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Seminar Kecemerlangan SPM 2010. A. I. N. G. L. O. D. CHEMISTRY PAPER 3. KAMAL ARIFFIN BIN SAAIM SMK DATO’ BENTARA LUAR BATU PAHAT e-mel : kamal_ariffin2006@yahoo.com website: http://kemhawk.webs.com/. 1.
Seminar Kecemerlangan SPM 2010 A I N G L O D CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 KAMAL ARIFFIN BIN SAAIM SMK DATO’ BENTARA LUAR BATU PAHAT e-mel : kamal_ariffin2006@yahoo.com website: http://kemhawk.webs.com/ 1
10/3/2014 : Seminar Pengajaran Berkesan SPM Macam mana nak ajar anak murid aku jawab kimia kertas 3? DILEMMA KITA Jawapannya ialah …… 2
Chemistry Paper 3 : 2003 until now …….. To Master Chemistry Paper 3 is To Know Chemistry Paper 3 And the most important is ……..
TAKE 5 Why it’s a must to implement all the scientific process skill to our young ones? JOM KIMIA A+ SCIENTIST DOCTOR PHARMACIST DENTIST
Perkara-perkara yang akan diuji adalah berdasarkan kemahiran proses sains yang disenaraikan dalam buku ini HARI INI: I. Kemahiran Proses Sains II. Penskoran
10/3/2014 : Seminar Pengajaran Berkesan SPM Section I: KEMAHIRAN PROSES SAINS Memerhati Mengelas Mengukur menggunakan nombor Membuat inferens Meramal Berkomunikasi Menggunakan perhubungan ruang dan masa Mentafsir data Mendefinisikan secara operasi Mengawal pembolehubah Menyatakan hipotesis Mengeksperimen 6
MEMERHATI Kebolehan menggunakan deria penglihatan, pendengaran. Sentuhan, rasa, bau untuk mengumpulkan maklumat tentang objek dan fenomena MENGELAS Kebolehan mengasingkan dan mengumpulkan objek atau fenomena kepada kumpulan berdasarkan kriteria tertentu seperti ciri atau sifat. Pengumpulan ini adalah berdasarkan ciri atau sifat sepunya MENGUKUR DAN MENGGUNAKAN NOMBOR Kebolehan mengumpul maklumat secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan nombor atau / dan unit piawai. Pengukuran menjadikan pemerhatian lebih jitu 7
MEMBUAT INFERENS Kebolehan membuat kesimpulan awal yang munasabah, yang mungkin benar atau tidak benar, untuk menerangkan sesuatu peristiwa atau pemerhatian. MERAMAL Kebolehan membuat jangkaan tentang sesuatu peristiwa berdasarkan pemerhatian dan pengalaman yang lalu atau data yang boleh dipercayai. BERKOMUNIKASI Kebolehan menerima, memilih, mengorganisasi dan mempersembahkan maklumat atau idea dalam pelbagai bentuk seperti tulisan, lisan, jadual, graf, rajah skema atau model, carta alir dan carta bar. 8
MENGGUNAKAN PERHUBUNGAN RUANG DAN MASA Kebolehan memperihalkan perubahan parameter seperti bentuk, saiz, isipadu dan jisim sesuatu objek dengan masa. MENTAFSIR DATA Kebolehan memberi penerangan yang rasional tentang objek, peristiwa atau pola daripada data yang dikumpulkan. MENDEFINISIKAN SECARA OPERASI Kebolehan memberi tafsiran tentang sesuatu konsep dengan menyatakan perkara yang dilakukan dan diperhatikan. MENGAWAL PEMBOLEHUBAH Kebolehan mengenalpasti pembolehubah dimanipulasi, bergerak balas dan yang dimalarkan. 9
MEMBUAT HIPOTESIS Kebolehan membuat suatu pernyataan umum tentang hubungan antara pembolehubah dimanipulasi dengan pembolehubah bergerak balas yang difikirkan benar bagi menerangkan sesuatu perkara atau peristiwa. Pernyataan ini perlu diuji untuk membuktikan kesahihannya. MENGEKSPERIMEN Kebolehan untuk mengenalpasti masalah, membuat hipotesis, merancang untuk menjalankan penyiasatan,memilih teknik serta alat dan bahan, menjalankan aktiviti mengikut perancangan untuk menguji hipotesis, mengumpul dan merekod data, mentafsir data dan membuat rumusan tentang penyiasatan atau semasa merekabentuk eksperimen. 10
TAKE 5 How to implement all the scientific skill process?
Terapkan kemahiran proses sains semasa melakukan eksperimen, ianya bergantung atas kreativiti kita! 12
Prof Bob Burk Experiment Click me HANDOUT Alkali metals with water Alkali metals with oxygen
10/3/2014 : Seminar Pengajaran Berkesan SPM Section II: PENSKORAN Cuba buat latihan yang disertakan sekarang! 14
10/3/2014 : Seminar Pengajaran Berkesan SPM 2010 PENSKORAN SPM Paper 3 2009 Question No. 1 Question No. 2 Question No. 3 [Click button to see the question] CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 15
2010 Question no. 1(a) Able to state three different observations and three corresponding compare correctly [Accept: matching correct inferences from less accurate observations] Sample answer 16 All correct 6 marks, and so on.
