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Sakai Enterprise Integration and Tool Enhancements at Georgia Tech

Sakai Enterprise Integration and Tool Enhancements at Georgia Tech. Dan McCallum Developer, Unicon, Inc. Overview Source Control Banner Integration User Identity Email Whitelisting Other Enhancements. Overview. Project Outline.

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Sakai Enterprise Integration and Tool Enhancements at Georgia Tech

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  1. Sakai Enterprise Integration and Tool Enhancements at Georgia Tech Dan McCallum Developer, Unicon, Inc

  2. Overview • Source Control • Banner Integration • User Identity • Email Whitelisting • Other Enhancements

  3. Overview

  4. Project Outline • Implementation planning session in Atlanta Dec 11 – 13, 2006. • Development Feb – Mid-April, 2007. • TSquare (https://t-square.gatech.edu/) pilot launched May 11, 2007. • Georgia Tech OIT and CETL provided SA, DBA, QA, SME resources • Unicon and Aeroplane Software provided development, SA, QA

  5. Development Targets • Content migration from WebCT (see http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/CONF07/Migration+Tool+for+WebCT+4.1) • Automated Sakai worksite and enrollment provisioning from Banner (approx 5000 course sections for summer) • Unique user identity management requirements • Other Sakai enhancements/extensions: • Worksite email whitelist publication • TSquare Skin • Assignment auto-submission • SIS-related UI extensions • Improved support for cross-service database transactions

  6. Source Control

  7. Source Code Overlay SVN community trunk A B B checkout local export A B

  8. The Theory • Avoid complex vendor drops (burned in the past, esp 2.1 -> 2.2) • Expected to make few modify community code • Wanted to be able to easily identify modified community code

  9. The Reality • Just doesn’t scale • By the end of phase 1, just about every update would fail or at least it seemed that way • Difficult to merge community maintenance releases • Local mods always win • Updates don’t include latest community code • Have to remember to check in “baseline” code prior to committing local mods • Annoying, continual svn:ignore updates

  10. SCM – Phase 2 • Migrated to a conventional vendor drop approach tracking 2.4.x maintenance branch • Manageable so long as drops are frequent and/or changesets are small.

  11. Vendor Code Drop SVN vendor merge trunk current A A B B dropX A B checkout local A B

  12. Banner Integration

  13. Architecture

  14. GaTech Course Models – Independent • Banner CourseSection == Sakai worksite • 75% of Banner courses

  15. Independent Course Handling Worksite X Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 Sakai Banner Worksite Y Crn: 22222 Term: 200701 CourseSection X Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 Worksite Z Crn: 33333 Term: 200701 CourseSection Y Crn: 22222 Term: 200701 CourseSection Z Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 JMS Handle Course Create XML Messages Send Course Create XML Messages

  16. GaTech Course Models - Linked • Courses have some dependency relationship known to the SIS • E.g. a lecture with several “linked” labs • Grades typically reported under one course within a linked set • 10% of Banner courses • Linkage data not conveyed in LDIS messages

  17. Linked Course Handling Worksite X Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 Sakai Banner Section Y Crn: 22222 CourseSection X Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 links Section Z Crn: 33333 CourseSection Y Crn: 22222 Term: 200701 CourseSection Z Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 JMS Send Course Create XML Messages Handle Course Create XML Messages

  18. GaTech Course Models – Cross-Listed/Combined • Multiple Banner CourseSections treated as a single entity, except for grading • Two variations: • Cross-listed, i.e. “equivalencies” • Combined, i.e. ad-hoc peer course relationships • 5%+ of Banner Courses

  19. Cross Listed Course Handling Banner Worksite XX Crn: XLSXX200701 Term: 200701 Sakai Crosslist Group XX ID: XLSXX200701 CourseSection X Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 Section X Crn: 11111 CourseSection Y Crn: 22222 Term: 200701 CourseSection Z Crn: 11111 Term: 200701 Section Y Crn: 22222 Section Z Crn: 33333 JMS Send Course Create XML Messages Handle Course Create XML Messages

  20. Candidate Enhancements • Composite cross-listed worksite titles • Sakai-to-Banner gradebook push • Performance improvements • CM-backed implementation • Automated linked CourseSection handling • Sakai dashboarding, deep-linking from portal • Automated worksite aliasing

