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1. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 1 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Environmental Management System(EMS) Process Update March 25, 2004 Tele-Video Conference
Information Exchange with
US Department of Energy Laboratories
Richard Cellamare
Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention Coordinator
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
2. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 2 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Operated by Stanford University for DOE
Performs research in high energy physics (2-mile linear accelerator) & disciplines using synchrotron radiation
3. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 3 SLAC EMS DOE Certification Plan-of-Action (POA) SLAC will be required to have a DOE certified EMS in place by 12/31/05 as required by DOE Order 450.1 (which is a part of the Work Smart Standards Set in DOE/Stanford University Contract DE-AC03-76-SF00515, most current modification).
4. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 4 2004 POA Target Date Status 3/2/04 Draft POA to ES&HD AD/DHs - Completed
3/8/04 Revised POA to ES&HCC & Kick-off Presentation - Completed
3/18/04 Formally Appoint EMS Working Group (EMSWG) Members - Completed
3/22/04 EMSWG Membership & Charter Issued – Completed
3/24/04 Updated Approved POA to DOE/SSO - Open
3/29/04 DOE/SSO Letter to Director re EMS Schedule/Expectations - Open
4/19/04 EMS Goals and Programmatic Documentation Drafted for Comment - Open
4/30/04 Finalize Proposed EMS Goals for FY04 (1st Development Year) - Open
Late May 2004 Peer/Contractor Env. Mgmt. Review (Initial Gaps Analysis) - Open
6/1/04 Draft ISMS/EMS Description Document Completed - Open
9/20/04 Complete Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) /Finish Quick Fixes for EMS Gaps - Open
10/4/04 Complete Final Documentation/Reviews/CAPs - Open
5. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 5 2005 POA Target Date Status February 2005 EPA Environmental Management Review (Gaps Analysis) - Open
1/3/05 Finalize EMS Goals for FY05 (2nd Development Year) - Open
2/21/05 Complete CAPs/Finish Quick Fixes for EMS Gaps/Validate Completed Corrective Actions (CAs) - Open
3/24/05 EMS Package Approved by ES&HCC - Open
3/31/05 Final EMS Package Approved by Director - Open
5/30/05 Final Approved EMS Package to DOE/SSO - Open
6/27-30/05 DOE/SSO & DOE/HQ EMS Cert. Review (guidance not yet available) - Open
7/25/05 Complete CAPs for DOE EMS Certification Review CAs - Open
9/26/05 Complete CAs/long-term Plans - Open
9/30/05 Finalize EMS Goals for FY06 (1st Implementation Year) - Open
10/3/05 Final EMS Package to DOE/SSO for Approval (“DOE Cert.” IAW DOE O 450.1) - Open
12/31/05 DOE Certified SLAC EMS Program in Place and Implemented - Open
6. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 6 General Approaches & Resources Using in-house personnel – developed an EMS Working Group.
Environmental Policy will be further developed from earlier one.
Developing EMS with consideration to existing SLAC Integrated Safety Management System.
Performing Gaps Analysis with iterations to fine tune Targets and Objectives.
Using SLAC Environmental Program Managers for first-cut Gap Analysis.
Using third party consultant and considering EPA for subsequent Gap Analysis reviews.
Considering use of EMS software to track EMS element progress & documentation.
7. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 7 Preliminary Environmental Aspects Review Products, Services, Activities
Our major product is Research under DOE SC
Experimental & Supporting Process Equipment - Design, Fabricate, Operate, & Maintain
Building & Facilities Management – Construct, Operate, Maintain, & Decommission
8. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 8 Preliminary EMS Targets & Objectives Performance Measures & Environmental Metrics (Phased Approach)
Hazardous Waste Generation
Ozone Depleting Substance Phase
Total TRI Releases
Vehicle Usage
PCB Transformer Usage
Vehicle Fleet Age
Water Consumption & Recycling
NOx Emissions
Electricity Usage
Solid Waste Generation
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Mixed Waste Reduction
Metal Recycling
9. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 9 SLAC EMS Chronology 2001-02 2001: DOE Notice 450.4 – “Assignment of Responsibilities for Executive Order (EO) 13148, Greening the Gov’t through Leadership In Environmental Management.”
2001: Chemical Management Regulatory Review – Regulatory requirements for SLAC were reviewed in detail.
2001: Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency (P2/E2) Plan – SLAC developed in response to DOE “P2/E2 Leadership Goals for Fiscal Year 2000 and Beyond.”
2001: DOE EMS Self-Assessment Questionnaire – SLAC identifies an EMS strategy based on incorporation within the ISMS process.
2002: ISMS Phase 3 – SLAC provided increased focus on evaluating ISMS in terms of performance measures and developed more focused training of managers on ISMS process implementation.
2002: Request for Information (RFI) – An RFI was issued to 15 vendors; responses were evaluated; selected the Chemical Management Services (CMS) alternative rather than the Chemical Management Information Systems (CMIS) alternative.
2002: Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) – Scoped the Environmental Protection Program data management needs; preliminary discussions were held with 11 vendors to discuss capabilities and software offerings.
10. EMS Tele-Video Conference 3/25/04 10 SLAC EMS Chronology 2003-Present 2003: DOE Order 450.1 – “Environmental Protection Program” is the first DOE Directive focused on having an EMS program as a part of the contractor requirements.
2003: CMS Source Selection Board (SSB) and Request for Proposal (RFP) – A selection board was appointed and an RFP issued to about 10 vendors; a bidder’s conference was held.
2003: SLAC makes progress toward meeting P2/E2 Goals/Commitments for hazardous waste reduction, solid waste recycling, ODS, TRI Chemicals, electric vehicle usage.
2003: SLAC initiates more formalized development of an EMS in response to DOE Order 450.1 & EO 13148.
2003: EDMS RFI – Issued RFI to 11 vendors and several vendors made on-site presentations.
2003: EDMS System Selection – From RFI responses and discussion with LLNL, Application Service Provider-type data management system was selected; an RFP was issued to 4 vendors; a contract award was made to Locus Technologies.
2004: CMS Implementation – The formal SSB selection report for a CMS contract; SLAC Source Selection Official approved.