2010 Question no. 1(b) Score 3: Able to state the hypothesis correctly Accept: [correct MV in 1(c)] affect/produce [correct RV in 1(c)] Sample answer • When copper or carbon used different products are formed • 2. Different types of electrode (produced different)/affects [product] • 3. Type of electrode affect ion (discharge)/(atom ionized) 17
2010 Question no. 1(b) Score 2: Able to state the hypothesis less accurately Sample answer • Copper/carbon produce/affect [different products] • 2. Types of electrode affect the colour of CuSO4 • 3. Copper produces copper(II) ions/Cu2+ • 4. Carbon produce oxygen/OH- ions Note: Sample answer 3 and 4 is example of ½ MV and ½ RV 18
2010 Question no. 1(b) Score 1: Able to state an idea of hypothesis Sample answer • Different cells give different products • 2. The higher/lower the position of ions/metal in ECS, the higher/lower the tendency of ions to be discharged Score 0: No response or wrong response [MV ada, tapi tiada RV] Sample answer • Different electrode/(carbon and copper) is used as electrode 19
2010 Question no. 1(c) Score 3: Able to state the three variables correctly Sample answer Manipulated variable Type of electrodes // carbon and copper [Accept: Electrodes // pair of electrodes] Responding variable Product at the anode/electrode // product of electrolysis // oxygen or copper ions // intensity blue solution // Ions discharged or atoms ionized 20
2010 Question no. 1(c) Sample answer Fixed variable Type of solution // concentration of solution/electrolyte // Time [Accept: Copper(II) sulphate/CuSO4 // electrolyte] [Accept: Volume and concentration] [Reject: Volume] Score 2: Able to state any two variables correctly Score 1: Able to state any one variables correctly 21
2010 Question no. 1(d) Score 3: Able to classify all the solutions correctly Answer Score 2: Able to classify any two solutions correctly Score 1: Able to classify any one solutions correctly Note: Jika kelaskan terbalik semuanya score 1 Jika semua larutan disenaraikan dalam kedua column score 0 22
2010 Question no. 1(e) Score 3: Able to state the changes of Cu2+ correctly for both cell Sample answer Cell I Concentration/number/mole of Cu2+ ions decreases // Concentrations/mole of CuSO4 decreases // Cu2+ ions is discharged/reduce Reject: Cu2+ become Cu Note: ‘become’ is not acceptable coz not scientific process score 1 Note: - if ‘amount’ is stated score 2 - if ion/solution is not named score 2 23
2010 Cell I Concentration/number/mole of Cu2+ ions remains/constant/ unchanged // Concentrations/mole of CuSO4 remains/constant/ unchanged // Number/rate of Cu2+ ions discharged/reduce equal/same // Cu2+ ions in solution is replaced with Cu2+ from anode/positive electrode Score 2: Able to state the changes of Cu2+ concentration for any one of the cell Score 1: Able to state an idea of changes of Cu2+ 24
2010 Question no. 1(f)(i) Score 3: Able to draw a labeled diagram of electroplating correctly Sample answer Silver/argentum Iron key Silver nitrate solution Jika larutan tidak dilorekkan score 2 Jika kedua-dua elektrod dilabelkan sebagai ‘iron key’ score 2 Jika simbol ‘+’ dan ‘-’ terbalik pada diagram bateri score 1 Jika bateri diganti dengan ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer score 1 25
2010 Question no. 1(f)(ii) Score 3: Able to predict a change on the key correctly Sample answer The size/mass of key increases // The key shiny/grey/silvery // The key is coated with silver plated/electroplated [Accept: ‘thicker’ score 3 ] [Reject : ‘shape’ , ‘precipitate’ score 0 ] 26
2010 Question no. 1(f)(ii) Score 2: Able to predict a change on the key less accurately Sample answer The size/mass of key changes // The key coated with metal Score 1: Able to give an idea of predicting a changes on the key Sample answer The key changes [Reject : ‘rust’ , ‘expand’ score 0 ] [Reject : warna berubah perang score 0 ] 27
2010 Question no. 2(a) Score 3: Able to record the burette reading accurately and write the volume of gas correctly Answer 2 decimal place score 3 1 decimal place score 2 Jika ‘reading’ diambil salah (26.5 dan 23.5), volume yang dinyatakan betul berdasarkan bacaan awal score 2 Jika ‘reading’ yg diambil betul, volume dinyatakan salah score 1 28
2010 Question no. 2(b) Score 3: Able to state the change of volume of gas evolved accurately Sample answer The volume of gas increases until/then 210 seconds/ 32 cm3 // The volume of gas increases until completely reacted / no more reaction 29
2010 Question no. 2(b) Score 2: Able to state the change of volume of gas evolved less accurately Sample answer The volume of gas increases Score 1: Able to give an idea on the change of volume of gas Sample answer The volume of gas change 30
2010 Question no. 2(c) Score 3: Able to state the meaning of the rate of reaction correctly Sample answer The volume of gas evolved per/over time/second // = volume of gas time/second [Terima dalam bentuk hubungan/formula] 31
