The Academy of Accelerated Learning Bully Prevention Month
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The Academy of Accelerated Learning Bully Prevention Month. Activities from October 7 through October 14 to help STOMP OUT BULLYING! . Monday October 7th Bullying. What is it?.
The Academy of Accelerated Learning Bully Prevention Month
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The Academy of Accelerated Learning Bully Prevention Month
Activities from October 7 through October 14 to help STOMP OUT BULLYING!
Monday October 7thBullying. What is it?
Bullying is unfair and one sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose.
Have you ever been bullied? Without using names tell us about it and how it made you feel.
Complete paper activity.
Paper Heart
Complete the activity in the teacher notes. When you are done ask the following questions: 1. Is it possible to get the wrinkles out? The wrinkles are what happens to a human being who gets bullied. Ask the students: does anyone have the right to leave wrinkles on another human being? Does anyone have the right to hurt someone else? If you witness a person being bullied or they tell you they have been bullied how can you help smooth their wrinkles?
We can never 100% get rid of the wrinkles but what could we do to help the student who has been bullied?
Give small groups a band aid and have the students work in groups to come up with some ideas to help the student who has been bullied. Write the ideas on the band aids and have the student glue/tape it on the wrinkled heart. Review the ideas and hang the heart in your classroom room.
Watch the Video
Monday: 4th and 5thgrades - Bullying or Not watch until (4:59) K4,k5,1st, 2nd , 3rd grades- Kids Talk About Bullying ( 2:20) everyone.html Yes That’s Bullying (1:16) The Playground Is for Everyone (1:04)
Tuesday October 8, 2013
Review the definition of bullying. How do you know the difference between bullying and a conflict?
Conflict Vs Bullying
CONFLICT BULLYING Equal power Imbalance of power Happens occasionally Repeated actions No intent to harm Purposeful intent Equal emotional reaction Victim reacts strongly Not seeking power/attention Bully is often seeking power RemorseNo remorse Effort to solve the problem Not motivated to problem solve
When you are determining if it is bullying or a conflict you can ask yourself the following questions:
Is it fair? Is it one sided? Is there an imbalance of power? Has this happened before?
Bully Detectives 1. Jeff is in third grade, and Matt is in fifth grade. They ride the same bus to school. Jeff is one of the last people to be picked up, so he usually has to sit in the back. Matt always tries to trip Jeff as he walks past. Matt laughs whenever Jeff falls down. Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure Samantha is working on her math assignment . Her two friends , Julie and Shaniqua, are talking about what they did last night. This makes it hard for Samantha to think. She yells, “STOP IT, you two, I’m trying to work!” Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure Frank is walking through the hall. His friend Jeff comes up and punches him in the arm really hard. Frank is surprised and runs after Jeff and punches him back. Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure
Bullying Detectives (continued) 4. Melissa likes playing on the tot lot. She likes climbing up the slide instead of sliding down. Jessica is sliding down the slide. On Monday, Melissa tells Jessica to move or she will hurt her. On Tuesday, Melissa does it again and tells Jessica to move or she will beat her up. On Friday, Jessica is climbing the ladder and Melissa pulls her down to the ground and laughs. Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure Patricia always makes fun of everyone she sees. She laughs and thinks she is so funny. She called Patrick poodle because he got a new hair cut. Patrick responded, “ Well you are so skinny I am surprised your clothes stay on.” Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure Julie is in 5th grade. She always teases kids in the lunchroom and takes their food and eats it. She especially likes to pick on first graders. Yesterday she stole a first grader named Cameron’s Twinkies and today she took his milk. Is this bullying? Yes No Unsure
Watch the Video
Tuesday: 3rd, 4thand 5th grades- Chester Elementary School - Anti-Bullying Teacher (Video 5:01) K4,k5,1st, and 2ndgrades- Cabear and the Bullies (3:35)
Wednesday October 9, 2013 Responding to Bullying
What do you do if someone is bullying you or you see them bullying someone else?
Recognize Bullying is Happening If you don’t feel SAFE. If you do feel SAFE REFUSE THE BULLYING and then report! REPORT
Role Playing Refusing Bullying
Assertiveness Steps: Get calm- take three deep breaths. Between each breath, say two or three short words that remind you to get calm. ie: “calm down” Stand straight and tall. Look at the person you are speaking to. Say what you mean in a strong, clear, respectful voice.
