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CITATIONS & REFERENCES. How to avoid plagiarism Anne-Marie Miller, Stephanie Bullock, Thyme Hansson. In tonight’s class:. Schedule? Introduction. Reference detailed bibliographic information expands citation used in body of assignment . In text:

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  1. CITATIONS & REFERENCES How to avoid plagiarism Anne-Marie Miller, Stephanie Bullock, Thyme Hansson

  2. In tonight’s class: • Schedule? Introduction

  3. Referencedetailed bibliographic information expands citation used in body of assignment • In text: Tiffen suggests that newsworthiness is subject to fashion and trends, and once a scandal is created it feeds upon itself (1999, p. 90). A scandal may become a self consuming entity, as fashion and trends dictate newsworthiness (Tiffen 1999, p. 90) • Reference List: Tiffen, R 1999, Scandals: media, politics, corruption in contemporary Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney.

  4. Reference Listcomplete list of works used in assignment • Alchemist 1998, Eve of the war, CD-ROM, Alchemist & D.W. Norton, Australia. • Brooks, C c1979, Understanding fiction, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. • Collins, B 2002, Mapping earth’s final frontier, GeoWorld, vol. 15, no. 2, Feb. 2002, pp. 28-31. • Miller, A 1998, Strategic management, 3rd edn, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass. • Roberts, J 1993, Marketing for the hospitality industry, Hodder & Stoughton, London. • Valentine, JW 1997, Animal evolution, In McGraw-Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, vol. 1, pp. 675-681.

  5. Example of writing with multiple citations from same book: • Reference List • Only referred to once

  6. A reference must be included when you: Paraphrase: express someone else’s ideas in your own work Summarise: express someone else’s idea in your own words Quote: express someone else’s idea in their exact words Copy: reproduce a diagram, graph, or table from someone else’s work

  7. It is acceptable to paraphrase, summarise, quote and copy PROVIDEDyou acknowledge the source ….otherwise you are plagiarising

  8. Plagiarise: ‘to appropriate and pass off (the ideas or words ofanother) as one’s own’ [Latin plagiarius kidnapper, from plagium kidnapping, from Greek plagion]. (The new penguin English dictionary 2000)

  9. Academic Misconduct by CIT Students Policy • Academic misconduct: Any actions undertaken by a student that unfairly advances his or her progress in a subject and/or program. Academic misconduct will include plagiarism and cheating. • Plagiarism: Those actions by a student that use the ideas, words or work of another person without acknowledging the sources of the ideas, words or work. • Cheating: Those actions by a student that attempt to actually give the student or another student an unfair or dishonest advantage in an assessment event, or unfairly or dishonestly disadvantage other students in an assessment event.

  10. How to reference: 1. Determine system used by institution/teacher Two most common types of referencing systems: Author-date systems: Harvard system →system used by CIT APA (American Psychological Association) MLA Numerical systems: Chicago or Turabian Vancouver Footnote

  11. How to reference: 2. Provide relevant details Author (s) name Date of Publication Title Edition Publisher’s name Place of Publication The format will determine the details required

  12. Reference List: Formats

  13. Reference List: Formats • Format • Reference • CD-ROM • Alchemist 1998, Eve of the war, CD-ROM, Alchemist & D.W. Norton, Australia. • Book? • Brooks, C c1979, Understanding fiction, Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. • Journal • Collins, B 2002, Mapping earth’s final frontier, GeoWorld, vol. 15, no. 2, Feb. 2002, pp. 28-31. • ? • Miller, A 1998, Strategic management, 3rd edn, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass. • ? • Roberts, J 1993, Marketing for the hospitality industry, Hodder & Stoughton, London • Encyclopaedia • Valentine, JW 1997, Animal evolution, In McGraw-Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, vol. 1, pp. 675-681.

  14. Exercise: Use Acknowledging the source to write a reference Write reference on white-board OR Groups of 2/3 Which of the references refers to the item? – multiple choice (sheet with 3 x references of same item, and the item referenced [– map, encyclopaedia, video, dvd, journal article, newspaper article, website, kit] use acknowledge the source to determine correct citation) 5/10 min? have this on a wiki? And students to submit answer? Or go around class and say answer, correct it if need be, (on piece of paper each one so all students know what they are talking about?) or up on screen and then all of the correct answers and reasons will be on the Wiki for further use. Quiz = 6 x questions??

  15. How to reference: 2. Record details as you research Photocopy title page Copy and paste relevant details from websites Print details Word feature …any other suggestions?

  16. Links: Harvard /author date system • University of South Australia: http://www.unisa.edu.au/ltu/students/study/referencing/harvard.pdf Book: Author’s surname, First name or Initials Publication date, Title (in italics OR if your work is handwritten underline the title), Publisher, Place of publication. Example: James, PD 2001, Death in holy orders, Faber and Faber, London.

  17. Reference • Kalkadunga man is an ‘absorbing sonic and visual experience’(citation), featuring William Barton on didgeridoo.

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