  21. User Identity

  22. GaTech AuthN • Two basic problems: • Users with multiple login IDs need access to a single Sakai account • Identifier type ambiguity in UserDirectoryService and UserDirectoryProvider method arguments • Custom UserDirectoryProvider • Sets UserEdit.eid to a GUID read from LDAP • Heuristics for guessing at lookup key (i.e. user ID) types • Extends refactored JLDAPDirectorProvider in contrib (more flexible attribute mapping, pluggable connection mgmt, parameter scrubbing, etc etc etc) • Would be nice to see first-class distinction between authentication, integration and display user IDs

  23. GaTech AuthZ • Users’ access to Sakai controlled by LDAP “entitlements” attributes • Entitlements enforced even if user authenticated via CAS • GaTechUserDirectoryService.authorizeUserLogin(User) • Custom AuthenticationManager post-processes user authentication

  24. GaTech AuthN/AuthZ : LoginTool <<AuthenticationManager>> : GaTechUserAuthnComp : AuthenticationManager <<UserDirectoryService>> : GaTechUserDirectoryService <<UserDirectoryProvider>> : GaTechUserDirectoryProvider doPost() authenticate(:Evidence) authenticate(:Evidence) authenticate(eid,pass) getUserByEid(eid) getUserId(eid) isGtDirectoryId(eid) user : UserEdit false new() getUserByAccountId(user,eid) [LDAP search] setEid(directoryId) [set other attrs] authenticateUser(eid,user,pass) [LDAP bind] true user : : Authentication authorizeUserLogin(user) authorizeUserLogin(userLoginId) [LDAP search] true : Authentication

  25. GaTech User Attributes • GaTechUserDirectoryService.getUserByImsId(String) • New finder method for Banner services • Does UserDirectoryService interface need more generic search capability? • Confidential user attributes • Masked by default in LDAP • Sakai tools responsible for “unmasking”, e.g. to disambiguate students in the Gradebook • Minor mapping issues • Wiki stores EIDs in short db columns – had to trim values provided by LDAP • User mail-to email address not identical to lookup addresses • UserMembership Tool • Doesn’t scale for large, remote user bases • Postponed tool deployment

  26. Email Whitelisting

  27. Exporting Worksite Email Addrs • Need to publish addresses at which Sakai worksites receive email • Implemented as passive services with an Axis wrapper • Web services polled periodically by GaTech mail exchanger

  28. SiteMailQueryService /** * An interface defining a way to ask Sakai for all of the email * addresses that belong to its sites. */ publicinterface SiteMailQueryService { /** * * @return a Collection of objects that represent the email addresses of all the sites in Sakai * * @see SiteMailAddresses */ Collection<SiteMailAddresses> getCurrentSiteMailAddresses(); }

  29. GaTechSiteMailQueryServiceFacade publicinterface GaTechSiteMailQueryServiceFacade { /** * * @param sessionId the id for a currently valid Sakai * session, used as an authorization token * @return an array of all the email addresses assigned to * all the sites in Sakai * @throws AxisFault */ public String[] getCurrentSiteMailAddresses(String sessionId) throws AxisFault; }

  30. Other Enhancements

  31. Brand Application • Continuity of the Georgia Tech brand to Sakai

  32. Brand Application • Elegant navigation

  33. Brand Application • Cross browser consistency

  34. Service Decorators • Gradebook and Assignments • An alternative to extending or directly modifying concrete service implementations • Results in more portable extensions – across institutions and across Sakai versions • For example, schools already running a custom AssignmentService impl could reuse the Georgia Tech feature add without modifying either their code or BasicAutoSubmitAssignmentService • Still need to modify components.xml, which usually involves a rebuild of that service

  35. Assignment Auto-Submission • Draft assignments automatically submitted as a side-effect of querying AssignmentService for Submissions • Auto-submission boundary determined by “Accept Until” Assignment attribute (i.e. Assignment.closeTime). • Optional – instructors can choose canonical or auto-submit mode when placing tool • Another service wrapping exercise

