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New Vocabulary. Traditionalism
1. Traditionalism v. Modernism in the 1920s Objective: explain how traditionalists and modernists understood the world in 4 areas: urban v. rural, old v. young, alcohol, and evolutionism v creationism
2. New Vocabulary Traditionalism the belief in keeping things the way they have been/ My father is a traditionalist since he thinks boys should not have long hair.
Modernism the belief in doing things in new ways/ My mother is a modernist, since she believes that people can wear whatever they want.
Scopes Trial
3. Urban v. Rural Urban city/ New York City is an urban area
Rural country/ Farmers live in rural areas.
1920: first time in American history that the country was more urban than rural
City Life: movies, concerts, speakeasies, museums, good wages (more freedom and change)
Rural Life: farming, less $, more traditional, more religious (less freedom and change)
What urban people said about rural people: they are backwards, not open to change, and need to change their thinking
What rural people said about urban people: materialistic, too into $, and immoral
4. How Rural people often viewed city life
5. Youth v. Older Generation Youth
Cars, music, dances, dating(to have fun, not just to marry), radio
Flappers women who wore their hare short, colored it, and wore short dresses and make-up
Youth are reckless and immoral
Tried to control behavior in clothing, movies, and books
6. How did cars cause a generation gap?
7. Why did people disagree about flappers?
8. What did some people not like about this fashion?
9. How did radios give people more freedom?
10. Dry (no alcohol) v. Wets (alcohol) Dry beliefs
Alcohol causes crime, violence, and hurts families
No alcohol = happier, healthier people
More support for drys from rural areas
Wet beliefs
No alcohol takes away personal freedom, and leads to crime
More support for wets in urban areas
Alcohol legal again in 1933
11. What do you think they are doing? Why?
12. What do you think these 1920s gangsters are doing?
13. Evolutionism v Creationism Evolutionists believed that science could explain human life and people came from other life forms
Creationists believed that the Bible gave answers to where humans came from and that evolution was wrong
Traditionalists usually were creationists
Modernists were usually evolutionists
Scopes Trial (1925)
14. What is the message? Whose side are they on in the Scopes Trial?
15. Why is the monkey on trial? Why is he wearing a suit?