 (Status of the DRIBs-III project) S. Dmitriev. FLNR’s BASIC DIRECTIONS of RESEARCH according to the Seven-Year Plan 2010 - 2016.
38th meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics Results of three years of work accomplished at FLNR under the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR 2010-2016 (Status of the DRIBs-III project) S. Dmitriev
FLNR’s BASIC DIRECTIONS of RESEARCHaccording to the Seven-Year Plan 2010 - 2016 • 1. Heavy and superheavy nuclei: • synthesis and study of properties of superheavy elements; • chemistry of new elements; • fusion-fission and multi-nucleon transfer reactions; • nuclear- , mass-, & laser-spectrometry of SH nuclei. • 2. Light exotic nuclei: • properties and structure of light exotic nuclei; • reactions with exotic nuclei. 3. Radiation effects and physical groundwork of nanotechnology.
Project DRIBs-III (2010 – 2016) • (as it seemed in 2009) • The purpose of the project is expansion of a set of accelerated ions, both of stable, and radioactive isotopes, essential increase of intensity and quality of beams. • Realization of project DRIBs-III provides: • completion of modernization of cyclotrons U400 and U400М, • creation of a new experimental hall (2600 m2), • creation of new generation experimental set-ups, • creation of the high-intensity universal accelerator of heavy ions (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A , I ≤ 10 pµA). • Required funds: 60,000,000 $.
According to recommendations of Nuclear Physics PACs, and decisions of the Scientific Council and CPP (2010 – 2012) The DRIBs-III project should be realized at simultaneous implementation of SHE research program. The main achievements of the firs 3 years are:
The Festive Naming Ceremony of the new chemical elements 114 - Flerovium and 116 - Livermoriumtook place on 24 October 2012 in Moscow IUPAC President Prof. Kazuyuki Tatsumi William Goldstein (Livermore), Yuri Oganessian (JINR) and James Roberto (Oak Ridge)
Observation of the 2n-evaporation channel opens up perspectives of chemical investigation of the element 113
GAS PHASE CHEMISTRY WITH ELEMENT113 Whether the element 113 is a volatile metal? Experiment is running. Preliminary results – it is volatile. Target (243Am; 1.0 mg/cm2) SiO2- 800°C Au - 113 PIPS detectors 32 pairs 2.5m 2 L/min He/Ar (70/30)
6 new heaviest elements 118 117 116 115 2013 114 113 112 111 110 109 48 new isotopes 108 107 106 105 104
What is beyond 118 element? Heavier projectiles (50Ti, 54Cr, 58Fe, 64Ni) Heavier targets (251Cf, 254Es -???); Symmetric reactions: 136Xe+136Xe, 136Xe+150Nd, 150Nd+150Nd; Nucleon transfer reactions (136Xe+208Pb, 238U+248Cm). Sufficient increasing of overall experiment efficiency is needed! Heaviest target: 249Cf → Zmax= 118 ↓
Studies of Exotic Nuclei in JINR Breakdown of the N=8 shellin 10He. S.I. Sidorchuk. A.A. Bezbakh, V. Chudoba et al., PRL 108 (2012) 10He was produced in the 2n-transfer reaction with the use of the secondary 8He beam and cryogenic tritium target: 3H(8He,p)10He. Owing to specific angular and energy correlations of 10He decay products for the first time the spin-parity assignment was made for the low-lying states of 10He. The experimental data were interpreted as a superposition of 0+, 1- and 2+ states. The established level sequence shows that 10He is one more drip-line nucleus demonstrating the shell structure breakdown.
Studies of Exotic Nuclei in JINR Isovector Soft Dipole Mode in 6Be. A.S. Fomichev. V. Chudoba, I.A. Egorova et al., PLB 708 (2012) Spectrum of the unbound 6Be was produced in the charge-exchange reaction using the cryogenic hydrogen target: 1H(6Li, 6Be)n. The data obtained provide detailed correlation information about the well-known 0+ ground state and the 2+ state. A broad structure extending from 4 to 16 MeV was observed. It contains negative parity states populated by the L=1 angular momentum transfer. This continuum structure can be interpreted as a novel phenomenon: the isovector soft dipole mode associated with the 6Li ground state.