  36. Wrapping AssignmentService publicabstractclass DecoratableAssignmentService implements AssignmentService { protected AssignmentService assignmentService; publicvoid setAssignmentService(AssignmentService assignmentService) { this.assignmentService = assignmentService; } public AssignmentEdit addAssignment(String context) throws PermissionException { return assignmentService.addAssignment(context); } public AssignmentContentEdit addAssignmentContent(String context) throws PermissionException { return assignmentService.addAssignmentContent(context); } // etc etc etc… } Injected delegate pass-through pass-through

  37. Wrapping AssignmentService publicclass BasicAutoSubmitAssignmentService extends DecoratableAssignmentService implements AutoSubmitAssignmentService{ privateboolean shouldAutoSubmitByDefault; public AssignmentSubmission getSubmission(String submissionId) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException { if (shouldAutoSubmit()) { AssignmentSubmission submission = assignmentService.getSubmission(submissionId); if (submission == null) { returnnull; } Assignment assignment = submission.getAssignment(); // is the assignment close time after now, // or is the assignment already submitted? if (assignment.getCloseTime().after(TimeService.newTime()) || submission.getSubmitted()) { return submission; } else { submit(submission, assignment.getCloseTime()); return assignmentService.getSubmission(submissionId); } } else { returnsuper.getSubmission(submissionId); } } publicboolean shouldAutoSubmit() { try { Properties toolProps = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getConfig(); return Boolean.parseBoolean(toolProps.getProperty("autoSubmit")); // the NullPointer exception means the service was called without // executing within a tool context, so we fall back to the default. } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return shouldAutoSubmitByDefault; } } // ... Etc etc etc … } Auto-submit logic Placement-scoped Auto-submit behavior

  38. Wrapping AssignmentService <beans> <bean id="org.sakaiproject.assignment.impl.AssignmentService" class="org.sakaiproject.assignment.impl.DbAssignmentService" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy" singleton="true"> <property name="memoryService"> <ref bean="org.sakaiproject.memory.api.MemoryService"/> </property> <property name="sqlService"> <ref bean="org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService"/> </property> <!-- snip --> </bean> <bean id="org.sakaiproject.assignment.api.AssignmentService" class="edu.gatech.sakai.assignment.BasicAutoSubmitAssignmentService" singleton="true"> <property name="assignmentService"> <ref bean="org.sakaiproject.assignment.impl.AssignmentService"/> </property> <property name="shouldAutoSubmitByDefault"> <value>false</value> </property> </bean> </beans> Std bean config Decoration

  39. Wrapping Gradebook publicclass GaTechDeleteSuppressingGradebookContextObserver implements EntityProducer, ContextObserver { private ContextObserver gradebookContextObserver; private EntityProducer gradebookEntityProducer; publicvoid init() { EntityManager.registerEntityProducer(this, null); } public Entity getEntity(Reference ref) { return gradebookEntityProducer.getEntity(ref); } publicvoid contextCreated(String context, boolean toolPlacement) { gradebookContextObserver.contextCreated(context, toolPlacement); } // disabled cascaded deletion by NOT passing this call through publicvoid contextDeleted(String context, boolean toolPlacment) { // do nothing } // … etc etc etc … } Technically, needn’t be the same object pass-throughs Disabled cascaded deletion

  40. SIS Properties - Section Info Tool

  41. Group Properties - Admin Sites Tool

  42. JMX • Banner services monitored and managed via JMX beans • Very easy to configure and deploy with Spring and Tomcat • Except that JMX RMI involves two ports, one of which floats • Deployed a slightly modified version of a workaround originally published by George Lindholm

  43. JConsole

  44. Ant <property name="jmx.url" value="service:jmx:rmi://localhost:10889/jndi/rmi://localhost:10888/server" /> <target name="startJms" description="Show JMX Cluster state"> <jmx:open url="${jmx.url}"/> <jmx:invoke name="LDIS:name=JmsMessageReceiver" operation="start"/> <jmx:get name="LDIS:name=JmsMessageReceiver" attribute="Running" resultproperty="running" echo="false"/> <echo> LDIS:name=JmsMessageReceiver Running: ${running} </echo> </target>

  45. Q&A

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