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10 August, 2009 Secretary General The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hideharu Tsubota

Membership Services of Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 10 August, 2009 Secretary General The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hideharu Tsubota. Big 3 Elements of the Chamber Balanced membership, finance and Activities and Secretariat. Members. Secretariat. Activities.

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10 August, 2009 Secretary General The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hideharu Tsubota

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  1. Membership Services of Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry 10 August, 2009 Secretary General The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hideharu Tsubota

  2. Big 3 Elements of the ChamberBalanced membership, finance and Activities and Secretariat Members Secretariat Activities Finance

  3. Organization of Chamber of Commerce 515 Local Chambers (Total Membership 138 million) JCCI Tokyo CCI (About 80,000) Osaka CCI (About 30,000) Other Local CCIs Registration of members Registration of members Proprietors of Commerce and Industry in all areas (4.0 million)

  4. Characteristics of activities by Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1) Membership organizations, targeted mostly at members • -Being public utility corporations, on the other hand, they must sometimes target non-members According to the governing law (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Law), they must not aim at profit-making • -Revenues are no problem if they come from nonprofit • activities. If there is a certain amount of revenues, they • are subject to income tax.

  5. Characteristics of activities by Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2) The target area is restricted • -Wide-area programs are sometimes more effective • -Alliance with neighboring chambers of commerce and industry • -Alliance among chambers of commerce and industry in similar environments As comprehensive “regional economic groups,” they aim to improve the life of general public • -They go beyond providing support for economic activities • -Also stipulated in the law

  6. Mutual-aid business In a tie-up with a life insurance company, we offer insurance to the proprietors and employees of the member companies at group-discount rates, taking advantage of the scale merit. Certification business For ability development and self-development of the employees, we implement tests that can be used for acquiring qualifications and for evaluation of abilities. Lectures for examinations and supply of educational materials In Japan, it is already highly evaluated as “an authoritative certification” Human resources fostering (seminars, etc.) • We hold various seminars for various positions such as the top • management, executives, managers, and general staff. • The themes are sales, general affairs, labor, law, finance/accounting, • foreign trade, etc. • We also offer correspondence courses

  7. Creation of business opportunities • Business negotiation meetings, business exchange plaza, support for participation in exhibitions, introduction of customers, information on foreign trade, business messages, registration of corporate information database, support for the making of websites, etc. Verification issuance • Certificate of origin • Certificate of invoice • Certificate of signature • Certificate of Japanese corporation • Certificate of membership • Electronic authentication service, online mark, registration of JAN code

  8. International private economic exchange • Bilateral or multilateral conferences, sending/receiving of economic missions • Holding of trade fairs and business negotiation meetings • Alliance of friendly cities/friendly chambers of commerce and industry Activities of divisional groups and committees • Divisional groups by line of business and committees by theme to exchange opinions on the problems/tasks faced ⇒ often provided as “policy suggestions/requests” to the parties concerned • Creation of business opportunities (business negotiation meetings, etc.) • (As above)

  9. Member exchange • Promotion of members’ mutual exchange (sightseeing tours, bowling games, sports, movie previews, business exchange parties for new members, etc.) Introduction of human resources • “Joint company presentations” targeted at graduating university students, support for recruiting activities on the Internet, outplacement of middle-aged people (Information Plaza of Human Resources) Industry–academia alliance • Support for new technology/new product development (exchange with universities and public testing laboratories) ⇒ site visits, e-mail newsletters, consultation service

  10. Management consultation/guidance • Consultation/guidance on corporate management in general • Gratuitous as a rule • Individual guidance at the consultation desk and collective guidance at seminars, etc. • Contents: • -Management, financing/funding, business initiation, laws, complaints/arbitration, finance, labor • -Patent, authorization, registration, evaluation of real estate • -Foreign trade, computerization, IT, environmental protection • -And other problems in general faced by small and medium • enterprises Guidance on bookkeeping • Daily bookkeeping mostly by self-employed people ⇒ Preparation of financial statements ⇒ Tax returns

  11. Fundingbusiness • -To business proprietors in need of equipment/working capital, we offer services for getting funds • Management improvement funds for small-sized businesses, etc. (preferential funding for management) • On the basis of the promotion by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, funds are loaned from government-run financial institutions at low rates • Main conditions (as of July10, 2009) • No collateral/no guarantor, maximum: 15 million yen (about US$158,000) • Period: 7 years(Operating fund) • 10years(Equipment fund), • Interest rate: 1.9% • *Available at any chamber of commerce and industry across Japan

  12. (2) Business loan for members of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry • On the recommendation of the Tokyo Chamber, funds are loaned at preferential rates from private financial institutions who work in alliance with the Tokyo Chamber. • Funding conditions such as interest rates and maximum amounts differ from one financial institution to another • * Tokyo Chamber’s unique funding system • (3) Funding and guarantee system to support business initiation • The Tokyo Chamber, Tokyo Credit Guarantee Association, and private financial institutions work in collaboration to supply preferential funds to business to be initiated or to businesses less than 5 years old • As a rule, no collateral required; maximum amount 25 million yen (about US$260,000); interest rate about 2% • * Tokyo Chamber’s unique funding system

  13. Awards to directors and employees • Raising of the morale of employees, etc. of member companies Medical check-up service • In collaboration with medical institutions, medical check-ups (cancer check-ups, etc.) are offered at a discount rate Support service for emergency response • Consultation when a member company faces an emergency Credit investigation of companies • Credit investigation of domestic/overseas companies is offered at membership rates

  14. Environmental/quality management service • Consultation service to acquire ISO14001 and ISO9001 certification Management safeguard service • Mutual-aid funding system in case a customer/supplier goes bankrupt Chamber’s Card • In collaboration with credit card companies, Tokyo Chamber’s unique card that offers preferential services is issued

  15. Certification business • (As above) Conference rooms for rent • As the building is situated in a good location, the rooms are in almost 100% operation Sales of publications • Textbooks/reference books forcertification tests • Research reports • Membership bulletin • Other various publications

  16. Supply of information/publicity • Supply of information useful for corporate management, PR of the Tokyo Chamber • Means are membership bulletin, website, seminar, publication, information center (library), press conference by chairman, press release, and other media release Management consultation/guidance • As a state policy, we also target non-member businesses • (Contents as above) Policy suggestions • Implementation of field research (questionnaires, hearings, etc.) • Policy suggestions/requests…we present them to the government, etc. and ask for realization

  17. Unique Business Activities by Chambers of Commerce and Industry

  18. Town-building business Promotion of a region by making use of the industry, environment, techniques, history, etc., which are unique to the town or region • -One-Village One-Product Project • It is successfully deployed in Thailand and Southeast Asia • -Support for the fostering of regional brands • By evolving the materials and techniques raised in a region, a new value across ages and national borders is intended to be created • -Promotion of tourism • Improvement of hospitality to promote or receive industrial tourism

  19. Activities by YEG (Young Entrepreneurs Group) and CCIBWC (Businesswomen’s Club) • -Young Entrepreneurs Group: YEG • Formed mostly by young proprietors or successors of member companies • At present they are established at 442 chambers of commerce and industry nation-wide with about 26,000 members • Activities are carried out with “youthfulness” and “action” on the front • -Businesswomen’s Club: CCIBWC • Members are female proprietors or directors of member companies • At present, they are established at 403chambers of commerce and industry nation-wide with 25,000 members • Engaged in social welfare activities, environmental protection, etc.

  20. Themes of business activitiesto be tackled in the future -IT -Health -Environment (global warming, energy saving) -Aging

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