2010 Score 2: Able to state the meaning of the rate of reaction less accurately Sample answer The volume of gas evolved per/over minute/hour // Change/increase of volume of gas against time // Volume a gas against time // Time taken for certain volume of gas // 32 . 210 Score 1: Able to give an idea for the meaning of the rate of reaction Sample answer The change/increase/decrease in the amount of products/reactants 32
TAKE 5 All For Love to our students….. 33
2010 Question no. 3(a) Score 3: Able to give the problem statement correctly Sample answer What is the relationship between the concentration of acid/H+ and the pH value ? // Does the pH increases/changes when concentration of acid/H+ decreases/changes ? // Does the concentration of acid/H+ affect the pH ? If direction is wrong score 2 Example: [concentration higher, pH higher] [ concentration lower, pH lower] 34
2010 Score 2: Able to state the problem statement less accurately Sample answer To determine/investigate the relationship between the concentration of acid/H+ and the pH value // [State the aim of experiment] How does the pH value affect the concentration of acid/H+? [State ‘pH’ before ‘concentration’] Does the concentration affect the pH? [Does not state ‘H+/acid’ in the prob. statement] Score 1: Able to give an idea of problem statement Concentration affect/changes the pH Score 0: Wrong response How does concentration acid affect rate of reaction 35
2010 Question no. 3(b) Score 3: Able to state the three variables correctly Sample answer Manipulated variable Concentration/molarities [of acid] // [state all the concentration] Responding variable pH value // colour of [pH paper] / [universal/pH indicator] Constant variable Acid // type of acid Score 2: Able to state any two variables correctly Score 1: Able to state any one variable correctly 36
2010 Question no. 3(c) Score 3: Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable correctly with direction Sample answer The higher/lower the concentration/molarities [of acid/H+], the lower/higher the pH // When concentration [of acid/H+] high/low, the pH value is high/low Higher Lower [ada ‘direction’] : score 3 When high Low [ ada ‘direction’] : score 3 High Low [ tiada ‘direction’] : score 2 37
2010 Score 2: Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable without stating the direction Sample answer The higher/lower the concentration/molarities [of acid/H+], will change/affect the pH // Different concentration, have different pH value // The pH is inversely/directly proportional to concentration Score 1: Able to state an idea of the hypothesis direction Sample answer Concentration/molarities affect the pH // Concentration change, the pH change 38
2010 Question no. 3(d) Score 3: Able to list completely the materials and apparatus Sample answer Materials 0.1 mol dm-3, 0.01 mol dm-3, 0.001 mol dm-3, 0.0001 mol dm-3 , nitric acid Apparatus pH meter/paper / [universal/pH indicator], [any suitable indicator] Accept: Concentration stated in diagram/procedure Nitric acid as ‘material’ cannot refer from diagram/ procedure (sebab bilangan ‘material’ sedikit) 39
2010 Score 2: Able to list incompletely the materials and apparatus Sample answer Materials: Nitric acid Apparatus pH meter/paper / [universal/pH indicator], [any suitable container] Score 1: Able to give an idea of the materials and apparatus Sample answer Materials : Acid Apparatus pH meter/paper / [universal/pH indicator] / [any acid-base Indicator] / [any suitable container] 40
2010 Question no. 3(e) Score 3: Able to state the step correctly Sample answer • [0.1 mol dm-3] nitric acid is poured into [any suitable container] • [if volume stated must match with container] • [If water is added score2 coz the solution is diluted] • 2. pH meter/paper/rod/probe/electrode is immersed/ dipped into acid // • Put in (a few)/(1-5) drops/ (1-2 cm3) of universal indicator into acid • [1 drop = 0.05 cm3, so if 5 drops = 0.25 cm3 • thus better don’t use volume for indicator] 41
3. pH is recorded/tabulated/write down/copy 4. (Steps 1-3)/experiment are repeated using 0.01 mol dm-3, 0.001 mol dm-3, 0.0001 mol dm-3 nitric acid Note: In step 2 - If litmus paper use as indicator score 2 In step 3 – pH/colour is recorded If use acid-base titration procedure score 0
2010 Question no. 3(f) Score 2: Able to exhibit the tabulation of data that includes the following information • Heading for the manipulated variable • (concentration/molarities of acid with correct unit) • 2. Heading for the responding variable (pH value) • (match correct responding variable in 3(b) Sample answer 43
2010 Question no. 3(f) Score 1: Able to exhibit the tabulation of data includes • Heading for the manipulated variable • 2. Heading for the responding variable / observation Sample answer Accept: MV calon Accept: RV calon 44
TO BE CONTINUE…………………… [Cartoon time Click me]