The DC-110 cyclotron: Special economical zone, Dubna, Russia Mass production of track membranes with the thickness of 30 um Ions of Ar, Kr and Xe Ion energy of 2.5 MeV/u Beam intensity of 1 pA (6x1012 s-1) Two channels with irradiation chambers Working hours 7000 h/year The cyclotron should be simple and reliable, for routine use The new accelerator has been launched in December 2012
Project DRIBs-III according to recommendations of • NPPACs, SCs and CPP (2010 – 2012) • completion of modernization of cyclotrons U400 and U400М • sharing of physical tasks between accelerators • Creation of SHE factory based on the high-intensity universal DC280 cyclotron (A≤ 238, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A , I ≤ 20 pµA) in a new separate experimental building • creation of new generation experimental set-ups • Total reconstruction of the U400 experimental hall, including 6 radiation safe experimental caves • Construction of a special building for physical groundwork of nanotechnology (1500 m2), based on IC100 and U400M.
U400R CYCLOTRON stand-alone & post-accelerator • Fusion-fission; • Quasi-fission; • Nuclear spectroscopy; • New heavy isotopes; • Multi nucleon transfer reactions; • Sub-barrier fusion; • Reactions with exotic nuclei • Structure of light exotic nuclei;
U400M CYCLOTRON stand-alone & driving accelerator • Properties and structure of light exotic nuclei; • Astrophysics; • Reactions with exotic nuclei; • Light neutron-rich nuclei; • Deep inelastic scattering; • Producing of RIBs.
DC280 CYCLOTRONstand-alone SHE-factory • Synthesis and study of properties of superheavy elements; • Search for new reactions for SHE-synthesis • Chemistry of new elements; Manufacturing of the magnet has been started.
New FLNR gas-filled separatorPAC for NP 32nd Meeting, 17-18 June 2010 “chemical” “physical”
Velocity filter for asymmetric combinations VASSILISSA-GABRIELLAPAC for NP 31st Meeting, 25-26 January 2010 High transmission for asymmetric combinations (beams of 12C, 14N,16O, 22Ne) Availability for symmetric combinations (136Xe + 136Xe → 272Hs*)
Mass-spectrometer MASHAPAC for NP 31st Meeting, 25-26 January 2010
Fragment-separator ACCULINNA-2PAC for NP 32nd Meeting, 17-18 June 2010 Manufacturing has been started
GALS: Setup for resonance laser ionization of nuclear reaction products stopped in gasPAC for NP 35th Meeting, 26-27 January 2012
High resolution magnetic double arm spectrometer “MAVR” Reaction study with primary and secondary beams
Workshop on Studies of Super-Heavy Nuclei at the SHE Factory Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas March 12-13, 2013 Summary results The Super-Heavy Element Factory will increase the overall production of super-heavy nuclei by two orders of magnitude with respect to presently achieved rates. This will enable the studies of nuclear /atomic structure of heaviest atoms and open the door to the discoveries of new elements above Z=118 and of isotopes closer to the predicted shell closure at N=184. Enriched Isotopes from ORNL's HFIR/REDC are essential for research on super-heavy nuclei enabled by the SHE Factory. The joint research between the collaborating laboratories within the SHE Factory project will result in advanced experimental capabilities. New developments include superconducting gas filled separator with gas catcher and mass analyzer system (ANL-TAMU) as well as new detector arrays and modern readout systems including digital signal processing (ORNL- UTK). The roadmap for joint research at JINR Dubna in the pre-SHE factory time frame includes experiments aiming in the discovery of the heaviest isotopes of element 118 in the reaction between 48Ca and mixed-Cf targets produced at ORNL. The extension of the current US-Russia collaboration (JINR, ORNL, LLNL, UTK, ANL, TAMU, RIAR, Vanderbilt) to other laboratories was welcomed. These new collaborating institutions include LBNL Berkeley and GSI Darmstadt (Germany).
Innovation projects in the Nanotechnology Centre • A new roll-to roll etching facility for the development of new track-etch membranes • Facilities for surface modification of nano-structured composite filmy materials • A diversified electron microscopy laboratory for performing the studies of micro- and nano-structured materials produced using ion beam modification methods • A diversified laboratory for the studies of ion-induced radiation effects in matter, including AFM, optical spectroscopy, IR Raman spectroscopy, luminescence, and others
Nano-laboratory building 19.06.2013
SummaryProposals on Development, Resources, and Schedule Updates for the DRIBs–III Project According to the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR 2010-2016 approved by the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States (CPP) in November of 2009, the DRIBs-III Project included the following: • Modernization of the currently operating U400 and U400M accelerators • Development of new physical experimental setups (separators, etc.) • Construction of a new Experimental Hall with a total area of 2,500 m2 to carry out experiments with beams of stable and exotic radioactive nuclei. • Development of a new high-current heavy-ion DC-200 accelerator with the intensity of the average-mass ions (48Cа) no lower than 5∙1013, i.e., around 10µA. The Project Financing and Implementation Schedule approved in 2009 is presented in Table 1.