Role Play:
Francis Frankfuter gets teased by his classmate Jack every day because of his name. He calls him hot dog, dog-dog, and Frankie dog. Jack is fed up being bullied. Jack decides the situation is safe enough to refuse the bullying. Shante is in the lunch room and Julie and Martha tease her about her funny lunch box on Monday. On Tuesday they make fun of her hair bows and on Wednesday they encourage the entire table to laugh at her because she wears glasses. Shante decides the situation is safe enough to refuse the bullying. Martin and Julius and 2nd graders who like to play basketball each day. Sam and Aaron are 3rd graders who also like to play basketball. Sam and Martin tell Martin and Julius that they are older and little babies are not allowed to play on the court. The next day they do the same thing. Martin and Julius decide the situation is safe enough to refuse the bullying. Melissa is on the bus. She is the last to get picked up so she always walks through the bus to find an empty seat. Jessica had a seat next to her but told her she could not sit there. The next day on the playground Melissa attempted to play jump rope with Jessica and two friends and Jessica told her she can not ever play with them. Melissa decides the situation is safe enough to refuse the bullying.
Watch the Video
Wednesday: 3rd,4thand 5th grades- Speak Up Against Bullying (25:29) ( long video if you want to spread it out between today and Thursday) K4,k5,1st,2ndgrades- McGruff Anti Bullying Video (6:00)
Thursday October 10, 2013
Introduce the bully referral. Teach students what information they need when making a report. Role Play reporting.
Bully report information
Who are you? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Has it happened before? How did you handle it? Did others see or hear it happen? LET THE ADULT KNOW YOU ARE BEING BULLIED!
Role Play Reporting: Pretend you are the student being bullied in each of these situations.
Francis Frankfuter gets teased by his classmate Jack every day in his classroom and on the playground because of his name. He calls him hot dog, dog-dog, and Frankie dog. Jack is fed up being bullied. Jack decides to refuse and then report the bullying. Shante is in the lunch room and Julie and Martha in her class tease her about her funny lunch box on Monday. On Tuesday they make fun of her hair bows and on Wednesday they encourage the entire table to laugh at her because she wears glasses. Shante decides to refuse the bullying and then report the situation. Martin and Julius and 2nd graders who like to play basketball each day. Sam and Aaron are 3rd graders who also like to play basketball. They tell Martin and Julius that they are older and little babies are not allowed to play on the court. The next day they do the same thing. Martin and Julius decide the situation is not safe enough so they decide to report the situation. Melissa is on the bus. She is the last to get picked up so she always walks through the bus to find an empty seat. Jessica a third grader in Mrs. Brown’s class had a seat next to her but told her she could not sit there. The next day on the playground Melissa attempts to play jump rope with Jessica and two friends and Jessica told her she can not ever play with them. Melissa decides the situation is not safe enough to refuse the bullying and she decides to report it right away.
Watch the video
Thursday: K4,k5, and 1st grades: Sesame Street: The Good Birds Club (16:16)
Monday October 14, 2013
First follow teacher notes below Ask students if they have ever been witnesses or been bystanders of bullying. If so, without using names have a few students tell their stories. Ask students to share what they think they can do to help if they see or hear someone being bullied. Ask students to share how a bystander who witnesses the bullying and does nothing can hurt the victim. Ask students to share how a bystander who stands back and laughs can hurt the victim. Ask students to list all the ways a bystander is helping if they: 1. refuse the bullying 2. help the victim report the bullying or 3. they report the bullying themselves.
Is the bystander part of the problem or part of the solution? Say the word “Problem” or “Solution” after your teacher reads each situation below. Johnnie sees Francis getting hit by Samantha every day at recess and he just ignores it. Tamika witnesses Clarence a 1stgrader getting teased by two 3rdgrade boys on the bus. They did it on Monday and now again on Tuesday. She says, “Stop bullying him now!” She then reports the behavior to her teacher. Samuel took HaeKue’s lunch box and started eating everything in it. HaeKue said to stop but he kept eating and said, “I don’t have to.” Kelly , HaeKue’s friend did not feel safe refusing the bullying but she got HaeKue to come with her after lunch to tell Mr. Rian what had happened. Jack and Julie, two fifth graders, walk around the playground like they own it. They take balls away from kids and kick them across the playground. They run into people on purpose. They use bad language and make fun of people. Many, many kids watch it happen every day but they don’t say or do anything because they are afraid.
Watch the Videos
Monday: 3rd, 4th and 5th grades- Anti-Bullying Elementary School Video (4:23) Beekmantown Elementary School Anti-Bullying Video (1:15) Football Players Protect Special Needs Girl From Bullies (3:23) Speak Up, Reach Out (3:16) K4,k5,1st and,2nd grades- Speak Up, Reach Out ( 3:16)