Tab1e 1. The DRIBs-III Financing and Implementation Schedule approved by the CPP in November of 2009 (USD, in thousands). The total funding: USD 60 million, including USD 7 million to cover the expenses of ongoing experiments (USD 1 million per year).
Recently obtained results at the FLNR JINR on synthesis of new superheavy elements (SHE) are highly appreciated, and the FLNR JINR joint research in the specified areas between the FLNR JINR physicists and their longtime collaborators from the US, Germany, France, and Japan is acknowledged. In the course of the project's implementation, the CPP, taking into account the recommendations of PAC and the JINR Scientific Council, proposed: • to achieve the main project objectives while at the same time implement the scientific program on synthesis and investigation of the properties of SHE (earlier, the U400 cyclotron was planned to be shut down for 2-year-long upgrade in August 2010); • to construct the world's first Superheavy Element Factory (SHE Factory) at JINR, including: • a new high-current heavy-ion DC-280 accelerator with the beam intensity up to 20 рµА, А≤ 238 (earlier, a DC-200 accelerator with the beam intensity of 10 рµА, А≤ 100, was planned to be constructed); • a new Experimental Hall with a total area of 5,500 m2 for carrying out experiments with highly radioactive actinide targets in radiochemical laboratories laboratories of second class by the Radiation Safety Standards. Earlier, an Experimental Hall of third class with an area of 2,500 m2 was planned;
to upgrade the existing U400 and U400M accelerators to pursue world-class research and development programs in the three key areas of the heavy-ion physics at low and intermediate energies, in particular: synthesis of new SHE and the investigation of the properties of the already discovered SHE (SHE Factory) that will be carried out at the DC-280 cyclotron; nuclear physics experiments (spectroscopy, fusion-fission of heavy and superheavy nuclei, etc.) performed at the U400 accelerator; experiments with exotic radioactive nuclei (6,8Не, 11Li, etc.) carried out at the U400M accelerator; • to reconstruct the U400 Experimental Hall housing 6 radiation-shielded caves with a total area of 1,500 m2; and • to construct a new FLNR JINR Experimental Hall (total of 1,500 m2) to conduct scientific research on the application of heavy-ion beams in nanotechnology. However, the above-mentioned changes do not seem possible under the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR (2010-2016) without USD 30.1 million in additional DRIBs–III Project funding. Proposals on the adjustments to the DRIBs–III Project Financing and Implementation Schedule are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2.DRIBs–III Project Financing and Implementation Schedule updates for the years 2010–2016. Total for the 2010–2016 period: USD 90.1 million
According to the Project Financing and Implementation Schedule presented in Table 2, the above-mentioned project updates shall be implemented in full (the ultimate goal) over the period from 2013 through 2016. Should difficulties arise in finding additional funds (USD 30.1 million), some of the work will have to be postponed until 2017–2019. The high-priority tasks (the "minimum program"), which shall be fully implemented under the JINR Seven-Year Plan (2010–2016), shall thus include the following: • Development of the world's first SHE Factory, launch of a new DC-280 accelerator, construction of a new Experimental Hall and experimental setups for synthesis and investigation of the properties of SHE • Implementation of the scientific program on the SHE synthesis (U400 accelerator) • Completion of works on the U-400M modernization, and the development of a new ACCULINNA-2 separator for carrying out research on exotic radioactive nuclei • Completion of preparatory and design works for the renovation of the U400 Experimental Hall and the modernization of the U400 accelerator to ensure the implementation of the above-listed tasks in 2017 The proposed DRIBs–III Implementation Schedule of the “minimum program” is presented in Table 3.
Table 3. The amended DRIBs-IIIa Project Financing and Implementation Schedule (USD, in thousands for the period 2010-2016 (the “minimum program). Project Total: USD 73.75 million for the 2010–2016 period. Funding increase amounts to USD 13.75 million.
1500m2 Nano/Lab 1500m2 FLNR (JINR) – 2016 SHE Factory Nuclear physics with stable & RI-beams Applied research U200 IC100 1000m2 Production & studies of the exotic nuclei DRIBs DC-280 new MT25 U400R upgraded U400M U400M &SC ECR U400R - U400M Accelerator Complex
U400 U400R Schedule U400 beam on Hall design Building U400 U400R assembling U400R beam on